"info":"Current information about the state of roads",
"report_broken_road":"Report Broken Road",
"road_map":"Road Map",
"latest_news":"Stay informed about the latest news on traffic, construction, and events!",
"enter_location":"Enter city, village, or region",
"broken_roads":"Broken road",
"accident_hotspots":"Accident hotspot",
"local_defects":"Local defect",
"repair_plans":"In repair plan",
"fixed_local_defects":"Fixed local defect",
"road_discussions":"Discussing roads: rating, experience, comfort on the way!",
"enter_address":"Enter address",
"read_more":"Read More"
"name":"Transparency International-Kyrgyzstan",
"description":"Branch of the international organization Transparency International in the Kyrgyz Republic.",
"mission":"Promoting effective public policy and good governance to prevent corruption and strengthen democracy in the country.",
"anti-corruption_education":"Anti-corruption education of the population, raising public awareness of the importance and significance of the fight against corruption in Kyrgyzstan;",
"study_of_corruption_practices":"Organization of the study of the practice and theory of combating corruption and the participation of civil society structures in Kyrgyzstan and other countries;",
"supporting_citizens_and_organizations":"Assistance to citizens and organizations in the implementation of their constitutional rights and freedoms;",
"international_experience":"Preferential orientation to international experience in reducing corruption, mastering its technologies and resources, as well as involving civil society structures in the international dialogue on combating corruption."
"received_votes":"Received Votes",
"left_votes":"Left Votes",
"personal_cabinet":"Personal Cabinet",
"personal_data":"Personal Data",
"my_appeals":"My Appeals",
"write_appeal":"Write Appeal",
"profile_photo":"Profile Photo",
"others_identification":"With a profile photo, other people will recognize you, and it will be easier for you to determine which account you logged into.",
"add_profile_photo":"Add Profile Photo",
"profile_photo_updated":"Profile Photo Updated",
"change_password":"Change Password",
"old_password":"Old Password",
"enter_old_password":"Enter Old Password",
"new_password":"New Password",
"enter_new_password":"Enter New Password",
"confirm_new_password":"Confirm New Password",
"confirm_new_password_prompt":"Please confirm the new password",
"forgot_password":"Forgot Password?",
"sign_in_account":"Sign in to Account",
"enter_credentials":"Please enter your credentials",
"login_via_google":"Login via Google",
"enter_password":"Enter Password",
"password_requirements":"Minimum 8 characters, 1 uppercase letter, and 1 digit",
"no_account_yet":"Don't have an account yet? Register",
"register_now":"Register Now",
"already_have_account":"Already have an account? Sign in",
"enter_email":"Enter Email",
"enter_email_for_code":"Enter email, and we will send a code to reset the password",
"send_code":"Send Code",
"confirm_code":"Confirm Code",
"enter_code":"Enter Code",
"enter_reset_code":"Enter code to reset and recover the password",
"reset_code":"Reset Code",
"reset_password":"Reset Password",
"check_email":"Check Your Email",
"code_sent_to":"We sent a code to the email name@gmail.com",
"confirmation_code":"Confirmation Code",
"resend_code_in":"Resend Code in",
"resend_code":"Resend Code"
"how_to_mark_road_section":"How to mark a road section?",
"mark_road_instructions":"Place a pin and start drawing a road section (it can consist of any number of broken lines).",
"remove_segment_instruction":"To remove a segment, click on the points again.",
"add_problem_description":"Add a problem description",
"enter_description":"Enter description",
"add_photos":"Add Photos",
"upload_photos_instructions":"Upload up to 5 photos related to the road you want to mark. Photos will help better understand the problem.",
"attach_file":"Attach File (up to 5 MB)",
"submit_for_moderation":"Submit for Moderation",
"appeal_submitted":"Your appeal has been submitted",
"thanks_for_appeal":"Thank you for your appeal. It is currently under moderation.",
"view_my_appeals":"View My Appeals"
"invalid_email_format":"Invalid email format.",
"passwords_do_not_match":"Passwords do not match.",
"required_field_not_filled":"Required field not filled.",
"exceeded_maximum_length":"Exceeded maximum length of the field.",
"login_required_before_commenting":"Please log in or register before leaving a comment.",
"login_required_before_like":"Please log in or register before liking."
"invalid_email_or_password":"Invalid email or password.",
"server_error_auth_attempt":"Server error during authentication attempt.",
"login_failed":"Failed to log in. Something went wrong, please try again later.",
"account_already_exists":"An account with this email already exists.",
"text":"This website is funded by the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of Transparency International Kyrgyzstan and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union."