
53 lines
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local GRU = {}
Creates one timestep of one GRU
Paper reference:
function GRU.gru(input_size, rnn_size, n)
-- there are n+1 inputs (hiddens on each layer and x)
local inputs = {}
table.insert(inputs, nn.Identity()()) -- x
for L = 1,n do
table.insert(inputs, nn.Identity()()) -- prev_h[L]
function new_input_sum(insize, xv, hv)
local i2h = nn.Linear(insize, rnn_size)(xv)
local h2h = nn.Linear(rnn_size, rnn_size)(hv)
return nn.CAddTable()({i2h, h2h})
local x, input_size_L
local outputs = {}
for L = 1,n do
local prev_h = inputs[L+1]
if L == 1 then x = inputs[1] else x = outputs[L-1] end
if L == 1 then input_size_L = input_size else input_size_L = rnn_size end
-- GRU tick
-- forward the update and reset gates
local update_gate = nn.Sigmoid()(new_input_sum(input_size_L, x, prev_h))
local reset_gate = nn.Sigmoid()(new_input_sum(input_size_L, x, prev_h))
-- compute candidate hidden state
local gated_hidden = nn.CMulTable()({reset_gate, prev_h})
local p2 = nn.Linear(rnn_size, rnn_size)(gated_hidden)
local p1 = nn.Linear(input_size_L, rnn_size)(x)
local hidden_candidate = nn.Tanh()(nn.CAddTable()({p1,p2}))
-- compute new interpolated hidden state, based on the update gate
local zh = nn.CMulTable()({update_gate, hidden_candidate})
local zhm1 = nn.CMulTable()({nn.AddConstant(1,false)(nn.MulConstant(-1,false)(update_gate)), prev_h})
local next_h = nn.CAddTable()({zh, zhm1})
table.insert(outputs, next_h)
return nn.gModule(inputs, outputs)
return GRU