2015-07-07 04:09:34 +00:00
This file trains a character - level multi - layer RNN on text data
Code is based on implementation in
https : // github.com / oxford - cs - ml - 2015 / practical6
but modified to have multi - layer support , GPU support , as well as
many other common model / optimization bells and whistles .
The practical6 code is in turn based on
https : // github.com / wojciechz / learning_to_execute
which is turn based on other stuff in Torch , etc ... ( long lineage )
] ] --
require ' torch '
require ' nn '
require ' nngraph '
require ' optim '
require ' lfs '
require ' util.OneHot '
require ' util.misc '
local CharSplitLMMinibatchLoader = require ' util.CharSplitLMMinibatchLoader '
local model_utils = require ' util.model_utils '
local LSTM = require ' model.LSTM '
2015-10-15 03:10:57 +00:00
local GRU = require ' model.GRU '
local RNN = require ' model.RNN '
2015-07-07 04:09:34 +00:00
cmd = torch.CmdLine ( )
cmd : text ( )
cmd : text ( ' Train a character-level language model ' )
cmd : text ( )
cmd : text ( ' Options ' )
-- data
cmd : option ( ' -data_dir ' , ' data/tinyshakespeare ' , ' data directory. Should contain the file input.txt with input data ' )
2015-07-15 03:24:21 +00:00
cmd : option ( ' -min_freq ' , 0 , ' min frequent of character ' )
2015-07-07 04:09:34 +00:00
-- model params
cmd : option ( ' -rnn_size ' , 128 , ' size of LSTM internal state ' )
cmd : option ( ' -num_layers ' , 2 , ' number of layers in the LSTM ' )
cmd : option ( ' -model ' , ' lstm ' , ' for now only lstm is supported. keep fixed ' )
-- optimization
cmd : option ( ' -learning_rate ' , 2e-3 , ' learning rate ' )
cmd : option ( ' -learning_rate_decay ' , 0.97 , ' learning rate decay ' )
cmd : option ( ' -learning_rate_decay_after ' , 10 , ' in number of epochs, when to start decaying the learning rate ' )
cmd : option ( ' -decay_rate ' , 0.95 , ' decay rate for rmsprop ' )
cmd : option ( ' -dropout ' , 0 , ' dropout for regularization, used after each RNN hidden layer. 0 = no dropout ' )
cmd : option ( ' -seq_length ' , 50 , ' number of timesteps to unroll for ' )
cmd : option ( ' -batch_size ' , 50 , ' number of sequences to train on in parallel ' )
cmd : option ( ' -max_epochs ' , 50 , ' number of full passes through the training data ' )
cmd : option ( ' -grad_clip ' , 5 , ' clip gradients at this value ' )
cmd : option ( ' -train_frac ' , 0.95 , ' fraction of data that goes into train set ' )
cmd : option ( ' -val_frac ' , 0.05 , ' fraction of data that goes into validation set ' )
-- test_frac will be computed as (1 - train_frac - val_frac)
cmd : option ( ' -init_from ' , ' ' , ' initialize network parameters from checkpoint at this path ' )
-- bookkeeping
cmd : option ( ' -seed ' , 123 , ' torch manual random number generator seed ' )
cmd : option ( ' -print_every ' , 1 , ' how many steps/minibatches between printing out the loss ' )
2015-09-25 02:24:38 +00:00
cmd : option ( ' -eval_val_every ' , 2000 , ' every how many iterations should we evaluate on validation data? ' )
2015-07-07 04:09:34 +00:00
cmd : option ( ' -checkpoint_dir ' , ' cv ' , ' output directory where checkpoints get written ' )
cmd : option ( ' -savefile ' , ' lstm ' , ' filename to autosave the checkpont to. Will be inside checkpoint_dir/ ' )
2015-10-15 03:10:57 +00:00
cmd : option ( ' -accurate_gpu_timing ' , 0 , ' set this flag to 1 to get precise timings when using GPU. Might make code bit slower but reports accurate timings. ' )
2015-07-07 04:09:34 +00:00
cmd : option ( ' -gpuid ' , 0 , ' which gpu to use. -1 = use CPU ' )
cmd : option ( ' -opencl ' , 0 , ' use OpenCL (instead of CUDA) ' )
2015-09-09 02:22:58 +00:00
-- Scheduled Sampling
cmd : option ( ' -use_ss ' , 1 , ' whether use scheduled sampling during training ' )
2015-09-25 02:24:38 +00:00
cmd : option ( ' -start_ss ' , 1 , ' start amount of truth data to be given to the model when using ss ' )
cmd : option ( ' -decay_ss ' , 0.005 , ' ss amount decay rate of each epoch ' )
cmd : option ( ' -min_ss ' , 0.9 , ' minimum amount of truth data to be given to the model when using ss ' )
2015-07-07 04:09:34 +00:00
cmd : text ( )
2018-07-10 11:32:52 +00:00
2015-07-07 04:09:34 +00:00
-- parse input params
opt = cmd : parse ( arg )
torch.manualSeed ( opt.seed )
2015-09-09 02:22:58 +00:00
math.randomseed ( opt.seed )
2018-07-10 11:32:52 +00:00
-- Xperimental -- Vladislav Khorev vladislav.khorev@fishrungames.com/oxford-cs-ml-2015/practical6
opt.rnn_size = 16
opt.gpuid = - 1
opt.seq_length = 2
opt.batch_size = 2
opt.data_dir = ' data/hongloumeng '
opt.num_layers = 1
] ]
opt.min_freq = 10
opt.rnn_size = 512
opt.gpuid = 0
opt.seq_length = 50
opt.batch_size = 50
opt.data_dir = ' data/hongloumeng '
opt.num_layers = 2
2015-07-07 04:09:34 +00:00
-- train / val / test split for data, in fractions
local test_frac = math.max ( 0 , 1 - ( opt.train_frac + opt.val_frac ) )
local split_sizes = { opt.train_frac , opt.val_frac , test_frac }
-- initialize cunn/cutorch for training on the GPU and fall back to CPU gracefully
if opt.gpuid >= 0 and opt.opencl == 0 then
local ok , cunn = pcall ( require , ' cunn ' )
local ok2 , cutorch = pcall ( require , ' cutorch ' )
if not ok then print ( ' package cunn not found! ' ) end
if not ok2 then print ( ' package cutorch not found! ' ) end
if ok and ok2 then
print ( ' using CUDA on GPU ' .. opt.gpuid .. ' ... ' )
cutorch.setDevice ( opt.gpuid + 1 ) -- note +1 to make it 0 indexed! sigh lua
cutorch.manualSeed ( opt.seed )
print ( ' If cutorch and cunn are installed, your CUDA toolkit may be improperly configured. ' )
print ( ' Check your CUDA toolkit installation, rebuild cutorch and cunn, and try again. ' )
print ( ' Falling back on CPU mode ' )
opt.gpuid = - 1 -- overwrite user setting
-- initialize clnn/cltorch for training on the GPU and fall back to CPU gracefully
if opt.gpuid >= 0 and opt.opencl == 1 then
local ok , cunn = pcall ( require , ' clnn ' )
local ok2 , cutorch = pcall ( require , ' cltorch ' )
if not ok then print ( ' package clnn not found! ' ) end
if not ok2 then print ( ' package cltorch not found! ' ) end
if ok and ok2 then
print ( ' using OpenCL on GPU ' .. opt.gpuid .. ' ... ' )
cltorch.setDevice ( opt.gpuid + 1 ) -- note +1 to make it 0 indexed! sigh lua
torch.manualSeed ( opt.seed )
print ( ' If cltorch and clnn are installed, your OpenCL driver may be improperly configured. ' )
print ( ' Check your OpenCL driver installation, check output of clinfo command, and try again. ' )
print ( ' Falling back on CPU mode ' )
opt.gpuid = - 1 -- overwrite user setting
-- create the data loader class
local loader = CharSplitLMMinibatchLoader.create ( opt.data_dir , opt.batch_size , opt.seq_length , split_sizes , opt.min_freq )
local vocab_size = loader.vocab_size -- the number of distinct characters
local vocab = loader.vocab_mapping
print ( ' vocab size: ' .. vocab_size )
-- make sure output directory exists
if not path.exists ( opt.checkpoint_dir ) then lfs.mkdir ( opt.checkpoint_dir ) end
-- define the model: prototypes for one timestep, then clone them in time
local do_random_init = true
if string.len ( opt.init_from ) > 0 then
print ( ' loading an LSTM from checkpoint ' .. opt.init_from )
2018-07-10 11:32:52 +00:00
local checkpoint = torch.load ( opt.init_from , ' ascii ' )
2015-07-07 04:09:34 +00:00
protos = checkpoint.protos
-- make sure the vocabs are the same
local vocab_compatible = true
for c , i in pairs ( checkpoint.vocab ) do
if not vocab [ c ] == i then
vocab_compatible = false
assert ( vocab_compatible , ' error, the character vocabulary for this dataset and the one in the saved checkpoint are not the same. This is trouble. ' )
-- overwrite model settings based on checkpoint to ensure compatibility
print ( ' overwriting rnn_size= ' .. checkpoint.opt . rnn_size .. ' , num_layers= ' .. checkpoint.opt . num_layers .. ' based on the checkpoint. ' )
opt.rnn_size = checkpoint.opt . rnn_size
opt.num_layers = checkpoint.opt . num_layers
do_random_init = false
print ( ' creating an LSTM with ' .. opt.num_layers .. ' layers ' )
protos = { }
protos.rnn = LSTM.lstm ( vocab_size , opt.rnn_size , opt.num_layers , opt.dropout )
protos.criterion = nn.ClassNLLCriterion ( )
-- the initial state of the cell/hidden states
init_state = { }
for L = 1 , opt.num_layers do
local h_init = torch.zeros ( opt.batch_size , opt.rnn_size )
if opt.gpuid >= 0 and opt.opencl == 0 then h_init = h_init : cuda ( ) end
if opt.gpuid >= 0 and opt.opencl == 1 then h_init = h_init : cl ( ) end
table.insert ( init_state , h_init : clone ( ) )
table.insert ( init_state , h_init : clone ( ) )
-- ship the model to the GPU if desired
if opt.gpuid >= 0 and opt.opencl == 0 then
for k , v in pairs ( protos ) do v : cuda ( ) end
if opt.gpuid >= 0 and opt.opencl == 1 then
for k , v in pairs ( protos ) do v : cl ( ) end
-- put the above things into one flattened parameters tensor
params , grad_params = model_utils.combine_all_parameters ( protos.rnn )
-- initialization
if do_random_init then
2015-09-25 02:24:38 +00:00
params : uniform ( - 0.08 , 0.08 ) -- small numbers uniform
-- initialize the LSTM forget gates with slightly higher biases to encourage remembering in the beginning
if opt.model == ' lstm ' then
for layer_idx = 1 , opt.num_layers do
for _ , node in ipairs ( protos.rnn . forwardnodes ) do
if node.data . annotations.name == " i2h_ " .. layer_idx then
print ( ' setting forget gate biases to 1 in LSTM layer ' .. layer_idx )
-- the gates are, in order, i,f,o,g, so f is the 2nd block of weights
node.data . module.bias [ { { opt.rnn_size + 1 , 2 * opt.rnn_size } } ] : fill ( 1.0 )
2015-07-07 04:09:34 +00:00
2015-09-25 02:24:38 +00:00
2015-07-07 04:09:34 +00:00
print ( ' number of parameters in the model: ' .. params : nElement ( ) )
-- make a bunch of clones after flattening, as that reallocates memory
clones = { }
for name , proto in pairs ( protos ) do
print ( ' cloning ' .. name )
clones [ name ] = model_utils.clone_many_times ( proto , opt.seq_length , not proto.parameters )
2015-10-15 03:10:57 +00:00
-- preprocessing helper function
function prepro ( x , y )
x = x : transpose ( 1 , 2 ) : contiguous ( ) -- swap the axes for faster indexing
y = y : transpose ( 1 , 2 ) : contiguous ( )
if opt.gpuid >= 0 and opt.opencl == 0 then -- ship the input arrays to GPU
-- have to convert to float because integers can't be cuda()'d
x = x : float ( ) : cuda ( )
y = y : float ( ) : cuda ( )
if opt.gpuid >= 0 and opt.opencl == 1 then -- ship the input arrays to GPU
x = x : cl ( )
y = y : cl ( )
return x , y
2015-07-07 04:09:34 +00:00
-- evaluate the loss over an entire split
function eval_split ( split_index , max_batches )
print ( ' evaluating loss over split index ' .. split_index )
local n = loader.split_sizes [ split_index ]
if max_batches ~= nil then n = math.min ( max_batches , n ) end
loader : reset_batch_pointer ( split_index ) -- move batch iteration pointer for this split to front
local loss = 0
local rnn_state = { [ 0 ] = init_state }
for i = 1 , n do -- iterate over batches in the split
-- fetch a batch
local x , y = loader : next_batch ( split_index )
2015-10-15 03:10:57 +00:00
x , y = prepro ( x , y )
2015-07-07 04:09:34 +00:00
-- forward pass
for t = 1 , opt.seq_length do
clones.rnn [ t ] : evaluate ( ) -- for dropout proper functioning
2015-10-15 03:10:57 +00:00
local lst = clones.rnn [ t ] : forward { x [ t ] , unpack ( rnn_state [ t - 1 ] ) }
2015-07-07 04:09:34 +00:00
rnn_state [ t ] = { }
for i = 1 , # init_state do table.insert ( rnn_state [ t ] , lst [ i ] ) end
prediction = lst [ # lst ]
2015-10-15 03:10:57 +00:00
loss = loss + clones.criterion [ t ] : forward ( prediction , y [ t ] )
2015-07-07 04:09:34 +00:00
-- carry over lstm state
rnn_state [ 0 ] = rnn_state [ # rnn_state ]
2015-09-25 02:24:38 +00:00
-- print(i .. '/' .. n .. '...')
2015-07-07 04:09:34 +00:00
loss = loss / opt.seq_length / n
return loss
-- do fwd/bwd and return loss, grad_params
local init_state_global = clone_list ( init_state )
function feval ( x )
if x ~= params then
params : copy ( x )
grad_params : zero ( )
------------------ get minibatch -------------------
local x , y = loader : next_batch ( 1 )
2015-10-15 03:10:57 +00:00
x , y = prepro ( x , y )
2015-07-07 04:09:34 +00:00
------------------- forward pass -------------------
local rnn_state = { [ 0 ] = init_state_global }
local predictions = { } -- softmax outputs
local loss = 0
for t = 1 , opt.seq_length do
clones.rnn [ t ] : training ( ) -- make sure we are in correct mode (this is cheap, sets flag)
2015-09-09 02:22:58 +00:00
if opt.use_ss == 1 and t > 1 and math.random ( ) > ss_current then
local probs = torch.exp ( predictions [ t - 1 ] ) : squeeze ( )
_ , samples = torch.max ( probs , 2 )
xx = samples : view ( samples : nElement ( ) )
2015-10-15 03:10:57 +00:00
xx = x [ t ]
2015-09-09 02:22:58 +00:00
2015-09-25 02:24:38 +00:00
-- print(x[{{},t}])
2015-09-09 02:22:58 +00:00
local lst = clones.rnn [ t ] : forward { xx , unpack ( rnn_state [ t - 1 ] ) }
2015-07-07 04:09:34 +00:00
rnn_state [ t ] = { }
for i = 1 , # init_state do table.insert ( rnn_state [ t ] , lst [ i ] ) end -- extract the state, without output
predictions [ t ] = lst [ # lst ] -- last element is the prediction
2015-10-15 03:10:57 +00:00
loss = loss + clones.criterion [ t ] : forward ( predictions [ t ] , y [ t ] )
2015-07-07 04:09:34 +00:00
loss = loss / opt.seq_length
------------------ backward pass -------------------
-- initialize gradient at time t to be zeros (there's no influence from future)
local drnn_state = { [ opt.seq_length ] = clone_list ( init_state , true ) } -- true also zeros the clones
for t = opt.seq_length , 1 , - 1 do
-- backprop through loss, and softmax/linear
2015-10-15 03:10:57 +00:00
local doutput_t = clones.criterion [ t ] : backward ( predictions [ t ] , y [ t ] )
2015-07-07 04:09:34 +00:00
table.insert ( drnn_state [ t ] , doutput_t )
2015-10-15 03:10:57 +00:00
local dlst = clones.rnn [ t ] : backward ( { x [ t ] , unpack ( rnn_state [ t - 1 ] ) } , drnn_state [ t ] )
2015-07-07 04:09:34 +00:00
drnn_state [ t - 1 ] = { }
for k , v in pairs ( dlst ) do
if k > 1 then -- k == 1 is gradient on x, which we dont need
-- note we do k-1 because first item is dembeddings, and then follow the
-- derivatives of the state, starting at index 2. I know...
drnn_state [ t - 1 ] [ k - 1 ] = v
------------------------ misc ----------------------
-- transfer final state to initial state (BPTT)
init_state_global = rnn_state [ # rnn_state ] -- NOTE: I don't think this needs to be a clone, right?
-- clip gradient element-wise
grad_params : clamp ( - opt.grad_clip , opt.grad_clip )
return loss , grad_params
-- start optimization here
train_losses = { }
val_losses = { }
local optim_state = { learningRate = opt.learning_rate , alpha = opt.decay_rate }
local iterations = opt.max_epochs * loader.ntrain
local iterations_per_epoch = loader.ntrain
local loss0 = nil
2015-09-09 02:22:58 +00:00
ss_current = opt.start_ss
2015-07-07 04:09:34 +00:00
for i = 1 , iterations do
local epoch = i / loader.ntrain
local timer = torch.Timer ( )
local _ , loss = optim.rmsprop ( feval , params , optim_state )
2015-10-15 03:10:57 +00:00
if opt.accurate_gpu_timing == 1 and opt.gpuid >= 0 then
Note on timing : The reported time can be off because the GPU is invoked async . If one
wants to have exactly accurate timings one must call cutorch.synchronize ( ) right here .
I will avoid doing so by default because this can incur computational overhead .
cutorch.synchronize ( )
2015-07-07 04:09:34 +00:00
local time = timer : time ( ) . real
local train_loss = loss [ 1 ] -- the loss is inside a list, pop it
train_losses [ i ] = train_loss
-- exponential learning rate decay
if i % loader.ntrain == 0 and opt.learning_rate_decay < 1 then
if epoch >= opt.learning_rate_decay_after then
local decay_factor = opt.learning_rate_decay
optim_state.learningRate = optim_state.learningRate * decay_factor -- decay it
print ( ' decayed learning rate by a factor ' .. decay_factor .. ' to ' .. optim_state.learningRate )
2015-09-09 02:22:58 +00:00
-- decay schedule sampling amount
if opt.use_ss == 1 and i % loader.ntrain == 0 and ss_current > opt.min_ss then
ss_current = opt.start_ss - opt.decay_ss * epoch
print ( ' decay schedule sampling amount to ' .. ss_current )
2015-07-07 04:09:34 +00:00
-- every now and then or on last iteration
if i % opt.eval_val_every == 0 or i == iterations then
-- evaluate loss on validation data
local val_loss = eval_split ( 2 ) -- 2 = validation
val_losses [ i ] = val_loss
local savefile = string.format ( ' %s/lm_%s_epoch%.2f_%.4f.t7 ' , opt.checkpoint_dir , opt.savefile , epoch , val_loss )
print ( ' saving checkpoint to ' .. savefile )
local checkpoint = { }
checkpoint.protos = protos
checkpoint.opt = opt
checkpoint.train_losses = train_losses
checkpoint.val_loss = val_loss
checkpoint.val_losses = val_losses
checkpoint.i = i
checkpoint.epoch = epoch
checkpoint.vocab = loader.vocab_mapping
2018-07-10 11:32:52 +00:00
torch.save ( savefile , checkpoint , ' ascii ' )
2015-07-07 04:09:34 +00:00
if i % opt.print_every == 0 then
2015-10-15 03:10:57 +00:00
print ( string.format ( " %d/%d (epoch %.3f), train_loss = %6.8f, grad/param norm = %6.4e, time/batch = %.4fs " , i , iterations , epoch , train_loss , grad_params : norm ( ) / params : norm ( ) , time ) )
2015-07-07 04:09:34 +00:00
if i % 10 == 0 then collectgarbage ( ) end
-- handle early stopping if things are going really bad
2015-09-25 02:24:38 +00:00
if loss [ 1 ] ~= loss [ 1 ] then
print ( ' loss is NaN. This usually indicates a bug. Please check the issues page for existing issues, or create a new issue, if none exist. Ideally, please state: your operating system, 32-bit/64-bit, your blas version, cpu/cuda/cl? ' )
break -- halt
2015-07-07 04:09:34 +00:00
if loss0 == nil then loss0 = loss [ 1 ] end
if loss [ 1 ] > loss0 * 3 then
print ( ' loss is exploding, aborting. ' )
break -- halt