require 'torch' require 'nngraph' require 'optim' require 'lfs' require 'nn' require 'util.OneHot' require 'util.misc' JSON = (loadfile "util/JSON.lua")() local redis = require 'redis' local client = redis.connect('', 6379) local client2 = redis.connect('', 6379) local channels = {'cv_channel'} local model_file = './onlie_model/model.t7' local gpuid = 0 local seed = 123 -- check that cunn/cutorch are installed if user wants to use the GPU if gpuid >= 0 then local ok, cunn = pcall(require, 'cunn') local ok2, cutorch = pcall(require, 'cutorch') if not ok then print('package cunn not found!') end if not ok2 then print('package cutorch not found!') end if ok and ok2 then print('using CUDA on GPU ' .. gpuid .. '...') cutorch.setDevice(gpuid + 1) -- note +1 to make it 0 indexed! sigh lua cutorch.manualSeed(seed) else print('Falling back on CPU mode') gpuid = -1 -- overwrite user setting end end if not lfs.attributes(model_file, 'mode') then print('Error: File ' .. model_file .. ' does not exist.') end checkpoint = torch.load(model_file, 'ascii') protos = checkpoint.protos protos.rnn:evaluate() -- put in eval mode so that dropout works properly -- initialize the vocabulary (and its inverted version) local vocab = checkpoint.vocab local ivocab = {} for c,i in pairs(vocab) do ivocab[i] = c end -- parse characters from a string function get_char(str) local len = #str local left = 0 local arr = {0, 0xc0, 0xe0, 0xf0, 0xf8, 0xfc} local unordered = {} local start = 1 local wordLen = 0 while len ~= left do local tmp = string.byte(str, start) local i = #arr while arr[i] do if tmp >= arr[i] then break end i = i - 1 end wordLen = i + wordLen local tmpString = string.sub(str, start, wordLen) start = start + i left = left + i unordered[#unordered+1] = tmpString end return unordered end -- start listen for msg in client:pubsub({subscribe = channels}) do if msg.kind == 'subscribe' then print('Subscribed to channel ' elseif msg.kind == 'message' then -- print('Received the following message from '"\n "..msg.payload.."\n") local req = JSON:decode(msg.payload) local primetext = '|' .. req['text'] .. '| ' local session_id = req['sid'] local seed = req['seed'] local temperature = req['temp'] -- initialize the rnn state to all zeros local current_state local num_layers = checkpoint.opt.num_layers current_state = {} for L = 1,checkpoint.opt.num_layers do -- c and h for all layers local h_init = torch.zeros(1, checkpoint.opt.rnn_size):float() if gpuid >= 0 then h_init = h_init:cuda() end table.insert(current_state, h_init:clone()) table.insert(current_state, h_init:clone()) end state_size = #current_state -- use input to init state torch.manualSeed(seed) for i,c in ipairs(get_char(primetext)) do prev_char = vocab[c] if prev_char then prev_char = torch.Tensor{vocab[c]} io.write(ivocab[prev_char[1]]) if gpuid >= 0 then prev_char = prev_char:cuda() end local lst = protos.rnn:forward{prev_char, unpack(current_state)} -- lst is a list of [state1,state2,..stateN,output]. We want everything but last piece current_state = {} for i=1,state_size do table.insert(current_state, lst[i]) end prediction = lst[#lst] -- last element holds the log probabilities end end -- start sampling/argmaxing result = '' not_end = true for i=1,1000 do -- log probabilities from the previous timestep -- make sure the output char is not UNKNOW real_char = 'UNKNOW' while(real_char == 'UNKNOW') do torch.manualSeed(seed+1) prediction:div(temperature) -- scale by temperature local probs = torch.exp(prediction):squeeze() probs:div(torch.sum(probs)) -- renormalize so probs sum to one prev_char = torch.multinomial(probs:float(), 1):resize(1):float() real_char = ivocab[prev_char[1]] end -- forward the rnn for next character local lst = protos.rnn:forward{prev_char, unpack(current_state)} current_state = {} for i=1,state_size do table.insert(current_state, lst[i]) end prediction = lst[#lst] -- last element holds the log probabilities result = result .. ivocab[prev_char[1]] if string.find(result, '\n\n\n\n\n') then not_end = false break end end if not_end then result = result .. '……' end -- client2:set(session_id, result) client2:setex(session_id, 100, result) end end