// Last time updated at Sunday, July 30th, 2017, 9:37:50 AM // Quick-Demo for newbies: http://jsfiddle.net/c46de0L8/ // Another simple demo: http://jsfiddle.net/zar6fg60/ // Latest file can be found here: https://cdn.webrtc-experiment.com/RTCMultiConnection.js // Muaz Khan - www.MuazKhan.com // MIT License - www.WebRTC-Experiment.com/licence // Documentation - www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs // FAQ - www.RTCMultiConnection.org/FAQ // Changes log - www.RTCMultiConnection.org/changes-log/ // Demos - www.WebRTC-Experiment.com/RTCMultiConnection // _________________________ // RTCMultiConnection-v2.2.2 (function() { // RMC == RTCMultiConnection // usually page-URL is used as channel-id // you can always override it! // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/channel-id/ window.RMCDefaultChannel = location.href.replace(/\/|:|#|\?|\$|\^|%|\.|`|~|!|\+|@|\[|\||]|\|*. /g, '').split('\n').join('').split('\r').join(''); // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/constructor/ window.RTCMultiConnection = function(channel) { // an instance of constructor var connection = this; // a reference to RTCMultiSession var rtcMultiSession; // setting default channel or channel passed through constructor connection.channel = channel || RMCDefaultChannel; // to allow single user to join multiple rooms; // you can change this property at runtime! connection.isAcceptNewSession = true; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/open/ connection.open = function(args) { connection.isAcceptNewSession = false; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/session-initiator/ // you can always use this property to determine room owner! connection.isInitiator = true; var dontTransmit = false; // a channel can contain multiple rooms i.e. sessions if (args) { if (isString(args)) { connection.sessionid = args; } else { if (!isNull(args.transmitRoomOnce)) { connection.transmitRoomOnce = args.transmitRoomOnce; } if (!isNull(args.dontTransmit)) { dontTransmit = args.dontTransmit; } if (!isNull(args.sessionid)) { connection.sessionid = args.sessionid; } } } // if firebase && if session initiator if (connection.socket && connection.socket.remove) { connection.socket.remove(); } if (!connection.sessionid) connection.sessionid = connection.channel; connection.sessionDescription = { sessionid: connection.sessionid, userid: connection.userid, session: connection.session, extra: connection.extra }; if (!connection.sessionDescriptions[connection.sessionDescription.sessionid]) { connection.numberOfSessions++; connection.sessionDescriptions[connection.sessionDescription.sessionid] = connection.sessionDescription; } // connect with signaling channel initRTCMultiSession(function() { // "captureUserMediaOnDemand" is disabled by default. // invoke "getUserMedia" only when first participant found. rtcMultiSession.captureUserMediaOnDemand = args ? !!args.captureUserMediaOnDemand : false; if (args && args.onMediaCaptured) { connection.onMediaCaptured = args.onMediaCaptured; } // for session-initiator, user-media is captured as soon as "open" is invoked. if (!rtcMultiSession.captureUserMediaOnDemand) captureUserMedia(function() { rtcMultiSession.initSession({ sessionDescription: connection.sessionDescription, dontTransmit: dontTransmit }); invokeMediaCaptured(connection); }); if (rtcMultiSession.captureUserMediaOnDemand) { rtcMultiSession.initSession({ sessionDescription: connection.sessionDescription, dontTransmit: dontTransmit }); } }); return connection.sessionDescription; }; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/connect/ connection.connect = function(sessionid) { // a channel can contain multiple rooms i.e. sessions if (sessionid) { connection.sessionid = sessionid; } // connect with signaling channel initRTCMultiSession(function() { log('Signaling channel is ready.'); }); return this; }; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/join/ connection.join = joinSession; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/send/ connection.send = function(data, _channel) { if (connection.numberOfConnectedUsers <= 0) { // no connections setTimeout(function() { // try again connection.send(data, _channel); }, 1000); return; } // send file/data or /text if (!data) throw 'No file, data or text message to share.'; // connection.send([file1, file2, file3]) // you can share multiple files, strings or data objects using "send" method! if (data instanceof Array && !isNull(data[0].size) && !isNull(data[0].type)) { // this mechanism can cause failure for subsequent packets/data // on Firefox especially; and on chrome as well! // todo: need to use setTimeout instead. for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { data[i].size && data[i].type && connection.send(data[i], _channel); } return; } // File or Blob object MUST have "type" and "size" properties if (!isNull(data.size) && !isNull(data.type)) { if (!connection.enableFileSharing) { throw '"enableFileSharing" boolean MUST be "true" to support file sharing.'; } if (!rtcMultiSession.fileBufferReader) { initFileBufferReader(connection, function(fbr) { rtcMultiSession.fileBufferReader = fbr; connection.send(data, _channel); }); return; } var extra = merge({ userid: connection.userid }, data.extra || connection.extra); rtcMultiSession.fileBufferReader.readAsArrayBuffer(data, function(uuid) { rtcMultiSession.fileBufferReader.getNextChunk(uuid, function(nextChunk, isLastChunk, extra) { if (_channel) _channel.send(nextChunk); else rtcMultiSession.send(nextChunk); }); }, extra); } else { // to allow longest string messages // and largest data objects // or anything of any size! // to send multiple data objects concurrently! TextSender.send({ text: data, channel: rtcMultiSession, _channel: _channel, connection: connection }); } }; function initRTCMultiSession(onSignalingReady) { if (screenFrame) { loadScreenFrame(); } // RTCMultiSession is the backbone object; // this object MUST be initialized once! if (rtcMultiSession) return onSignalingReady(); // your everything is passed over RTCMultiSession constructor! rtcMultiSession = new RTCMultiSession(connection, onSignalingReady); } connection.disconnect = function() { if (rtcMultiSession) rtcMultiSession.disconnect(); rtcMultiSession = null; }; function joinSession(session, joinAs) { if (isString(session)) { connection.skipOnNewSession = true; } if (!rtcMultiSession) { log('Signaling channel is not ready. Connecting...'); // connect with signaling channel initRTCMultiSession(function() { log('Signaling channel is connected. Joining the session again...'); setTimeout(function() { joinSession(session, joinAs); }, 1000); }); return; } // connection.join('sessionid'); if (isString(session)) { if (connection.sessionDescriptions[session]) { session = connection.sessionDescriptions[session]; } else return setTimeout(function() { log('Session-Descriptions not found. Rechecking..'); joinSession(session, joinAs); }, 1000); } // connection.join('sessionid', { audio: true }); if (joinAs) { return captureUserMedia(function() { session.oneway = true; joinSession(session); }, joinAs); } if (!session || !session.userid || !session.sessionid) { error('missing arguments', arguments); var error = 'Invalid data passed over "connection.join" method.'; connection.onstatechange({ userid: 'browser', extra: {}, name: 'Unexpected data detected.', reason: error }); throw error; } if (!connection.dontOverrideSession) { connection.session = session.session; } var extra = connection.extra || session.extra || {}; // todo: need to verify that if-block statement works as expected. // expectations: if it is oneway streaming; or if it is data-only connection // then, it shouldn't capture user-media on participant's side. if (session.oneway || isData(session)) { rtcMultiSession.joinSession(session, extra); } else { captureUserMedia(function() { rtcMultiSession.joinSession(session, extra); }); } } var isFirstSession = true; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/captureUserMedia/ function captureUserMedia(callback, _session, dontCheckChromExtension) { // capture user's media resources var session = _session || connection.session; if (isEmpty(session)) { if (callback) callback(); return; } // you can force to skip media capturing! if (connection.dontCaptureUserMedia) { return callback(); } // if it is data-only connection // if it is one-way connection and current user is participant if (isData(session) || (!connection.isInitiator && session.oneway)) { // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/attachStreams/ connection.attachStreams = []; return callback(); } var constraints = { audio: !!session.audio ? { mandatory: {}, optional: [{ chromeRenderToAssociatedSink: true }] } : false, video: !!session.video }; // if custom audio device is selected if (connection._mediaSources.audio) { constraints.audio.optional.push({ sourceId: connection._mediaSources.audio }); } if (connection._mediaSources.audiooutput) { constraints.audio.optional.push({ sourceId: connection._mediaSources.audiooutput }); } if (connection._mediaSources.audioinput) { constraints.audio.optional.push({ sourceId: connection._mediaSources.audioinput }); } // if custom video device is selected if (connection._mediaSources.video) { constraints.video = { optional: [{ sourceId: connection._mediaSources.video }] }; } if (connection._mediaSources.videoinput) { constraints.video = { optional: [{ sourceId: connection._mediaSources.videoinput }] }; } // for connection.session = {}; if (!session.screen && !constraints.audio && !constraints.video) { return callback(); } var screen_constraints = { audio: false, video: { mandatory: { chromeMediaSource: DetectRTC.screen.chromeMediaSource, maxWidth: screen.width > 1920 ? screen.width : 1920, maxHeight: screen.height > 1080 ? screen.height : 1080 }, optional: [] } }; if (isFirefox && session.screen) { if (location.protocol !== 'https:') { return error(SCREEN_COMMON_FAILURE); } warn(Firefox_Screen_Capturing_Warning); screen_constraints.video = { mozMediaSource: 'window', // mozMediaSource is redundant here mediaSource: 'window' // 'screen' || 'window' }; // Firefox is supporting audio+screen from single getUserMedia request // audio+video+screen will become audio+screen for Firefox // because Firefox isn't supporting multi-streams feature version < 38 // version >38 supports multi-stream sharing. // we can use: firefoxVersion < 38 // however capturing audio and screen using single getUserMedia is a better option if (constraints.audio /* && !session.video */ ) { screen_constraints.audio = true; constraints = {}; } delete screen_constraints.video.chromeMediaSource; } // if screen is prompted if (session.screen) { if (isChrome && DetectRTC.screen.extensionid != ReservedExtensionID) { useCustomChromeExtensionForScreenCapturing = true; } if (isChrome && !useCustomChromeExtensionForScreenCapturing && !dontCheckChromExtension && !DetectRTC.screen.sourceId) { listenEventHandler('message', onIFrameCallback); function onIFrameCallback(event) { if (event.data && event.data.chromeMediaSourceId) { // this event listener is no more needed window.removeEventListener('message', onIFrameCallback); var sourceId = event.data.chromeMediaSourceId; DetectRTC.screen.sourceId = sourceId; DetectRTC.screen.chromeMediaSource = 'desktop'; if (sourceId == 'PermissionDeniedError') { var mediaStreamError = { message: location.protocol == 'https:' ? 'User denied to share content of his screen.' : SCREEN_COMMON_FAILURE, name: 'PermissionDeniedError', constraintName: screen_constraints, session: session }; currentUserMediaRequest.mutex = false; DetectRTC.screen.sourceId = null; return connection.onMediaError(mediaStreamError); } captureUserMedia(callback, _session); } if (event.data && event.data.chromeExtensionStatus) { warn('Screen capturing extension status is:', event.data.chromeExtensionStatus); DetectRTC.screen.chromeMediaSource = 'screen'; captureUserMedia(callback, _session, true); } } if (!screenFrame) { loadScreenFrame(); } screenFrame.postMessage(); return; } // check if screen capturing extension is installed. if (isChrome && useCustomChromeExtensionForScreenCapturing && !dontCheckChromExtension && DetectRTC.screen.chromeMediaSource == 'screen' && DetectRTC.screen.extensionid) { if (DetectRTC.screen.extensionid == ReservedExtensionID && document.domain.indexOf('webrtc-experiment.com') == -1) { return captureUserMedia(callback, _session, true); } log('checking if chrome extension is installed.'); DetectRTC.screen.getChromeExtensionStatus(function(status) { if (status == 'installed-enabled') { DetectRTC.screen.chromeMediaSource = 'desktop'; } captureUserMedia(callback, _session, true); log('chrome extension is installed?', DetectRTC.screen.chromeMediaSource == 'desktop'); }); return; } if (isChrome && useCustomChromeExtensionForScreenCapturing && DetectRTC.screen.chromeMediaSource == 'desktop' && !DetectRTC.screen.sourceId) { DetectRTC.screen.getSourceId(function(sourceId) { if (sourceId == 'PermissionDeniedError') { var mediaStreamError = { message: 'User denied to share content of his screen.', name: 'PermissionDeniedError', constraintName: screen_constraints, session: session }; currentUserMediaRequest.mutex = false; DetectRTC.screen.chromeMediaSource = 'desktop'; return connection.onMediaError(mediaStreamError); } if (sourceId == 'No-Response') { error('Chrome extension seems not available. Make sure that manifest.json#L16 has valid content-script matches pointing to your URL.'); DetectRTC.screen.chromeMediaSource = 'screen'; return captureUserMedia(callback, _session, true); } captureUserMedia(callback, _session, true); }); return; } if (isChrome && DetectRTC.screen.chromeMediaSource == 'desktop') { screen_constraints.video.mandatory.chromeMediaSourceId = DetectRTC.screen.sourceId; } var _isFirstSession = isFirstSession; _captureUserMedia(screen_constraints, constraints.audio || constraints.video ? function() { if (_isFirstSession) isFirstSession = true; _captureUserMedia(constraints, callback); } : callback); } else _captureUserMedia(constraints, callback, session.audio && !session.video); function _captureUserMedia(forcedConstraints, forcedCallback, isRemoveVideoTracks, dontPreventSSLAutoAllowed) { connection.onstatechange({ userid: 'browser', extra: {}, name: 'fetching-usermedia', reason: 'About to capture user-media with constraints: ' + toStr(forcedConstraints) }); if (connection.preventSSLAutoAllowed && !dontPreventSSLAutoAllowed && isChrome) { // if navigator.customGetUserMediaBar.js is missing if (!navigator.customGetUserMediaBar) { loadScript(connection.resources.customGetUserMediaBar, function() { _captureUserMedia(forcedConstraints, forcedCallback, isRemoveVideoTracks, dontPreventSSLAutoAllowed); }); return; } navigator.customGetUserMediaBar(forcedConstraints, function() { _captureUserMedia(forcedConstraints, forcedCallback, isRemoveVideoTracks, true); }, function() { connection.onMediaError({ name: 'PermissionDeniedError', message: 'User denied permission.', constraintName: forcedConstraints, session: session }); }); return; } var mediaConfig = { onsuccess: function(stream, returnBack, idInstance, streamid) { onStreamSuccessCallback(stream, returnBack, idInstance, streamid, forcedConstraints, forcedCallback, isRemoveVideoTracks, screen_constraints, constraints, session); }, onerror: function(e, constraintUsed) { // http://goo.gl/hrwF1a if (isFirefox) { if (e == 'PERMISSION_DENIED') { e = { message: '', name: 'PermissionDeniedError', constraintName: constraintUsed, session: session }; } } if (isFirefox && constraintUsed.video && constraintUsed.video.mozMediaSource) { mediaStreamError = { message: Firefox_Screen_Capturing_Warning, name: e.name || 'PermissionDeniedError', constraintName: constraintUsed, session: session }; connection.onMediaError(mediaStreamError); return; } if (isString(e)) { return connection.onMediaError({ message: 'Unknown Error', name: e, constraintName: constraintUsed, session: session }); } // it seems that chrome 35+ throws "DevicesNotFoundError" exception // when any of the requested media is either denied or absent if (e.name && (e.name == 'PermissionDeniedError' || e.name == 'DevicesNotFoundError')) { var mediaStreamError = 'Either: '; mediaStreamError += '\n Media resolutions are not permitted.'; mediaStreamError += '\n Another application is using same media device.'; mediaStreamError += '\n Media device is not attached or drivers not installed.'; mediaStreamError += '\n You denied access once and it is still denied.'; if (e.message && e.message.length) { mediaStreamError += '\n ' + e.message; } mediaStreamError = { message: mediaStreamError, name: e.name, constraintName: constraintUsed, session: session }; connection.onMediaError(mediaStreamError); if (isChrome && (session.audio || session.video)) { // todo: this snippet fails if user has two or more // microphone/webcam attached. DetectRTC.load(function() { // it is possible to check presence of the microphone before using it! if (session.audio && !DetectRTC.hasMicrophone) { warn('It seems that you have no microphone attached to your device/system.'); session.audio = session.audio = false; if (!session.video) { alert('It seems that you are capturing microphone and there is no device available or access is denied. Reloading...'); location.reload(); } } // it is possible to check presence of the webcam before using it! if (session.video && !DetectRTC.hasWebcam) { warn('It seems that you have no webcam attached to your device/system.'); session.video = session.video = false; if (!session.audio) { alert('It seems that you are capturing webcam and there is no device available or access is denied. Reloading...'); location.reload(); } } if (!DetectRTC.hasMicrophone && !DetectRTC.hasWebcam) { alert('It seems that either both microphone/webcam are not available or access is denied. Reloading...'); location.reload(); } else if (!connection.getUserMediaPromptedOnce) { // make maximum two tries! connection.getUserMediaPromptedOnce = true; captureUserMedia(callback, session); } }); } } if (e.name && e.name == 'ConstraintNotSatisfiedError') { var mediaStreamError = 'Either: '; mediaStreamError += '\n You are prompting unknown media resolutions.'; mediaStreamError += '\n You are using invalid media constraints.'; if (e.message && e.message.length) { mediaStreamError += '\n ' + e.message; } mediaStreamError = { message: mediaStreamError, name: e.name, constraintName: constraintUsed, session: session }; connection.onMediaError(mediaStreamError); } if (session.screen) { if (isFirefox) { error(Firefox_Screen_Capturing_Warning); } else if (location.protocol !== 'https:') { if (!isNodeWebkit && (location.protocol == 'file:' || location.protocol == 'http:')) { error('You cannot use HTTP or file protocol for screen capturing. You must either use HTTPs or chrome extension page or Node-Webkit page.'); } } else { error('Unable to detect actual issue. Maybe "deprecated" screen capturing flag was not set using command line or maybe you clicked "No" button or maybe chrome extension returned invalid "sourceId". Please install chrome-extension: http://bit.ly/webrtc-screen-extension'); } } currentUserMediaRequest.mutex = false; // to make sure same stream can be captured again! var idInstance = JSON.stringify(constraintUsed); if (currentUserMediaRequest.streams[idInstance]) { delete currentUserMediaRequest.streams[idInstance]; } }, mediaConstraints: connection.mediaConstraints || {} }; mediaConfig.constraints = forcedConstraints || constraints; mediaConfig.connection = connection; getUserMedia(mediaConfig); } } function onStreamSuccessCallback(stream, returnBack, idInstance, streamid, forcedConstraints, forcedCallback, isRemoveVideoTracks, screen_constraints, constraints, session) { if (!streamid) streamid = getRandomString(); connection.onstatechange({ userid: 'browser', extra: {}, name: 'usermedia-fetched', reason: 'Captured user media using constraints: ' + toStr(forcedConstraints) }); if (isRemoveVideoTracks) { stream = convertToAudioStream(stream); } connection.localStreamids.push(streamid); stream.onended = function() { if (streamedObject.mediaElement && !streamedObject.mediaElement.parentNode && document.getElementById(stream.streamid)) { streamedObject.mediaElement = document.getElementById(stream.streamid); } // when a stream is stopped; it must be removed from "attachStreams" array connection.attachStreams.forEach(function(_stream, index) { if (_stream == stream) { delete connection.attachStreams[index]; connection.attachStreams = swap(connection.attachStreams); } }); onStreamEndedHandler(streamedObject, connection); if (connection.streams[streamid]) { connection.removeStream(streamid); } // if user clicks "stop" button to close screen sharing var _stream = connection.streams[streamid]; if (_stream && _stream.sockets.length) { _stream.sockets.forEach(function(socket) { socket.send({ streamid: _stream.streamid, stopped: true }); }); } currentUserMediaRequest.mutex = false; // to make sure same stream can be captured again! if (currentUserMediaRequest.streams[idInstance]) { delete currentUserMediaRequest.streams[idInstance]; } // to allow re-capturing of the screen DetectRTC.screen.sourceId = null; }; if (!isIE) { stream.streamid = streamid; stream.isScreen = forcedConstraints == screen_constraints; stream.isVideo = forcedConstraints == constraints && !!constraints.video; stream.isAudio = forcedConstraints == constraints && !!constraints.audio && !constraints.video; // if muted stream is negotiated stream.preMuted = { audio: stream.getAudioTracks().length && !stream.getAudioTracks()[0].enabled, video: stream.getVideoTracks().length && !stream.getVideoTracks()[0].enabled }; } var mediaElement = createMediaElement(stream, session); mediaElement.muted = true; var streamedObject = { stream: stream, streamid: streamid, mediaElement: mediaElement, blobURL: mediaElement.mozSrcObject ? URL.createObjectURL(stream) : mediaElement.src, type: 'local', userid: connection.userid, extra: connection.extra, session: session, isVideo: !!stream.isVideo, isAudio: !!stream.isAudio, isScreen: !!stream.isScreen, isInitiator: !!connection.isInitiator, rtcMultiConnection: connection }; if (isFirstSession) { connection.attachStreams.push(stream); } isFirstSession = false; connection.streams[streamid] = connection._getStream(streamedObject); if (!returnBack) { connection.onstream(streamedObject); } if (connection.setDefaultEventsForMediaElement) { connection.setDefaultEventsForMediaElement(mediaElement, streamid); } if (forcedCallback) forcedCallback(stream, streamedObject); if (connection.onspeaking) { initHark({ stream: stream, streamedObject: streamedObject, connection: connection }); } } // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/captureUserMedia/ connection.captureUserMedia = captureUserMedia; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/leave/ connection.leave = function(userid) { if (!rtcMultiSession) return; isFirstSession = true; if (userid) { connection.eject(userid); return; } rtcMultiSession.leave(); }; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/eject/ connection.eject = function(userid) { if (!connection.isInitiator) throw 'Only session-initiator can eject a user.'; if (!connection.peers[userid]) throw 'You ejected invalid user.'; connection.peers[userid].sendCustomMessage({ ejected: true }); }; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/close/ connection.close = function() { // close entire session connection.autoCloseEntireSession = true; connection.leave(); }; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/renegotiate/ connection.renegotiate = function(stream, session) { if (connection.numberOfConnectedUsers <= 0) { // no connections setTimeout(function() { // try again connection.renegotiate(stream, session); }, 1000); return; } rtcMultiSession.addStream({ renegotiate: session || merge({ oneway: true }, connection.session), stream: stream }); }; connection.attachExternalStream = function(stream, isScreen) { var constraints = {}; if (stream.getAudioTracks && stream.getAudioTracks().length) { constraints.audio = true; } if (stream.getVideoTracks && stream.getVideoTracks().length) { constraints.video = true; } var screen_constraints = { video: { chromeMediaSource: 'fake' } }; var forcedConstraints = isScreen ? screen_constraints : constraints; onStreamSuccessCallback(stream, false, '', null, forcedConstraints, false, false, screen_constraints, constraints, constraints); }; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/addStream/ connection.addStream = function(session, socket) { // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/renegotiation/ if (connection.numberOfConnectedUsers <= 0) { // no connections setTimeout(function() { // try again connection.addStream(session, socket); }, 1000); return; } // renegotiate new media stream if (session) { var isOneWayStreamFromParticipant; if (!connection.isInitiator && session.oneway) { session.oneway = false; isOneWayStreamFromParticipant = true; } captureUserMedia(function(stream) { if (isOneWayStreamFromParticipant) { session.oneway = true; } addStream(stream); }, session); } else addStream(); function addStream(stream) { rtcMultiSession.addStream({ stream: stream, renegotiate: session || connection.session, socket: socket }); } }; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/removeStream/ connection.removeStream = function(streamid, dontRenegotiate) { if (connection.numberOfConnectedUsers <= 0) { // no connections setTimeout(function() { // try again connection.removeStream(streamid, dontRenegotiate); }, 1000); return; } if (!streamid) streamid = 'all'; if (!isString(streamid) || streamid.search(/all|audio|video|screen/gi) != -1) { function _detachStream(_stream, config) { if (config.local && _stream.type != 'local') return; if (config.remote && _stream.type != 'remote') return; // connection.removeStream({screen:true}); if (config.screen && !!_stream.isScreen) { connection.detachStreams.push(_stream.streamid); } // connection.removeStream({audio:true}); if (config.audio && !!_stream.isAudio) { connection.detachStreams.push(_stream.streamid); } // connection.removeStream({video:true}); if (config.video && !!_stream.isVideo) { connection.detachStreams.push(_stream.streamid); } // connection.removeStream({}); if (!config.audio && !config.video && !config.screen) { connection.detachStreams.push(_stream.streamid); } if (connection.detachStreams.indexOf(_stream.streamid) != -1) { log('removing stream', _stream.streamid); onStreamEndedHandler(_stream, connection); if (config.stop) { connection.stopMediaStream(_stream.stream); } } } for (var stream in connection.streams) { if (connection._skip.indexOf(stream) == -1) { _stream = connection.streams[stream]; if (streamid == 'all') _detachStream(_stream, { audio: true, video: true, screen: true }); else if (isString(streamid)) { // connection.removeStream('screen'); var config = {}; config[streamid] = true; _detachStream(_stream, config); } else _detachStream(_stream, streamid); } } if (!dontRenegotiate && connection.detachStreams.length) { connection.renegotiate(); } return; } var stream = connection.streams[streamid]; // detach pre-attached streams if (!stream) return warn('No such stream exists. Stream-id:', streamid); // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/detachStreams/ connection.detachStreams.push(stream.streamid); log('removing stream', stream.streamid); onStreamEndedHandler(stream, connection); // todo: how to allow "stop" function? // connection.stopMediaStream(stream.stream) if (!dontRenegotiate) { connection.renegotiate(); } }; connection.switchStream = function(session) { if (connection.numberOfConnectedUsers <= 0) { // no connections setTimeout(function() { // try again connection.switchStream(session); }, 1000); return; } connection.removeStream('all', true); connection.addStream(session); }; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/sendCustomMessage/ connection.sendCustomMessage = function(message) { if (!rtcMultiSession || !rtcMultiSession.defaultSocket) { return setTimeout(function() { connection.sendCustomMessage(message); }, 1000); } rtcMultiSession.defaultSocket.send({ customMessage: true, message: message }); }; // set RTCMultiConnection defaults on constructor invocation setDefaults(connection); }; function RTCMultiSession(connection, callbackForSignalingReady) { var socketObjects = {}; var sockets = []; var rtcMultiSession = this; var participants = {}; if (!rtcMultiSession.fileBufferReader && connection.session.data && connection.enableFileSharing) { initFileBufferReader(connection, function(fbr) { rtcMultiSession.fileBufferReader = fbr; }); } var textReceiver = new TextReceiver(connection); function onDataChannelMessage(e) { if (e.data.checkingPresence && connection.channels[e.userid]) { connection.channels[e.userid].send({ presenceDetected: true }); return; } if (e.data.presenceDetected && connection.peers[e.userid]) { connection.peers[e.userid].connected = true; return; } if (e.data.type === 'text') { textReceiver.receive(e.data, e.userid, e.extra); } else { if (connection.autoTranslateText) { e.original = e.data; connection.Translator.TranslateText(e.data, function(translatedText) { e.data = translatedText; connection.onmessage(e); }); } else connection.onmessage(e); } } function onNewSession(session) { if (connection.skipOnNewSession) return; if (!session.session) session.session = {}; if (!session.extra) session.extra = {}; // todo: make sure this works as expected. // i.e. "onNewSession" should be fired only for // sessionid that is passed over "connect" method. if (connection.sessionid && session.sessionid != connection.sessionid) return; if (connection.onNewSession) { session.join = function(forceSession) { if (!forceSession) return connection.join(session); for (var f in forceSession) { session.session[f] = forceSession[f]; } // keeping previous state var isDontCaptureUserMedia = connection.dontCaptureUserMedia; connection.dontCaptureUserMedia = false; connection.captureUserMedia(function() { connection.dontCaptureUserMedia = true; connection.join(session); // returning back previous state connection.dontCaptureUserMedia = isDontCaptureUserMedia; }, forceSession); }; if (!session.extra) session.extra = {}; return connection.onNewSession(session); } connection.join(session); } function updateSocketForLocalStreams(socket) { for (var i = 0; i < connection.localStreamids.length; i++) { var streamid = connection.localStreamids[i]; if (connection.streams[streamid]) { // using "sockets" array to keep references of all sockets using // this media stream; so we can fire "onStreamEndedHandler" among all users. connection.streams[streamid].sockets.push(socket); } } } function newPrivateSocket(_config) { var socketConfig = { channel: _config.channel, onmessage: socketResponse, onopen: function(_socket) { if (_socket) socket = _socket; if (isofferer && !peer) { peerConfig.session = connection.session; if (!peer) peer = new PeerConnection(); peer.create('offer', peerConfig); } _config.socketIndex = socket.index = sockets.length; socketObjects[socketConfig.channel] = socket; sockets[_config.socketIndex] = socket; updateSocketForLocalStreams(socket); if (!socket.__push) { socket.__push = socket.send; socket.send = function(message) { message.userid = message.userid || connection.userid; message.extra = message.extra || connection.extra || {}; socket.__push(message); }; } } }; socketConfig.callback = function(_socket) { socket = _socket; socketConfig.onopen(); }; var socket = connection.openSignalingChannel(socketConfig); if (socket) socketConfig.onopen(socket); var isofferer = _config.isofferer, peer; var peerConfig = { onopen: onChannelOpened, onicecandidate: function(candidate) { if (!connection.candidates) throw 'ICE candidates are mandatory.'; if (!connection.iceProtocols) throw 'At least one must be true; UDP or TCP.'; var iceCandidates = connection.candidates; var stun = iceCandidates.stun; var turn = iceCandidates.turn; if (!isNull(iceCandidates.reflexive)) stun = iceCandidates.reflexive; if (!isNull(iceCandidates.relay)) turn = iceCandidates.relay; if (!iceCandidates.host && !!candidate.candidate.match(/a=candidate.*typ host/g)) return; if (!turn && !!candidate.candidate.match(/a=candidate.*typ relay/g)) return; if (!stun && !!candidate.candidate.match(/a=candidate.*typ srflx/g)) return; var protocol = connection.iceProtocols; if (!protocol.udp && !!candidate.candidate.match(/a=candidate.* udp/g)) return; if (!protocol.tcp && !!candidate.candidate.match(/a=candidate.* tcp/g)) return; if (!window.selfNPObject) window.selfNPObject = candidate; socket && socket.send({ candidate: JSON.stringify({ candidate: candidate.candidate, sdpMid: candidate.sdpMid, sdpMLineIndex: candidate.sdpMLineIndex }) }); }, onmessage: function(data) { if (!data) return; var abToStr = ab2str(data); if (abToStr.indexOf('"userid":') != -1) { abToStr = JSON.parse(abToStr); onDataChannelMessage(abToStr); } else if (data instanceof ArrayBuffer || data instanceof DataView) { if (!connection.enableFileSharing) { throw 'It seems that receiving data is either "Blob" or "File" but file sharing is disabled.'; } if (!rtcMultiSession.fileBufferReader) { var that = this; initFileBufferReader(connection, function(fbr) { rtcMultiSession.fileBufferReader = fbr; that.onmessage(data); }); return; } var fileBufferReader = rtcMultiSession.fileBufferReader; fileBufferReader.convertToObject(data, function(chunk) { if (chunk.maxChunks || chunk.readyForNextChunk) { // if target peer requested next chunk if (chunk.readyForNextChunk) { fileBufferReader.getNextChunk(chunk.uuid, function(nextChunk, isLastChunk, extra) { rtcMultiSession.send(nextChunk); }); return; } // if chunk is received fileBufferReader.addChunk(chunk, function(promptNextChunk) { // request next chunk rtcMultiSession.send(promptNextChunk); }); return; } connection.onmessage({ data: chunk, userid: _config.userid, extra: _config.extra }); }); return; } }, onaddstream: function(stream, session) { session = session || _config.renegotiate || connection.session; // if it is data-only connection; then return. if (isData(session)) return; if (session.screen && (session.audio || session.video)) { if (!_config.gotAudioOrVideo) { // audio/video are fired earlier than screen _config.gotAudioOrVideo = true; session.screen = false; } else { // screen stream is always fired later session.audio = false; session.video = false; } } var preMuted = {}; if (_config.streaminfo) { var streaminfo = _config.streaminfo.split('----'); var strInfo = JSON.parse(streaminfo[streaminfo.length - 1]); if (!isIE) { stream.streamid = strInfo.streamid; stream.isScreen = !!strInfo.isScreen; stream.isVideo = !!strInfo.isVideo; stream.isAudio = !!strInfo.isAudio; preMuted = strInfo.preMuted; } streaminfo.pop(); _config.streaminfo = streaminfo.join('----'); } var mediaElement = createMediaElement(stream, merge({ remote: true }, session)); if (connection.setDefaultEventsForMediaElement) { connection.setDefaultEventsForMediaElement(mediaElement, stream.streamid); } if (!isPluginRTC && !stream.getVideoTracks().length) { function eventListener() { setTimeout(function() { mediaElement.muted = false; afterRemoteStreamStartedFlowing({ mediaElement: mediaElement, session: session, stream: stream, preMuted: preMuted }); }, 3000); mediaElement.removeEventListener('play', eventListener); } return mediaElement.addEventListener('play', eventListener, false); } waitUntilRemoteStreamStartsFlowing({ mediaElement: mediaElement, session: session, stream: stream, preMuted: preMuted }); }, onremovestream: function(stream) { if (stream && stream.streamid) { stream = connection.streams[stream.streamid]; if (stream) { log('on:stream:ended via on:remove:stream', stream); onStreamEndedHandler(stream, connection); } } else log('on:remove:stream', stream); }, onclose: function(e) { e.extra = _config.extra; e.userid = _config.userid; connection.onclose(e); // suggested in #71 by "efaj" if (connection.channels[e.userid]) { delete connection.channels[e.userid]; } }, onerror: function(e) { e.extra = _config.extra; e.userid = _config.userid; connection.onerror(e); }, oniceconnectionstatechange: function(event) { log('oniceconnectionstatechange', toStr(event)); if (peer.connection && peer.connection.iceConnectionState == 'connected' && peer.connection.iceGatheringState == 'complete' && peer.connection.signalingState == 'stable' && connection.numberOfConnectedUsers == 1) { connection.onconnected({ userid: _config.userid, extra: _config.extra, peer: connection.peers[_config.userid], targetuser: _config.userinfo }); } if (!connection.isInitiator && peer.connection && peer.connection.iceConnectionState == 'connected' && peer.connection.iceGatheringState == 'complete' && peer.connection.signalingState == 'stable' && connection.numberOfConnectedUsers == 1) { connection.onstatechange({ userid: _config.userid, extra: _config.extra, name: 'connected-with-initiator', reason: 'ICE connection state seems connected; gathering state is completed; and signaling state is stable.' }); } if (connection.peers[_config.userid] && connection.peers[_config.userid].oniceconnectionstatechange) { connection.peers[_config.userid].oniceconnectionstatechange(event); } // if ICE connectivity check is failed; renegotiate or redial if (connection.peers[_config.userid] && connection.peers[_config.userid].peer.connection.iceConnectionState == 'failed') { connection.onfailed({ userid: _config.userid, extra: _config.extra, peer: connection.peers[_config.userid], targetuser: _config.userinfo }); } if (connection.peers[_config.userid] && connection.peers[_config.userid].peer.connection.iceConnectionState == 'disconnected') { !peer.connection.renegotiate && connection.ondisconnected({ userid: _config.userid, extra: _config.extra, peer: connection.peers[_config.userid], targetuser: _config.userinfo }); peer.connection.renegotiate = false; } if (!connection.autoReDialOnFailure) return; if (connection.peers[_config.userid]) { if (connection.peers[_config.userid].peer.connection.iceConnectionState != 'disconnected') { _config.redialing = false; } if (connection.peers[_config.userid].peer.connection.iceConnectionState == 'disconnected' && !_config.redialing) { _config.redialing = true; warn('Peer connection is closed.', toStr(connection.peers[_config.userid].peer.connection), 'ReDialing..'); connection.peers[_config.userid].socket.send({ redial: true }); // to make sure all old "remote" streams are also removed! connection.streams.remove({ remote: true, userid: _config.userid }); } } }, onsignalingstatechange: function(event) { log('onsignalingstatechange', toStr(event)); }, attachStreams: connection.dontAttachStream ? [] : connection.attachStreams, iceServers: connection.iceServers, rtcConfiguration: connection.rtcConfiguration, bandwidth: connection.bandwidth, sdpConstraints: connection.sdpConstraints, optionalArgument: connection.optionalArgument, disableDtlsSrtp: connection.disableDtlsSrtp, dataChannelDict: connection.dataChannelDict, preferSCTP: connection.preferSCTP, onSessionDescription: function(sessionDescription, streaminfo) { sendsdp({ sdp: sessionDescription, socket: socket, streaminfo: streaminfo }); }, trickleIce: connection.trickleIce, processSdp: connection.processSdp, sendStreamId: function(stream) { socket && socket.send({ streamid: stream.streamid, isScreen: !!stream.isScreen, isAudio: !!stream.isAudio, isVideo: !!stream.isVideo }); }, rtcMultiConnection: connection }; function waitUntilRemoteStreamStartsFlowing(args) { // chrome for android may have some features missing if (isMobileDevice || isPluginRTC || (isNull(connection.waitUntilRemoteStreamStartsFlowing) || !connection.waitUntilRemoteStreamStartsFlowing)) { return afterRemoteStreamStartedFlowing(args); } if (!args.numberOfTimes) args.numberOfTimes = 0; args.numberOfTimes++; if (!(args.mediaElement.readyState <= HTMLMediaElement.HAVE_CURRENT_DATA || args.mediaElement.paused || args.mediaElement.currentTime <= 0)) { return afterRemoteStreamStartedFlowing(args); } if (args.numberOfTimes >= 60) { // wait 60 seconds while video is delivered! return socket.send({ failedToReceiveRemoteVideo: true, streamid: args.stream.streamid }); } setTimeout(function() { log('Waiting for incoming remote stream to be started flowing: ' + args.numberOfTimes + ' seconds.'); waitUntilRemoteStreamStartsFlowing(args); }, 900); } function initFakeChannel() { if (!connection.fakeDataChannels || connection.channels[_config.userid]) return; // for non-data connections; allow fake data sender! if (!connection.session.data) { var fakeChannel = { send: function(data) { socket.send({ fakeData: data }); }, readyState: 'open' }; // connection.channels['user-id'].send(data); connection.channels[_config.userid] = { channel: fakeChannel, send: function(data) { this.channel.send(data); } }; peerConfig.onopen(fakeChannel); } } function afterRemoteStreamStartedFlowing(args) { var mediaElement = args.mediaElement; var session = args.session; var stream = args.stream; stream.onended = function() { if (streamedObject.mediaElement && !streamedObject.mediaElement.parentNode && document.getElementById(stream.streamid)) { streamedObject.mediaElement = document.getElementById(stream.streamid); } onStreamEndedHandler(streamedObject, connection); }; var streamedObject = { mediaElement: mediaElement, stream: stream, streamid: stream.streamid, session: session || connection.session, blobURL: isPluginRTC ? '' : mediaElement.mozSrcObject ? URL.createObjectURL(stream) : mediaElement.src, type: 'remote', extra: _config.extra, userid: _config.userid, isVideo: isPluginRTC ? !!session.video : !!stream.isVideo, isAudio: isPluginRTC ? !!session.audio && !session.video : !!stream.isAudio, isScreen: !!stream.isScreen, isInitiator: !!_config.isInitiator, rtcMultiConnection: connection, socket: socket }; // connection.streams['stream-id'].mute({audio:true}) connection.streams[stream.streamid] = connection._getStream(streamedObject); connection.onstream(streamedObject); if (!isEmpty(args.preMuted) && (args.preMuted.audio || args.preMuted.video)) { var fakeObject = merge({}, streamedObject); fakeObject.session = merge(fakeObject.session, args.preMuted); fakeObject.isAudio = !!fakeObject.session.audio && !fakeObject.session.video; fakeObject.isVideo = !!fakeObject.session.video; fakeObject.isScreen = false; connection.onmute(fakeObject); } log('on:add:stream', streamedObject); onSessionOpened(); if (connection.onspeaking) { initHark({ stream: stream, streamedObject: streamedObject, connection: connection }); } } function onChannelOpened(channel) { _config.channel = channel; // connection.channels['user-id'].send(data); connection.channels[_config.userid] = { channel: _config.channel, send: function(data) { connection.send(data, this.channel); } }; connection.onopen({ extra: _config.extra, userid: _config.userid, channel: channel }); // fetch files from file-queue for (var q in connection.fileQueue) { connection.send(connection.fileQueue[q], channel); } if (isData(connection.session)) onSessionOpened(); if (connection.partOfScreen && connection.partOfScreen.sharing) { connection.peers[_config.userid].sharePartOfScreen(connection.partOfScreen); } } function updateSocket() { // todo: need to check following {if-block} MUST not affect "redial" process if (socket.userid == _config.userid) return; socket.userid = _config.userid; sockets[_config.socketIndex] = socket; connection.numberOfConnectedUsers++; // connection.peers['user-id'].addStream({audio:true}) connection.peers[_config.userid] = { socket: socket, peer: peer, userid: _config.userid, extra: _config.extra, userinfo: _config.userinfo, addStream: function(session00) { // connection.peers['user-id'].addStream({audio: true, video: true); connection.addStream(session00, this.socket); }, removeStream: function(streamid) { if (!connection.streams[streamid]) return warn('No such stream exists. Stream-id:', streamid); this.peer.connection.removeStream(connection.streams[streamid].stream); this.renegotiate(); }, renegotiate: function(stream, session) { // connection.peers['user-id'].renegotiate(); connection.renegotiate(stream, session); }, changeBandwidth: function(bandwidth) { // connection.peers['user-id'].changeBandwidth(); if (!bandwidth) throw 'You MUST pass bandwidth object.'; if (isString(bandwidth)) throw 'Pass object for bandwidth instead of string; e.g. {audio:10, video:20}'; // set bandwidth for self this.peer.bandwidth = bandwidth; // ask remote user to synchronize bandwidth this.socket.send({ changeBandwidth: true, bandwidth: bandwidth }); }, sendCustomMessage: function(message) { // connection.peers['user-id'].sendCustomMessage(); this.socket.send({ customMessage: true, message: message }); }, onCustomMessage: function(message) { log('Received "private" message from', this.userid, isString(message) ? message : toStr(message)); }, drop: function(dontSendMessage) { // connection.peers['user-id'].drop(); for (var stream in connection.streams) { if (connection._skip.indexOf(stream) == -1) { stream = connection.streams[stream]; if (stream.userid == connection.userid && stream.type == 'local') { this.peer.connection.removeStream(stream.stream); onStreamEndedHandler(stream, connection); } if (stream.type == 'remote' && stream.userid == this.userid) { onStreamEndedHandler(stream, connection); } } } !dontSendMessage && this.socket.send({ drop: true }); }, hold: function(holdMLine) { // connection.peers['user-id'].hold(); if (peer.prevCreateType == 'answer') { this.socket.send({ unhold: true, holdMLine: holdMLine || 'both', takeAction: true }); return; } this.socket.send({ hold: true, holdMLine: holdMLine || 'both' }); this.peer.hold = true; this.fireHoldUnHoldEvents({ kind: holdMLine, isHold: true, userid: connection.userid, remoteUser: this.userid }); }, unhold: function(holdMLine) { // connection.peers['user-id'].unhold(); if (peer.prevCreateType == 'answer') { this.socket.send({ unhold: true, holdMLine: holdMLine || 'both', takeAction: true }); return; } this.socket.send({ unhold: true, holdMLine: holdMLine || 'both' }); this.peer.hold = false; this.fireHoldUnHoldEvents({ kind: holdMLine, isHold: false, userid: connection.userid, remoteUser: this.userid }); }, fireHoldUnHoldEvents: function(e) { // this method is for inner usages only! var isHold = e.isHold; var kind = e.kind; var userid = e.remoteUser || e.userid; // hold means inactive a specific media line! // a media line can contain multiple synced sources (ssrc) // i.e. a media line can reference multiple tracks! // that's why hold will affect all relevant tracks in a specific media line! for (var stream in connection.streams) { if (connection._skip.indexOf(stream) == -1) { stream = connection.streams[stream]; if (stream.userid == userid) { // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/onhold/ if (isHold) connection.onhold(merge({ kind: kind }, stream)); // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/onunhold/ if (!isHold) connection.onunhold(merge({ kind: kind }, stream)); } } } }, redial: function() { // connection.peers['user-id'].redial(); // 1st of all; remove all relevant remote media streams for (var stream in connection.streams) { if (connection._skip.indexOf(stream) == -1) { stream = connection.streams[stream]; if (stream.userid == this.userid && stream.type == 'remote') { onStreamEndedHandler(stream, connection); } } } log('ReDialing...'); socket.send({ recreatePeer: true }); peer = new PeerConnection(); peer.create('offer', peerConfig); }, sharePartOfScreen: function(args) { // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/onpartofscreen/ var that = this; var lastScreenshot = ''; function partOfScreenCapturer() { // if stopped if (that.stopPartOfScreenSharing) { that.stopPartOfScreenSharing = false; if (connection.onpartofscreenstopped) { connection.onpartofscreenstopped(); } return; } // if paused if (that.pausePartOfScreenSharing) { if (connection.onpartofscreenpaused) { connection.onpartofscreenpaused(); } return setTimeout(partOfScreenCapturer, args.interval || 200); } capturePartOfScreen({ element: args.element, connection: connection, callback: function(screenshot) { if (!connection.channels[that.userid]) { throw 'No such data channel exists.'; } // don't share repeated content if (screenshot != lastScreenshot) { lastScreenshot = screenshot; connection.channels[that.userid].send({ screenshot: screenshot, isPartOfScreen: true }); } // "once" can be used to share single screenshot !args.once && setTimeout(partOfScreenCapturer, args.interval || 200); } }); } partOfScreenCapturer(); }, getConnectionStats: function(callback, interval) { if (!callback) throw 'callback is mandatory.'; if (!window.getConnectionStats) { loadScript(connection.resources.getConnectionStats, invoker); } else invoker(); function invoker() { RTCPeerConnection.prototype.getConnectionStats = window.getConnectionStats; peer.connection && peer.connection.getConnectionStats(callback, interval); } }, takeSnapshot: function(callback) { takeSnapshot({ userid: this.userid, connection: connection, callback: callback }); } }; } function onSessionOpened() { // original conferencing infrastructure! if (connection.isInitiator && getLength(participants) && getLength(participants) <= connection.maxParticipantsAllowed) { if (!connection.session.oneway && !connection.session.broadcast) { defaultSocket.send({ sessionid: connection.sessionid, newParticipant: _config.userid || socket.channel, userData: { userid: _config.userid || socket.channel, extra: _config.extra } }); } } // 1st: renegotiation is supported only on chrome // 2nd: must not renegotiate same media multiple times // 3rd: todo: make sure that target-user has no such "renegotiated" media. if (_config.userinfo.browser == 'chrome' && !_config.renegotiatedOnce) { // this code snippet is added to make sure that "previously-renegotiated" streams are also // renegotiated to this new user for (var rSession in connection.renegotiatedSessions) { _config.renegotiatedOnce = true; if (connection.renegotiatedSessions[rSession] && connection.renegotiatedSessions[rSession].stream) { connection.peers[_config.userid].renegotiate(connection.renegotiatedSessions[rSession].stream, connection.renegotiatedSessions[rSession].session); } } } } function socketResponse(response) { if (isRMSDeleted) return; if (response.userid == connection.userid) return; if (response.sdp) { _config.userid = response.userid; _config.extra = response.extra || {}; _config.renegotiate = response.renegotiate; _config.streaminfo = response.streaminfo; _config.isInitiator = response.isInitiator; _config.userinfo = response.userinfo; var sdp = JSON.parse(response.sdp); if (sdp.type == 'offer') { // to synchronize SCTP or RTP peerConfig.preferSCTP = !!response.preferSCTP; connection.fakeDataChannels = !!response.fakeDataChannels; } // initializing fake channel initFakeChannel(); sdpInvoker(sdp, response.labels); } if (response.candidate) { peer && peer.addIceCandidate(JSON.parse(response.candidate)); } if (response.streamid) { if (!rtcMultiSession.streamids) { rtcMultiSession.streamids = {}; } if (!rtcMultiSession.streamids[response.streamid]) { rtcMultiSession.streamids[response.streamid] = response.streamid; connection.onstreamid(response); } } if (response.mute || response.unmute) { if (response.promptMuteUnmute) { if (!connection.privileges.canMuteRemoteStream) { connection.onstatechange({ userid: response.userid, extra: response.extra, name: 'mute-request-denied', reason: response.userid + ' tried to mute your stream; however "privileges.canMuteRemoteStream" is "false".' }); return; } if (connection.streams[response.streamid]) { if (response.mute && !connection.streams[response.streamid].muted) { connection.streams[response.streamid].mute(response.session); } if (response.unmute && connection.streams[response.streamid].muted) { connection.streams[response.streamid].unmute(response.session); } } } else { var streamObject = {}; if (connection.streams[response.streamid]) { streamObject = connection.streams[response.streamid]; } var session = response.session; var fakeObject = merge({}, streamObject); fakeObject.session = session; fakeObject.isAudio = !!fakeObject.session.audio && !fakeObject.session.video; fakeObject.isVideo = !!fakeObject.session.video; fakeObject.isScreen = !!fakeObject.session.screen; if (response.mute) connection.onmute(fakeObject || response); if (response.unmute) connection.onunmute(fakeObject || response); } } if (response.isVolumeChanged) { log('Volume of stream: ' + response.streamid + ' has changed to: ' + response.volume); if (connection.streams[response.streamid]) { var mediaElement = connection.streams[response.streamid].mediaElement; if (mediaElement) mediaElement.volume = response.volume; } } // to stop local stream if (response.stopped) { if (connection.streams[response.streamid]) { onStreamEndedHandler(connection.streams[response.streamid], connection); } } // to stop remote stream if (response.promptStreamStop /* && !connection.isInitiator */ ) { if (!connection.privileges.canStopRemoteStream) { connection.onstatechange({ userid: response.userid, extra: response.extra, name: 'stop-request-denied', reason: response.userid + ' tried to stop your stream; however "privileges.canStopRemoteStream" is "false".' }); return; } warn('Remote stream has been manually stopped!'); if (connection.streams[response.streamid]) { connection.streams[response.streamid].stop(); } } if (response.left) { // firefox is unable to stop remote streams // firefox doesn't auto stop streams when peer.close() is called. if (isFirefox) { var userLeft = response.userid; for (var stream in connection.streams) { stream = connection.streams[stream]; if (stream.userid == userLeft) { connection.stopMediaStream(stream); onStreamEndedHandler(stream, connection); } } } if (peer && peer.connection) { // todo: verify if-block's 2nd condition if (peer.connection.signalingState != 'closed' && peer.connection.iceConnectionState.search(/disconnected|failed/gi) == -1) { peer.connection.close(); } peer.connection = null; } if (participants[response.userid]) delete participants[response.userid]; if (response.closeEntireSession) { connection.onSessionClosed(response); connection.leave(); return; } connection.remove(response.userid); onLeaveHandler({ userid: response.userid, extra: response.extra || {}, entireSessionClosed: !!response.closeEntireSession }, connection); } // keeping session active even if initiator leaves if (response.playRoleOfBroadcaster) { if (response.extra) { // clone extra-data from initial moderator connection.extra = merge(connection.extra, response.extra); } if (response.participants) { participants = response.participants; // make sure that if 2nd initiator leaves; control is shifted to 3rd person. if (participants[connection.userid]) { delete participants[connection.userid]; } if (sockets[0] && sockets[0].userid == response.userid) { delete sockets[0]; sockets = swap(sockets); } if (socketObjects[response.userid]) { delete socketObjects[response.userid]; } } setTimeout(connection.playRoleOfInitiator, 2000); } if (response.changeBandwidth) { if (!connection.peers[response.userid]) throw 'No such peer exists.'; // synchronize bandwidth connection.peers[response.userid].peer.bandwidth = response.bandwidth; // renegotiate to apply bandwidth connection.peers[response.userid].renegotiate(); } if (response.customMessage) { if (!connection.peers[response.userid]) throw 'No such peer exists.'; if (response.message.ejected) { if (connection.sessionDescriptions[connection.sessionid].userid != response.userid) { throw 'only initiator can eject a user.'; } // initiator ejected this user connection.leave(); connection.onSessionClosed({ userid: response.userid, extra: response.extra || _config.extra, isEjected: true }); } else connection.peers[response.userid].onCustomMessage(response.message); } if (response.drop) { if (!connection.peers[response.userid]) throw 'No such peer exists.'; connection.peers[response.userid].drop(true); connection.peers[response.userid].renegotiate(); connection.ondrop(response.userid); } if (response.hold || response.unhold) { if (!connection.peers[response.userid]) throw 'No such peer exists.'; if (response.takeAction) { connection.peers[response.userid][!!response.hold ? 'hold' : 'unhold'](response.holdMLine); return; } connection.peers[response.userid].peer.hold = !!response.hold; connection.peers[response.userid].peer.holdMLine = response.holdMLine; socket.send({ isRenegotiate: true }); connection.peers[response.userid].fireHoldUnHoldEvents({ kind: response.holdMLine, isHold: !!response.hold, userid: response.userid }); } if (response.isRenegotiate) { connection.peers[response.userid].renegotiate(null, connection.peers[response.userid].peer.session); } // fake data channels! if (response.fakeData) { peerConfig.onmessage(response.fakeData); } // sometimes we don't need to renegotiate e.g. when peers are disconnected // or if it is firefox if (response.recreatePeer) { peer = new PeerConnection(); } // remote video failed either out of ICE gathering process or ICE connectivity check-up // or IceAgent was unable to locate valid candidates/ports. if (response.failedToReceiveRemoteVideo) { log('Remote peer hasn\'t received stream: ' + response.streamid + '. Renegotiating...'); if (connection.peers[response.userid]) { connection.peers[response.userid].renegotiate(); } } if (response.redial) { if (connection.peers[response.userid]) { if (connection.peers[response.userid].peer.connection.iceConnectionState != 'disconnected') { _config.redialing = false; } if (connection.peers[response.userid].peer.connection.iceConnectionState == 'disconnected' && !_config.redialing) { _config.redialing = true; warn('Peer connection is closed.', toStr(connection.peers[response.userid].peer.connection), 'ReDialing..'); connection.peers[response.userid].redial(); } } } } connection.playRoleOfInitiator = function() { connection.dontCaptureUserMedia = true; connection.open(); sockets = swap(sockets); connection.dontCaptureUserMedia = false; }; connection.askToShareParticipants = function() { defaultSocket && defaultSocket.send({ askToShareParticipants: true }); }; connection.shareParticipants = function(args) { var message = { joinUsers: participants, userid: connection.userid, extra: connection.extra }; if (args) { if (args.dontShareWith) message.dontShareWith = args.dontShareWith; if (args.shareWith) message.shareWith = args.shareWith; } defaultSocket.send(message); }; function sdpInvoker(sdp, labels) { if (sdp.type == 'answer') { peer.setRemoteDescription(sdp); updateSocket(); return; } if (!_config.renegotiate && sdp.type == 'offer') { peerConfig.offerDescription = sdp; peerConfig.session = connection.session; if (!peer) peer = new PeerConnection(); peer.create('answer', peerConfig); updateSocket(); return; } var session = _config.renegotiate; // detach streams detachMediaStream(labels, peer.connection); if (session.oneway || isData(session)) { createAnswer(); delete _config.renegotiate; } else { if (_config.capturing) return; _config.capturing = true; connection.captureUserMedia(function(stream) { _config.capturing = false; peer.addStream(stream); connection.renegotiatedSessions[JSON.stringify(_config.renegotiate)] = { session: _config.renegotiate, stream: stream }; delete _config.renegotiate; createAnswer(); }, _config.renegotiate); } function createAnswer() { peer.recreateAnswer(sdp, session, function(_sdp, streaminfo) { sendsdp({ sdp: _sdp, socket: socket, streaminfo: streaminfo }); connection.detachStreams = []; }); } } } function detachMediaStream(labels, peer) { if (!labels) return; for (var i = 0; i < labels.length; i++) { var label = labels[i]; if (connection.streams[label]) { peer.removeStream(connection.streams[label].stream); } } } function sendsdp(e) { e.socket.send({ sdp: JSON.stringify({ sdp: e.sdp.sdp, type: e.sdp.type }), renegotiate: !!e.renegotiate ? e.renegotiate : false, streaminfo: e.streaminfo || '', labels: e.labels || [], preferSCTP: !!connection.preferSCTP, fakeDataChannels: !!connection.fakeDataChannels, isInitiator: !!connection.isInitiator, userinfo: { browser: isFirefox ? 'firefox' : 'chrome' } }); } // sharing new user with existing participants function onNewParticipant(response) { var channel = response.newParticipant; if (!channel || !!participants[channel] || channel == connection.userid) return; var new_channel = connection.token(); newPrivateSocket({ channel: new_channel, extra: response.userData ? response.userData.extra : response.extra, userid: response.userData ? response.userData.userid : response.userid }); defaultSocket.send({ participant: true, targetUser: channel, channel: new_channel }); } // if a user leaves function clearSession() { connection.numberOfConnectedUsers--; var alertMessage = { left: true, extra: connection.extra || {}, userid: connection.userid, sessionid: connection.sessionid }; if (connection.isInitiator) { // if initiator wants to close entire session if (connection.autoCloseEntireSession) { alertMessage.closeEntireSession = true; } else if (sockets[0]) { // shift initiation control to another user sockets[0].send({ playRoleOfBroadcaster: true, userid: connection.userid, extra: connection.extra, participants: participants }); } } sockets.forEach(function(socket, i) { socket.send(alertMessage); if (socketObjects[socket.channel]) { delete socketObjects[socket.channel]; } delete sockets[i]; }); sockets = swap(sockets); connection.refresh(); webAudioMediaStreamSources.forEach(function(mediaStreamSource) { // if source is connected; then chrome will crash on unload. mediaStreamSource.disconnect(); }); webAudioMediaStreamSources = []; } // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/remove/ connection.remove = function(userid) { if (rtcMultiSession.requestsFrom && rtcMultiSession.requestsFrom[userid]) delete rtcMultiSession.requestsFrom[userid]; if (connection.peers[userid]) { if (connection.peers[userid].peer && connection.peers[userid].peer.connection) { if (connection.peers[userid].peer.connection.signalingState != 'closed') { connection.peers[userid].peer.connection.close(); } connection.peers[userid].peer.connection = null; } delete connection.peers[userid]; } if (participants[userid]) { delete participants[userid]; } for (var stream in connection.streams) { stream = connection.streams[stream]; if (stream.userid == userid) { onStreamEndedHandler(stream, connection); delete connection.streams[stream]; } } if (socketObjects[userid]) { delete socketObjects[userid]; } }; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/refresh/ connection.refresh = function() { // if firebase; remove data from firebase servers if (connection.isInitiator && !!connection.socket && !!connection.socket.remove) { connection.socket.remove(); } participants = {}; // to stop/remove self streams for (var i = 0; i < connection.attachStreams.length; i++) { connection.stopMediaStream(connection.attachStreams[i]); } // to allow capturing of identical streams currentUserMediaRequest = { streams: [], mutex: false, queueRequests: [] }; rtcMultiSession.isOwnerLeaving = true; connection.isInitiator = false; connection.isAcceptNewSession = true; connection.attachMediaStreams = []; connection.sessionDescription = null; connection.sessionDescriptions = {}; connection.localStreamids = []; connection.preRecordedMedias = {}; connection.snapshots = {}; connection.numberOfConnectedUsers = 0; connection.numberOfSessions = 0; connection.attachStreams = []; connection.detachStreams = []; connection.fileQueue = {}; connection.channels = {}; connection.renegotiatedSessions = {}; for (var peer in connection.peers) { if (peer != connection.userid) { delete connection.peers[peer]; } } // to make sure remote streams are also removed! for (var stream in connection.streams) { if (connection._skip.indexOf(stream) == -1) { onStreamEndedHandler(connection.streams[stream], connection); delete connection.streams[stream]; } } socketObjects = {}; sockets = []; participants = {}; }; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/reject/ connection.reject = function(userid) { if (!isString(userid)) userid = userid.userid; defaultSocket.send({ rejectedRequestOf: userid }); // remove relevant data to allow him join again connection.remove(userid); }; rtcMultiSession.leaveHandler = function(e) { if (!connection.leaveOnPageUnload) return; if (isNull(e.keyCode)) { return clearSession(); } if (e.keyCode == 116) { clearSession(); } }; listenEventHandler('beforeunload', rtcMultiSession.leaveHandler); listenEventHandler('keyup', rtcMultiSession.leaveHandler); rtcMultiSession.onLineOffLineHandler = function() { if (!navigator.onLine) { rtcMultiSession.isOffLine = true; } else if (rtcMultiSession.isOffLine) { rtcMultiSession.isOffLine = !navigator.onLine; // defaultSocket = getDefaultSocketRef(); // pending tasks should be resumed? // sockets should be reconnected? // peers should be re-established? } }; listenEventHandler('load', rtcMultiSession.onLineOffLineHandler); listenEventHandler('online', rtcMultiSession.onLineOffLineHandler); listenEventHandler('offline', rtcMultiSession.onLineOffLineHandler); function onSignalingReady() { if (rtcMultiSession.signalingReady) return; rtcMultiSession.signalingReady = true; setTimeout(callbackForSignalingReady, 1000); if (!connection.isInitiator) { // as soon as signaling gateway is connected; // user should check existing rooms! defaultSocket && defaultSocket.send({ searchingForRooms: true }); } } function joinParticipants(joinUsers) { for (var user in joinUsers) { if (!participants[joinUsers[user]]) { onNewParticipant({ sessionid: connection.sessionid, newParticipant: joinUsers[user], userid: connection.userid, extra: connection.extra }); } } } function getDefaultSocketRef() { return connection.openSignalingChannel({ onmessage: function(response) { // RMS == RTCMultiSession if (isRMSDeleted) return; // if message is sent by same user if (response.userid == connection.userid) return; if (response.sessionid && response.userid) { if (!connection.sessionDescriptions[response.sessionid]) { connection.numberOfSessions++; connection.sessionDescriptions[response.sessionid] = response; // fire "onNewSession" only if: // 1) "isAcceptNewSession" boolean is true // 2) "sessionDescriptions" object isn't having same session i.e. to prevent duplicate invocations if (connection.isAcceptNewSession) { if (!connection.dontOverrideSession) { connection.session = response.session; } onNewSession(response); } } } if (response.newParticipant && !connection.isAcceptNewSession && rtcMultiSession.broadcasterid === response.userid) { if (response.newParticipant != connection.userid) { onNewParticipant(response); } } if (getLength(participants) < connection.maxParticipantsAllowed && response.targetUser == connection.userid && response.participant) { if (connection.peers[response.userid] && !connection.peers[response.userid].peer) { delete participants[response.userid]; delete connection.peers[response.userid]; connection.isAcceptNewSession = true; return acceptRequest(response); } if (!participants[response.userid]) { acceptRequest(response); } } if (response.acceptedRequestOf == connection.userid) { connection.onstatechange({ userid: response.userid, extra: response.extra, name: 'request-accepted', reason: response.userid + ' accepted your participation request.' }); } if (response.rejectedRequestOf == connection.userid) { connection.onstatechange({ userid: response.userid, extra: response.extra, name: 'request-rejected', reason: response.userid + ' rejected your participation request.' }); } if (response.customMessage) { if (response.message.drop) { connection.ondrop(response.userid); connection.attachStreams = []; // "drop" should detach all local streams for (var stream in connection.streams) { if (connection._skip.indexOf(stream) == -1) { stream = connection.streams[stream]; if (stream.type == 'local') { connection.detachStreams.push(stream.streamid); onStreamEndedHandler(stream, connection); } else onStreamEndedHandler(stream, connection); } } if (response.message.renegotiate) { // renegotiate; so "peer.removeStream" happens. connection.renegotiate(); } } else if (connection.onCustomMessage) { connection.onCustomMessage(response.message); } } if (connection.isInitiator && response.searchingForRooms) { defaultSocket && defaultSocket.send({ sessionDescription: connection.sessionDescription, responseFor: response.userid }); } if (response.sessionDescription && response.responseFor == connection.userid) { var sessionDescription = response.sessionDescription; if (!connection.sessionDescriptions[sessionDescription.sessionid]) { connection.numberOfSessions++; connection.sessionDescriptions[sessionDescription.sessionid] = sessionDescription; } } if (connection.isInitiator && response.askToShareParticipants && defaultSocket) { connection.shareParticipants({ shareWith: response.userid }); } // participants are shared with single user if (response.shareWith == connection.userid && response.dontShareWith != connection.userid && response.joinUsers) { joinParticipants(response.joinUsers); } // participants are shared with all users if (!response.shareWith && response.joinUsers) { if (response.dontShareWith) { if (connection.userid != response.dontShareWith) { joinParticipants(response.joinUsers); } } else joinParticipants(response.joinUsers); } if (response.messageFor == connection.userid && response.presenceState) { if (response.presenceState == 'checking') { defaultSocket.send({ messageFor: response.userid, presenceState: 'available', _config: response._config }); log('participant asked for availability'); } if (response.presenceState == 'available') { rtcMultiSession.presenceState = 'available'; connection.onstatechange({ userid: 'browser', extra: {}, name: 'room-available', reason: 'Initiator is available and room is active.' }); joinSession(response._config); } } if (response.donotJoin && response.messageFor == connection.userid) { log(response.userid, 'is not joining your room.'); } // if initiator disconnects sockets, participants should also disconnect if (response.isDisconnectSockets) { log('Disconnecting your sockets because initiator also disconnected his sockets.'); connection.disconnect(); } }, callback: function(socket) { socket && this.onopen(socket); }, onopen: function(socket) { if (socket) defaultSocket = socket; if (onSignalingReady) onSignalingReady(); rtcMultiSession.defaultSocket = defaultSocket; if (!defaultSocket.__push) { defaultSocket.__push = defaultSocket.send; defaultSocket.send = function(message) { message.userid = message.userid || connection.userid; message.extra = message.extra || connection.extra || {}; defaultSocket.__push(message); }; } } }); } // default-socket is a common socket shared among all users in a specific channel; // to share participation requests; room descriptions; and other stuff. var defaultSocket = getDefaultSocketRef(); rtcMultiSession.defaultSocket = defaultSocket; if (defaultSocket && onSignalingReady) setTimeout(onSignalingReady, 2000); if (connection.session.screen) { loadScreenFrame(); } if (connection.log == false) connection.skipLogs(); if (connection.onlog) { log = warn = error = function() { var log = {}; var index = 0; Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments).forEach(function(argument) { log[index++] = toStr(argument); }); toStr = function(str) { return str; }; connection.onlog(log); }; } function setDirections() { var userMaxParticipantsAllowed = 0; // if user has set a custom max participant setting, remember it if (connection.maxParticipantsAllowed != 256) { userMaxParticipantsAllowed = connection.maxParticipantsAllowed; } if (connection.direction == 'one-way') connection.session.oneway = true; if (connection.direction == 'one-to-one') connection.maxParticipantsAllowed = 1; if (connection.direction == 'one-to-many') connection.session.broadcast = true; if (connection.direction == 'many-to-many') { if (!connection.maxParticipantsAllowed || connection.maxParticipantsAllowed == 1) { connection.maxParticipantsAllowed = 256; } } // if user has set a custom max participant setting, set it back if (userMaxParticipantsAllowed && connection.maxParticipantsAllowed != 1) { connection.maxParticipantsAllowed = userMaxParticipantsAllowed; } } // open new session this.initSession = function(args) { rtcMultiSession.isOwnerLeaving = false; setDirections(); participants = {}; rtcMultiSession.isOwnerLeaving = false; if (!isNull(args.transmitRoomOnce)) { connection.transmitRoomOnce = args.transmitRoomOnce; } function transmit() { if (defaultSocket && getLength(participants) < connection.maxParticipantsAllowed && !rtcMultiSession.isOwnerLeaving) { defaultSocket.send(connection.sessionDescription); } if (!connection.transmitRoomOnce && !rtcMultiSession.isOwnerLeaving) setTimeout(transmit, connection.interval || 3000); } // todo: test and fix next line. if (!args.dontTransmit /* || connection.transmitRoomOnce */ ) transmit(); }; function joinSession(_config, skipOnStateChange) { if (rtcMultiSession.donotJoin && rtcMultiSession.donotJoin == _config.sessionid) { return; } // dontOverrideSession allows you force RTCMultiConnection // to not override default session for participants; // by default, session is always overridden and set to the session coming from initiator! if (!connection.dontOverrideSession) { connection.session = _config.session || {}; } // make sure that inappropriate users shouldn't receive onNewSession event rtcMultiSession.broadcasterid = _config.userid; if (_config.sessionid) { // used later to prevent external rooms messages to be used by this user! connection.sessionid = _config.sessionid; } connection.isAcceptNewSession = false; var channel = getRandomString(); newPrivateSocket({ channel: channel, extra: _config.extra || {}, userid: _config.userid }); var offers = {}; if (connection.attachStreams.length) { var stream = connection.attachStreams[connection.attachStreams.length - 1]; if (!!stream.getAudioTracks && stream.getAudioTracks().length) { offers.audio = true; } if (stream.getVideoTracks().length) { offers.video = true; } } if (!isEmpty(offers)) { log(toStr(offers)); } else log('Seems data-only connection.'); connection.onstatechange({ userid: _config.userid, extra: {}, name: 'connecting-with-initiator', reason: 'Checking presence of the initiator; and the room.' }); defaultSocket.send({ participant: true, channel: channel, targetUser: _config.userid, session: connection.session, offers: { audio: !!offers.audio, video: !!offers.video } }); connection.skipOnNewSession = false; invokeMediaCaptured(connection); } // join existing session this.joinSession = function(_config) { if (!defaultSocket) return setTimeout(function() { warn('Default-Socket is not yet initialized.'); rtcMultiSession.joinSession(_config); }, 1000); _config = _config || {}; participants = {}; rtcMultiSession.presenceState = 'checking'; connection.onstatechange({ userid: _config.userid, extra: _config.extra || {}, name: 'detecting-room-presence', reason: 'Checking presence of the room.' }); function contactInitiator() { defaultSocket.send({ messageFor: _config.userid, presenceState: rtcMultiSession.presenceState, _config: { userid: _config.userid, extra: _config.extra || {}, sessionid: _config.sessionid, session: _config.session || false } }); } contactInitiator(); function checker() { if (rtcMultiSession.presenceState == 'checking') { warn('Unable to reach initiator. Trying again...'); contactInitiator(); setTimeout(function() { if (rtcMultiSession.presenceState == 'checking') { connection.onstatechange({ userid: _config.userid, extra: _config.extra || {}, name: 'room-not-available', reason: 'Initiator seems absent. Waiting for someone to open the room.' }); connection.isAcceptNewSession = true; setTimeout(checker, 2000); } }, 2000); } } setTimeout(checker, 3000); }; connection.donotJoin = function(sessionid) { rtcMultiSession.donotJoin = sessionid; var session = connection.sessionDescriptions[sessionid]; if (!session) return; defaultSocket.send({ donotJoin: true, messageFor: session.userid, sessionid: sessionid }); participants = {}; connection.isAcceptNewSession = true; connection.sessionid = null; }; // send file/data or text message this.send = function(message, _channel) { if (!(message instanceof ArrayBuffer || message instanceof DataView)) { message = str2ab({ extra: connection.extra, userid: connection.userid, data: message }); } if (_channel) { if (_channel.readyState == 'open') { _channel.send(message); } return; } for (var dataChannel in connection.channels) { var channel = connection.channels[dataChannel].channel; if (channel.readyState == 'open') { channel.send(message); } } }; // leave session this.leave = function() { clearSession(); }; // renegotiate new stream this.addStream = function(e) { var session = e.renegotiate; if (!connection.renegotiatedSessions[JSON.stringify(e.renegotiate)]) { connection.renegotiatedSessions[JSON.stringify(e.renegotiate)] = { session: e.renegotiate, stream: e.stream }; } if (e.socket) { if (e.socket.userid != connection.userid) { addStream(connection.peers[e.socket.userid]); } } else { for (var peer in connection.peers) { if (peer != connection.userid) { addStream(connection.peers[peer]); } } } function addStream(_peer) { var socket = _peer.socket; if (!socket) { warn(_peer, 'doesn\'t has socket.'); return; } updateSocketForLocalStreams(socket); if (!_peer || !_peer.peer) { throw 'No peer to renegotiate.'; } var peer = _peer.peer; if (e.stream) { if (!peer.attachStreams) { peer.attachStreams = []; } peer.attachStreams.push(e.stream); } // detaching old streams detachMediaStream(connection.detachStreams, peer.connection); if (e.stream && (session.audio || session.video || session.screen)) { peer.addStream(e.stream); } peer.recreateOffer(session, function(sdp, streaminfo) { sendsdp({ sdp: sdp, socket: socket, renegotiate: session, labels: connection.detachStreams, streaminfo: streaminfo }); connection.detachStreams = []; }); } }; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/request/ connection.request = function(userid, extra) { connection.captureUserMedia(function() { // open private socket that will be used to receive offer-sdp newPrivateSocket({ channel: connection.userid, extra: extra || {}, userid: userid }); // ask other user to create offer-sdp defaultSocket.send({ participant: true, targetUser: userid }); }); }; function acceptRequest(response) { if (!rtcMultiSession.requestsFrom) rtcMultiSession.requestsFrom = {}; if (rtcMultiSession.requestsFrom[response.userid]) return; var obj = { userid: response.userid, extra: response.extra, channel: response.channel || response.userid, session: response.session || connection.session }; // check how participant is willing to join if (response.offers) { if (response.offers.audio && response.offers.video) { log('target user has both audio/video streams.'); } else if (response.offers.audio && !response.offers.video) { log('target user has only audio stream.'); } else if (!response.offers.audio && response.offers.video) { log('target user has only video stream.'); } else { log('target user has no stream; it seems one-way streaming or data-only connection.'); } var mandatory = connection.sdpConstraints.mandatory; if (isNull(mandatory.OfferToReceiveAudio)) { connection.sdpConstraints.mandatory.OfferToReceiveAudio = !!response.offers.audio; } if (isNull(mandatory.OfferToReceiveVideo)) { connection.sdpConstraints.mandatory.OfferToReceiveVideo = !!response.offers.video; } log('target user\'s SDP has?', toStr(connection.sdpConstraints.mandatory)); } rtcMultiSession.requestsFrom[response.userid] = obj; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/onRequest/ if (connection.onRequest && connection.isInitiator) { connection.onRequest(obj); } else _accept(obj); } function _accept(e) { if (rtcMultiSession.captureUserMediaOnDemand) { rtcMultiSession.captureUserMediaOnDemand = false; connection.captureUserMedia(function() { _accept(e); invokeMediaCaptured(connection); }); return; } log('accepting request from', e.userid); participants[e.userid] = e.userid; newPrivateSocket({ isofferer: true, userid: e.userid, channel: e.channel, extra: e.extra || {}, session: e.session || connection.session }); } // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/accept/ connection.accept = function(e) { // for backward compatibility if (arguments.length > 1 && isString(arguments[0])) { e = {}; if (arguments[0]) e.userid = arguments[0]; if (arguments[1]) e.extra = arguments[1]; if (arguments[2]) e.channel = arguments[2]; } connection.captureUserMedia(function() { _accept(e); }); }; var isRMSDeleted = false; this.disconnect = function() { this.isOwnerLeaving = true; if (!connection.keepStreamsOpened) { for (var streamid in connection.localStreams) { connection.localStreams[streamid].stop(); } connection.localStreams = {}; currentUserMediaRequest = { streams: [], mutex: false, queueRequests: [] }; } if (connection.isInitiator) { defaultSocket.send({ isDisconnectSockets: true }); } connection.refresh(); rtcMultiSession.defaultSocket = defaultSocket = null; isRMSDeleted = true; connection.ondisconnected({ userid: connection.userid, extra: connection.extra, peer: connection.peers[connection.userid], isSocketsDisconnected: true }); // if there is any peer still opened; close it. connection.close(); window.removeEventListener('beforeunload', rtcMultiSession.leaveHandler); window.removeEventListener('keyup', rtcMultiSession.leaveHandler); // it will not work, though :) delete this; log('Disconnected your sockets, peers, streams and everything except RTCMultiConnection object.'); }; } var webAudioMediaStreamSources = []; function convertToAudioStream(mediaStream) { if (!mediaStream) throw 'MediaStream is mandatory.'; if (mediaStream.getVideoTracks && !mediaStream.getVideoTracks().length) { return mediaStream; } var context = new AudioContext(); var mediaStreamSource = context.createMediaStreamSource(mediaStream); var destination = context.createMediaStreamDestination(); mediaStreamSource.connect(destination); webAudioMediaStreamSources.push(mediaStreamSource); return destination.stream; } var isOpera = !!window.opera || navigator.userAgent.indexOf(' OPR/') >= 0; var isFirefox = typeof window.InstallTrigger !== 'undefined'; var isSafari = Object.prototype.toString.call(window.HTMLElement).indexOf('Constructor') > 0; var isChrome = !!window.chrome && !isOpera; var isIE = !!document.documentMode; var isPluginRTC = isSafari || isIE; var isMobileDevice = !!navigator.userAgent.match(/Android|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile/i); // detect node-webkit var isNodeWebkit = !!(window.process && (typeof window.process == 'object') && window.process.versions && window.process.versions['node-webkit']); window.MediaStream = window.MediaStream || window.webkitMediaStream; window.AudioContext = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext; function getRandomString() { // suggested by @rvulpescu from #154 if (window.crypto && crypto.getRandomValues && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Safari') == -1) { var a = window.crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint32Array(3)), token = ''; for (var i = 0, l = a.length; i < l; i++) { token += a[i].toString(36); } return token; } else { return (Math.random() * new Date().getTime()).toString(36).replace(/\./g, ''); } } var chromeVersion = 50; var matchArray = navigator.userAgent.match(/Chrom(e|ium)\/([0-9]+)\./); if (isChrome && matchArray && matchArray[2]) { chromeVersion = parseInt(matchArray[2], 10); } var firefoxVersion = 50; matchArray = navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/(.*)/); if (isFirefox && matchArray && matchArray[1]) { firefoxVersion = parseInt(matchArray[1], 10); } function isData(session) { return !session.audio && !session.video && !session.screen && session.data; } function isNull(obj) { return typeof obj == 'undefined'; } function isString(obj) { return typeof obj == 'string'; } function isEmpty(session) { var length = 0; for (var s in session) { length++; } return length == 0; } // this method converts array-buffer into string function ab2str(buf) { var result = ''; try { result = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint16Array(buf)); } catch (e) {} return result; } // this method converts string into array-buffer function str2ab(str) { if (!isString(str)) str = JSON.stringify(str); var buf = new ArrayBuffer(str.length * 2); // 2 bytes for each char var bufView = new Uint16Array(buf); for (var i = 0, strLen = str.length; i < strLen; i++) { bufView[i] = str.charCodeAt(i); } return buf; } function swap(arr) { var swapped = [], length = arr.length; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) if (arr[i] && arr[i] !== true) swapped.push(arr[i]); return swapped; } function forEach(obj, callback) { for (var item in obj) { callback(obj[item], item); } } var console = window.console || { log: function() {}, error: function() {}, warn: function() {} }; function log() { console.log(arguments); } function error() { console.error(arguments); } function warn() { console.warn(arguments); } if (isChrome || isFirefox || isSafari) { var log = console.log.bind(console); var error = console.error.bind(console); var warn = console.warn.bind(console); } function toStr(obj) { return JSON.stringify(obj, function(key, value) { if (value && value.sdp) { log(value.sdp.type, '\t', value.sdp.sdp); return ''; } else return value; }, '\t'); } function getLength(obj) { var length = 0; for (var o in obj) if (o) length++; return length; } // Get HTMLAudioElement/HTMLVideoElement accordingly function createMediaElement(stream, session) { var mediaElement = document.createElement(stream.isAudio ? 'audio' : 'video'); mediaElement.id = stream.streamid; if (isPluginRTC) { var body = (document.body || document.documentElement); body.insertBefore(mediaElement, body.firstChild); setTimeout(function() { Plugin.attachMediaStream(mediaElement, stream) }, 1000); return Plugin.attachMediaStream(mediaElement, stream); } // "mozSrcObject" is always preferred over "src"!! mediaElement[isFirefox ? 'mozSrcObject' : 'src'] = isFirefox ? stream : (window.URL || window.webkitURL).createObjectURL(stream); mediaElement.controls = true; mediaElement.autoplay = !!session.remote; mediaElement.muted = session.remote ? false : true; // http://goo.gl/WZ5nFl // Firefox don't yet support onended for any stream (remote/local) isFirefox && mediaElement.addEventListener('ended', function() { stream.onended(); }, false); mediaElement.play(); return mediaElement; } var onStreamEndedHandlerFiredFor = {}; function onStreamEndedHandler(streamedObject, connection) { if (streamedObject.mediaElement && !streamedObject.mediaElement.parentNode) return; if (onStreamEndedHandlerFiredFor[streamedObject.streamid]) return; onStreamEndedHandlerFiredFor[streamedObject.streamid] = streamedObject; connection.onstreamended(streamedObject); } var onLeaveHandlerFiredFor = {}; function onLeaveHandler(event, connection) { if (onLeaveHandlerFiredFor[event.userid]) return; onLeaveHandlerFiredFor[event.userid] = event; connection.onleave(event); } function takeSnapshot(args) { var userid = args.userid; var connection = args.connection; function _takeSnapshot(video) { var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); canvas.width = video.videoWidth || video.clientWidth; canvas.height = video.videoHeight || video.clientHeight; var context = canvas.getContext('2d'); context.drawImage(video, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); connection.snapshots[userid] = canvas.toDataURL('image/png'); args.callback && args.callback(connection.snapshots[userid]); } if (args.mediaElement) return _takeSnapshot(args.mediaElement); for (var stream in connection.streams) { stream = connection.streams[stream]; if (stream.userid == userid && stream.stream && stream.stream.getVideoTracks && stream.stream.getVideoTracks().length) { _takeSnapshot(stream.mediaElement); continue; } } } function invokeMediaCaptured(connection) { // to let user know that media resource has been captured // now, he can share "sessionDescription" using sockets if (connection.onMediaCaptured) { connection.onMediaCaptured(); delete connection.onMediaCaptured; } } function merge(mergein, mergeto) { if (!mergein) mergein = {}; if (!mergeto) return mergein; for (var item in mergeto) { mergein[item] = mergeto[item]; } return mergein; } function loadScript(src, onload) { var script = document.createElement('script'); script.src = src; script.onload = function() { log('loaded resource:', src); if (onload) onload(); }; document.documentElement.appendChild(script); } function capturePartOfScreen(args) { var connection = args.connection; var element = args.element; if (!window.html2canvas) { return loadScript(connection.resources.html2canvas, function() { capturePartOfScreen(args); }); } if (isString(element)) { element = document.querySelector(element); if (!element) element = document.getElementById(element); } if (!element) throw 'HTML DOM Element is not accessible!'; // todo: store DOM element somewhere to minimize DOM querying issues // html2canvas.js is used to take screenshots html2canvas(element, { onrendered: function(canvas) { args.callback(canvas.toDataURL()); } }); } function initFileBufferReader(connection, callback) { if (!window.FileBufferReader) { loadScript(connection.resources.FileBufferReader, function() { initFileBufferReader(connection, callback); }); return; } function _private(chunk) { chunk.userid = chunk.extra.userid; return chunk; } var fileBufferReader = new FileBufferReader(); fileBufferReader.onProgress = function(chunk) { connection.onFileProgress(_private(chunk), chunk.uuid); }; fileBufferReader.onBegin = function(file) { connection.onFileStart(_private(file)); }; fileBufferReader.onEnd = function(file) { connection.onFileEnd(_private(file)); }; callback(fileBufferReader); } var screenFrame, loadedScreenFrame; function loadScreenFrame(skip) { if (DetectRTC.screen.extensionid != ReservedExtensionID) { return; } if (loadedScreenFrame) return; if (!skip) return loadScreenFrame(true); loadedScreenFrame = true; var iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); iframe.onload = function() { iframe.isLoaded = true; log('Screen Capturing frame is loaded.'); }; iframe.src = 'https://www.webrtc-experiment.com/getSourceId/'; iframe.style.display = 'none'; (document.body || document.documentElement).appendChild(iframe); screenFrame = { postMessage: function() { if (!iframe.isLoaded) { setTimeout(screenFrame.postMessage, 100); return; } iframe.contentWindow.postMessage({ captureSourceId: true }, '*'); } }; } function muteOrUnmute(e) { var stream = e.stream, root = e.root, session = e.session || {}, enabled = e.enabled; if (!session.audio && !session.video) { if (!isString(session)) { session = merge(session, { audio: true, video: true }); } else { session = { audio: true, video: true }; } } // implementation from #68 if (session.type) { if (session.type == 'remote' && root.type != 'remote') return; if (session.type == 'local' && root.type != 'local') return; } log(enabled ? 'Muting' : 'UnMuting', 'session', toStr(session)); // enable/disable audio/video tracks if (root.type == 'local' && session.audio && !!stream.getAudioTracks) { var audioTracks = stream.getAudioTracks()[0]; if (audioTracks) audioTracks.enabled = !enabled; } if (root.type == 'local' && (session.video || session.screen) && !!stream.getVideoTracks) { var videoTracks = stream.getVideoTracks()[0]; if (videoTracks) videoTracks.enabled = !enabled; } root.sockets.forEach(function(socket) { if (root.type == 'local') { socket.send({ streamid: root.streamid, mute: !!enabled, unmute: !enabled, session: session }); } if (root.type == 'remote') { socket.send({ promptMuteUnmute: true, streamid: root.streamid, mute: !!enabled, unmute: !enabled, session: session }); } }); if (root.type == 'remote') return; // According to issue #135, onmute/onumute must be fired for self // "fakeObject" is used because we need to keep session for renegotiated streams; // and MUST pass exact session over onStreamEndedHandler/onmute/onhold/etc. events. var fakeObject = merge({}, root); fakeObject.session = session; fakeObject.isAudio = !!fakeObject.session.audio && !fakeObject.session.video; fakeObject.isVideo = !!fakeObject.session.video; fakeObject.isScreen = !!fakeObject.session.screen; if (!!enabled) { // if muted stream is negotiated stream.preMuted = { audio: stream.getAudioTracks().length && !stream.getAudioTracks()[0].enabled, video: stream.getVideoTracks().length && !stream.getVideoTracks()[0].enabled }; root.rtcMultiConnection.onmute(fakeObject); } if (!enabled) { stream.preMuted = {}; root.rtcMultiConnection.onunmute(fakeObject); } } var Firefox_Screen_Capturing_Warning = 'Make sure that you are using Firefox Nightly and you enabled: media.getusermedia.screensharing.enabled flag from about:config page. You also need to add your domain in "media.getusermedia.screensharing.allowed_domains" flag. If you are using WinXP then also enable "media.getusermedia.screensharing.allow_on_old_platforms" flag. NEVER forget to use "only" HTTPs for screen capturing!'; var SCREEN_COMMON_FAILURE = 'HTTPs i.e. SSL-based URI is mandatory to use screen capturing.'; var ReservedExtensionID = 'ajhifddimkapgcifgcodmmfdlknahffk'; // if application-developer deployed his own extension on Google App Store var useCustomChromeExtensionForScreenCapturing = document.domain.indexOf('webrtc-experiment.com') != -1; function initHark(args) { if (!window.hark) { loadScript(args.connection.resources.hark, function() { initHark(args); }); return; } var connection = args.connection; var streamedObject = args.streamedObject; var stream = args.stream; var options = {}; var speechEvents = hark(stream, options); speechEvents.on('speaking', function() { if (connection.onspeaking) { connection.onspeaking(streamedObject); } }); speechEvents.on('stopped_speaking', function() { if (connection.onsilence) { connection.onsilence(streamedObject); } }); speechEvents.on('volume_change', function(volume, threshold) { if (connection.onvolumechange) { connection.onvolumechange(merge({ volume: volume, threshold: threshold }, streamedObject)); } }); } attachEventListener = function(video, type, listener, useCapture) { video.addEventListener(type, listener, useCapture); }; var Plugin = window.PluginRTC || {}; window.onPluginRTCInitialized = function(pluginRTCObject) { Plugin = pluginRTCObject; MediaStreamTrack = Plugin.MediaStreamTrack; RTCPeerConnection = Plugin.RTCPeerConnection; RTCIceCandidate = Plugin.RTCIceCandidate; RTCSessionDescription = Plugin.RTCSessionDescription; log(isPluginRTC ? 'Java-Applet' : 'ActiveX', 'plugin has been loaded.'); }; if (!isEmpty(Plugin)) window.onPluginRTCInitialized(Plugin); // if IE or Safari if (isPluginRTC) { loadScript('https://cdn.webrtc-experiment.com/Plugin.EveryWhere.js'); // loadScript('https://cdn.webrtc-experiment.com/Plugin.Temasys.js'); } var MediaStream = window.MediaStream; if (typeof MediaStream === 'undefined' && typeof webkitMediaStream !== 'undefined') { MediaStream = webkitMediaStream; } /*global MediaStream:true */ if (typeof MediaStream !== 'undefined' && !('stop' in MediaStream.prototype)) { MediaStream.prototype.stop = function() { this.getAudioTracks().forEach(function(track) { track.stop(); }); this.getVideoTracks().forEach(function(track) { track.stop(); }); }; } var defaultConstraints = { mandatory: {}, optional: [] }; /* by @FreCap pull request #41 */ var currentUserMediaRequest = { streams: [], mutex: false, queueRequests: [] }; function getUserMedia(options) { if (isPluginRTC) { if (!Plugin.getUserMedia) { setTimeout(function() { getUserMedia(options); }, 1000); return; } return Plugin.getUserMedia(options.constraints || { audio: true, video: true }, options.onsuccess, options.onerror); } if (currentUserMediaRequest.mutex === true) { currentUserMediaRequest.queueRequests.push(options); return; } currentUserMediaRequest.mutex = true; var connection = options.connection; // tools.ietf.org/html/draft-alvestrand-constraints-resolution-00 var mediaConstraints = options.mediaConstraints || {}; var videoConstraints = typeof mediaConstraints.video == 'boolean' ? mediaConstraints.video : mediaConstraints.video || mediaConstraints; var audioConstraints = typeof mediaConstraints.audio == 'boolean' ? mediaConstraints.audio : mediaConstraints.audio || defaultConstraints; var n = navigator; var hints = options.constraints || { audio: defaultConstraints, video: defaultConstraints }; if (hints.video && hints.video.mozMediaSource) { // "mozMediaSource" is redundant // need to check "mediaSource" instead. videoConstraints = {}; } if (hints.video == true) hints.video = defaultConstraints; if (hints.audio == true) hints.audio = defaultConstraints; // connection.mediaConstraints.audio = false; if (typeof audioConstraints == 'boolean' && hints.audio) { hints.audio = audioConstraints; } // connection.mediaConstraints.video = false; if (typeof videoConstraints == 'boolean' && hints.video) { hints.video = videoConstraints; } // connection.mediaConstraints.audio.mandatory = {prop:true}; var audioMandatoryConstraints = audioConstraints.mandatory; if (!isEmpty(audioMandatoryConstraints)) { hints.audio.mandatory = merge(hints.audio.mandatory, audioMandatoryConstraints); } // connection.media.min(320,180); // connection.media.max(1920,1080); var videoMandatoryConstraints = videoConstraints.mandatory; if (videoMandatoryConstraints) { var mandatory = {}; if (videoMandatoryConstraints.minWidth) { mandatory.minWidth = videoMandatoryConstraints.minWidth; } if (videoMandatoryConstraints.minHeight) { mandatory.minHeight = videoMandatoryConstraints.minHeight; } if (videoMandatoryConstraints.maxWidth) { mandatory.maxWidth = videoMandatoryConstraints.maxWidth; } if (videoMandatoryConstraints.maxHeight) { mandatory.maxHeight = videoMandatoryConstraints.maxHeight; } if (videoMandatoryConstraints.minAspectRatio) { mandatory.minAspectRatio = videoMandatoryConstraints.minAspectRatio; } if (videoMandatoryConstraints.maxFrameRate) { mandatory.maxFrameRate = videoMandatoryConstraints.maxFrameRate; } if (videoMandatoryConstraints.minFrameRate) { mandatory.minFrameRate = videoMandatoryConstraints.minFrameRate; } if (mandatory.minWidth && mandatory.minHeight) { // http://goo.gl/IZVYsj var allowed = ['1920:1080', '1280:720', '960:720', '640:360', '640:480', '320:240', '320:180']; if (allowed.indexOf(mandatory.minWidth + ':' + mandatory.minHeight) == -1 || allowed.indexOf(mandatory.maxWidth + ':' + mandatory.maxHeight) == -1) { error('The min/max width/height constraints you passed "seems" NOT supported.', toStr(mandatory)); } if (mandatory.minWidth > mandatory.maxWidth || mandatory.minHeight > mandatory.maxHeight) { error('Minimum value must not exceed maximum value.', toStr(mandatory)); } if (mandatory.minWidth >= 1280 && mandatory.minHeight >= 720) { warn('Enjoy HD video! min/' + mandatory.minWidth + ':' + mandatory.minHeight + ', max/' + mandatory.maxWidth + ':' + mandatory.maxHeight); } } hints.video.mandatory = merge(hints.video.mandatory, mandatory); } if (videoMandatoryConstraints) { hints.video.mandatory = merge(hints.video.mandatory, videoMandatoryConstraints); } // videoConstraints.optional = [{prop:true}]; if (videoConstraints.optional && videoConstraints.optional instanceof Array && videoConstraints.optional.length) { hints.video.optional = hints.video.optional ? hints.video.optional.concat(videoConstraints.optional) : videoConstraints.optional; } // audioConstraints.optional = [{prop:true}]; if (audioConstraints.optional && audioConstraints.optional instanceof Array && audioConstraints.optional.length) { hints.audio.optional = hints.audio.optional ? hints.audio.optional.concat(audioConstraints.optional) : audioConstraints.optional; } if (hints.video.mandatory && !isEmpty(hints.video.mandatory) && connection._mediaSources.video) { hints.video.optional.forEach(function(video, index) { if (video.sourceId == connection._mediaSources.video) { delete hints.video.optional[index]; } }); hints.video.optional = swap(hints.video.optional); hints.video.optional.push({ sourceId: connection._mediaSources.video }); } if (hints.audio.mandatory && !isEmpty(hints.audio.mandatory) && connection._mediaSources.audio) { hints.audio.optional.forEach(function(audio, index) { if (audio.sourceId == connection._mediaSources.audio) { delete hints.audio.optional[index]; } }); hints.audio.optional = swap(hints.audio.optional); hints.audio.optional.push({ sourceId: connection._mediaSources.audio }); } if (hints.video && !hints.video.mozMediaSource && hints.video.optional && hints.video.mandatory) { if (!hints.video.optional.length && isEmpty(hints.video.mandatory)) { hints.video = true; } } if (isMobileDevice) { // Android fails for some constraints // so need to force {audio:true,video:true} hints = { audio: !!hints.audio, video: !!hints.video }; } // connection.mediaConstraints always overrides constraints // passed from "captureUserMedia" function. // todo: need to verify all possible situations log('invoked getUserMedia with constraints:', toStr(hints)); // easy way to match var idInstance = JSON.stringify(hints); function streaming(stream, returnBack, streamid) { if (!streamid) streamid = getRandomString(); // localStreams object will store stream // until it is removed using native-stop method. connection.localStreams[streamid] = stream; var video = options.video; if (video) { video[isFirefox ? 'mozSrcObject' : 'src'] = isFirefox ? stream : (window.URL || window.webkitURL).createObjectURL(stream); video.play(); } options.onsuccess(stream, returnBack, idInstance, streamid); currentUserMediaRequest.streams[idInstance] = { stream: stream, streamid: streamid }; currentUserMediaRequest.mutex = false; if (currentUserMediaRequest.queueRequests.length) getUserMedia(currentUserMediaRequest.queueRequests.shift()); } if (currentUserMediaRequest.streams[idInstance]) { streaming(currentUserMediaRequest.streams[idInstance].stream, true, currentUserMediaRequest.streams[idInstance].streamid); } else { n.getMedia = n.webkitGetUserMedia || n.mozGetUserMedia; // http://goo.gl/eETIK4 n.getMedia(hints, streaming, function(error) { options.onerror(error, hints); }); } } // IceServersHandler.js var IceServersHandler = (function() { function getIceServers(connection) { var iceServers = []; iceServers.push(getSTUNObj('stun:stun.l.google.com:19302')); iceServers.push(getTURNObj('stun:webrtcweb.com:7788', 'muazkh', 'muazkh')); // coTURN iceServers.push(getTURNObj('turn:webrtcweb.com:7788', 'muazkh', 'muazkh')); // coTURN iceServers.push(getTURNObj('turn:webrtcweb.com:8877', 'muazkh', 'muazkh')); // coTURN iceServers.push(getTURNObj('turns:webrtcweb.com:7788', 'muazkh', 'muazkh')); // coTURN iceServers.push(getTURNObj('turns:webrtcweb.com:8877', 'muazkh', 'muazkh')); // coTURN // iceServers.push(getTURNObj('turn:webrtcweb.com:3344', 'muazkh', 'muazkh')); // resiprocate // iceServers.push(getTURNObj('turn:webrtcweb.com:4433', 'muazkh', 'muazkh')); // resiprocate // check if restund is still active: http://webrtcweb.com:4050/ iceServers.push(getTURNObj('stun:webrtcweb.com:4455', 'muazkh', 'muazkh')); // restund iceServers.push(getTURNObj('turn:webrtcweb.com:4455', 'muazkh', 'muazkh')); // restund iceServers.push(getTURNObj('turn:webrtcweb.com:5544?transport=tcp', 'muazkh', 'muazkh')); // restund return iceServers; } function getSTUNObj(stunStr) { var urlsParam = 'urls'; if (typeof isPluginRTC !== 'undefined') { urlsParam = 'url'; } var obj = {}; obj[urlsParam] = stunStr; return obj; } function getTURNObj(turnStr, username, credential) { var urlsParam = 'urls'; if (typeof isPluginRTC !== 'undefined') { urlsParam = 'url'; } var obj = { username: username, credential: credential }; obj[urlsParam] = turnStr; return obj; } return { getIceServers: getIceServers }; })(); var RTCSessionDescription = window.RTCSessionDescription || window.mozRTCSessionDescription; var RTCIceCandidate = window.RTCIceCandidate || window.mozRTCIceCandidate; var RTCPeerConnection; if (typeof mozRTCPeerConnection !== 'undefined') { RTCPeerConnection = mozRTCPeerConnection; } else if (typeof webkitRTCPeerConnection !== 'undefined') { RTCPeerConnection = webkitRTCPeerConnection; } else if (typeof window.RTCPeerConnection !== 'undefined') { RTCPeerConnection = window.RTCPeerConnection; } else { console.error('WebRTC 1.0 (RTCPeerConnection) API seems NOT available in this browser.'); } function setSdpConstraints(config) { var sdpConstraints; var sdpConstraints_mandatory = { OfferToReceiveAudio: !!config.OfferToReceiveAudio, OfferToReceiveVideo: !!config.OfferToReceiveVideo }; sdpConstraints = { mandatory: sdpConstraints_mandatory, optional: [{ VoiceActivityDetection: false }] }; if (!!navigator.mozGetUserMedia && firefoxVersion > 34) { sdpConstraints = { OfferToReceiveAudio: !!config.OfferToReceiveAudio, OfferToReceiveVideo: !!config.OfferToReceiveVideo }; } return sdpConstraints; } function PeerConnection() { return { create: function(type, options) { merge(this, options); var self = this; this.type = type; this.init(); this.attachMediaStreams(); if (isFirefox && this.session.data) { if (this.session.data && type == 'offer') { this.createDataChannel(); } this.getLocalDescription(type); if (this.session.data && type == 'answer') { this.createDataChannel(); } } else self.getLocalDescription(type); return this; }, getLocalDescription: function(createType) { log('(getLocalDescription) peer createType is', createType); if (this.session.inactive && isNull(this.rtcMultiConnection.waitUntilRemoteStreamStartsFlowing)) { // inactive session returns blank-stream this.rtcMultiConnection.waitUntilRemoteStreamStartsFlowing = false; } var self = this; if (createType == 'answer') { this.setRemoteDescription(this.offerDescription, createDescription); } else createDescription(); function createDescription() { self.connection[createType == 'offer' ? 'createOffer' : 'createAnswer'](function(sessionDescription) { sessionDescription.sdp = connection.processSdp(sessionDescription.sdp); self.connection.setLocalDescription(sessionDescription); if (self.trickleIce) { self.onSessionDescription(sessionDescription, self.streaminfo); } if (sessionDescription.type == 'offer') { log('offer sdp', sessionDescription.sdp); } self.prevCreateType = createType; }, self.onSdpError, self.constraints); } }, init: function() { this.setConstraints(); this.connection = new RTCPeerConnection(this.iceServers, this.optionalArgument); if (this.session.data) { log('invoked: createDataChannel'); this.createDataChannel(); } this.connection.onicecandidate = function(event) { if (!event.candidate) { if (!self.trickleIce) { returnSDP(); } return; } if (!self.trickleIce) return; self.onicecandidate(event.candidate); }; function returnSDP() { if (self.returnedSDP) { self.returnedSDP = false; return; }; self.returnedSDP = true; self.onSessionDescription(self.connection.localDescription, self.streaminfo); } this.connection.onaddstream = function(e) { log('onaddstream', isPluginRTC ? e.stream : toStr(e.stream)); self.onaddstream(e.stream, self.session); }; this.connection.onremovestream = function(e) { self.onremovestream(e.stream); }; this.connection.onsignalingstatechange = function() { self.connection && self.oniceconnectionstatechange({ iceConnectionState: self.connection.iceConnectionState, iceGatheringState: self.connection.iceGatheringState, signalingState: self.connection.signalingState }); }; this.connection.oniceconnectionstatechange = function() { if (!self.connection) return; self.oniceconnectionstatechange({ iceConnectionState: self.connection.iceConnectionState, iceGatheringState: self.connection.iceGatheringState, signalingState: self.connection.signalingState }); if (self.trickleIce) return; if (self.connection.iceGatheringState == 'complete') { log('iceGatheringState', self.connection.iceGatheringState); returnSDP(); } }; var self = this; }, setConstraints: function() { var sdpConstraints = setSdpConstraints({ OfferToReceiveAudio: !!this.session.audio, OfferToReceiveVideo: !!this.session.video || !!this.session.screen }); if (this.sdpConstraints.mandatory) { sdpConstraints = setSdpConstraints(this.sdpConstraints.mandatory); } this.constraints = sdpConstraints; if (this.constraints) { log('sdp-constraints', toStr(this.constraints)); } this.optionalArgument = { optional: this.optionalArgument.optional || [], mandatory: this.optionalArgument.mandatory || {} }; if (!this.preferSCTP) { this.optionalArgument.optional.push({ RtpDataChannels: true }); } log('optional-argument', toStr(this.optionalArgument)); if (!isNull(this.iceServers)) { var iceCandidates = this.rtcMultiConnection.candidates; var stun = iceCandidates.stun; var turn = iceCandidates.turn; var host = iceCandidates.host; if (!isNull(iceCandidates.reflexive)) stun = iceCandidates.reflexive; if (!isNull(iceCandidates.relay)) turn = iceCandidates.relay; if (!host && !stun && turn) { this.rtcConfiguration.iceTransports = 'relay'; } else if (!host && !stun && !turn) { this.rtcConfiguration.iceTransports = 'none'; } this.iceServers = { iceServers: this.iceServers, // bundlePolicy: 'max-bundle', // or balanced or max-compat // rtcpMuxPolicy: 'negotiate', // or require iceTransportPolicy: 'all' // or relay or none }; } else this.iceServers = null; log('rtc-configuration', toStr(this.iceServers)); }, onSdpError: function(e) { var message = toStr(e); if (message && message.indexOf('RTP/SAVPF Expects at least 4 fields') != -1) { message = 'It seems that you are trying to interop RTP-datachannels with SCTP. It is not supported!'; } error('onSdpError:', message); }, onSdpSuccess: function() { log('sdp success'); }, onMediaError: function(err) { error(toStr(err)); }, setRemoteDescription: function(sessionDescription, onSdpSuccess) { if (!sessionDescription) throw 'Remote session description should NOT be NULL.'; if (!this.connection) return; sessionDescription.sdp = connection.processSdp(sessionDescription.sdp); log('setting remote description', sessionDescription.type, sessionDescription.sdp); var self = this; this.connection.setRemoteDescription( new RTCSessionDescription(sessionDescription), onSdpSuccess || this.onSdpSuccess, function(error) { if (error.search(/STATE_SENTINITIATE|STATE_INPROGRESS/gi) == -1) { self.onSdpError(error); } } ); }, addIceCandidate: function(candidate) { var self = this; if (isPluginRTC) { RTCIceCandidate(candidate, function(iceCandidate) { onAddIceCandidate(iceCandidate); }); } else onAddIceCandidate(new RTCIceCandidate(candidate)); function onAddIceCandidate(iceCandidate) { self.connection.addIceCandidate(iceCandidate, function() { log('added:', candidate.sdpMid, candidate.candidate); }, function() { error('onIceFailure', arguments, candidate.candidate); }); } }, createDataChannel: function(channelIdentifier) { // skip 2nd invocation of createDataChannel if (this.channels && this.channels.length) return; var self = this; if (!this.channels) this.channels = []; // protocol: 'text/chat', preset: true, stream: 16 // maxRetransmits:0 && ordered:false && outOfOrderAllowed: false var dataChannelDict = {}; if (this.dataChannelDict) dataChannelDict = this.dataChannelDict; if (isChrome && !this.preferSCTP) { dataChannelDict.reliable = false; // Deprecated! } log('dataChannelDict', toStr(dataChannelDict)); if (this.type == 'answer' || isFirefox) { this.connection.ondatachannel = function(event) { self.setChannelEvents(event.channel); }; } if ((isChrome && this.type == 'offer') || isFirefox) { this.setChannelEvents( this.connection.createDataChannel(channelIdentifier || 'channel', dataChannelDict) ); } }, setChannelEvents: function(channel) { var self = this; channel.binaryType = 'arraybuffer'; if (this.dataChannelDict.binaryType) { channel.binaryType = this.dataChannelDict.binaryType; } channel.onmessage = function(event) { self.onmessage(event.data); }; var numberOfTimes = 0; channel.onopen = function() { channel.push = channel.send; channel.send = function(data) { if (self.connection.iceConnectionState == 'disconnected') { return; } if (channel.readyState.search(/closing|closed/g) != -1) { return; } if (channel.readyState.search(/connecting|open/g) == -1) { return; } if (channel.readyState == 'connecting') { numberOfTimes++; return setTimeout(function() { if (numberOfTimes < 20) { channel.send(data); } else throw 'Number of times exceeded to wait for WebRTC data connection to be opened.'; }, 1000); } try { channel.push(data); } catch (e) { numberOfTimes++; warn('Data transmission failed. Re-transmitting..', numberOfTimes, toStr(e)); if (numberOfTimes >= 20) throw 'Number of times exceeded to resend data packets over WebRTC data channels.'; setTimeout(function() { channel.send(data); }, 100); } }; self.onopen(channel); }; channel.onerror = function(event) { self.onerror(event); }; channel.onclose = function(event) { self.onclose(event); }; this.channels.push(channel); }, addStream: function(stream) { if (!stream.streamid && !isIE) { stream.streamid = getRandomString(); } // todo: maybe need to add isAudio/isVideo/isScreen if missing? log('attaching stream:', stream.streamid, isPluginRTC ? stream : toStr(stream)); this.connection.addStream(stream); this.sendStreamId(stream); this.getStreamInfo(); }, attachMediaStreams: function() { var streams = this.attachStreams; for (var i = 0; i < streams.length; i++) { this.addStream(streams[i]); } }, getStreamInfo: function() { this.streaminfo = ''; var streams = this.connection.getLocalStreams(); for (var i = 0; i < streams.length; i++) { if (i == 0) { this.streaminfo = JSON.stringify({ streamid: streams[i].streamid || '', isScreen: !!streams[i].isScreen, isAudio: !!streams[i].isAudio, isVideo: !!streams[i].isVideo, preMuted: streams[i].preMuted || {} }); } else { this.streaminfo += '----' + JSON.stringify({ streamid: streams[i].streamid || '', isScreen: !!streams[i].isScreen, isAudio: !!streams[i].isAudio, isVideo: !!streams[i].isVideo, preMuted: streams[i].preMuted || {} }); } } }, recreateOffer: function(renegotiate, callback) { log('recreating offer'); this.type = 'offer'; this.session = renegotiate; // todo: make sure this doesn't affect renegotiation scenarios // this.setConstraints(); this.onSessionDescription = callback; this.getStreamInfo(); // one can renegotiate data connection in existing audio/video/screen connection! if (this.session.data) { this.createDataChannel(); } this.getLocalDescription('offer'); }, recreateAnswer: function(sdp, session, callback) { // if(isFirefox) this.create(this.type, this); log('recreating answer'); this.type = 'answer'; this.session = session; // todo: make sure this doesn't affect renegotiation scenarios // this.setConstraints(); this.onSessionDescription = callback; this.offerDescription = sdp; this.getStreamInfo(); // one can renegotiate data connection in existing audio/video/screen connection! if (this.session.data) { this.createDataChannel(); } this.getLocalDescription('answer'); } }; } var FileSaver = { SaveToDisk: invokeSaveAsDialog }; function invokeSaveAsDialog(fileUrl, fileName) { /* if (typeof navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob !== 'undefined') { return navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(file, fileFullName); } else if (typeof navigator.msSaveBlob !== 'undefined') { return navigator.msSaveBlob(file, fileFullName); } */ var hyperlink = document.createElement('a'); hyperlink.href = fileUrl; hyperlink.target = '_blank'; hyperlink.download = fileName || fileUrl; if (!!navigator.mozGetUserMedia) { hyperlink.onclick = function() { (document.body || document.documentElement).removeChild(hyperlink); }; (document.body || document.documentElement).appendChild(hyperlink); } var evt = new MouseEvent('click', { view: window, bubbles: true, cancelable: true }); hyperlink.dispatchEvent(evt); if (!navigator.mozGetUserMedia) { URL.revokeObjectURL(hyperlink.href); } } var TextSender = { send: function(config) { var connection = config.connection; if (config.text instanceof ArrayBuffer || config.text instanceof DataView) { return config.channel.send(config.text, config._channel); } var channel = config.channel, _channel = config._channel, initialText = config.text, packetSize = connection.chunkSize || 1000, textToTransfer = '', isobject = false; if (!isString(initialText)) { isobject = true; initialText = JSON.stringify(initialText); } // uuid is used to uniquely identify sending instance var uuid = getRandomString(); var sendingTime = new Date().getTime(); sendText(initialText); function sendText(textMessage, text) { var data = { type: 'text', uuid: uuid, sendingTime: sendingTime }; if (textMessage) { text = textMessage; data.packets = parseInt(text.length / packetSize); } if (text.length > packetSize) data.message = text.slice(0, packetSize); else { data.message = text; data.last = true; data.isobject = isobject; } channel.send(data, _channel); textToTransfer = text.slice(data.message.length); if (textToTransfer.length) { setTimeout(function() { sendText(null, textToTransfer); }, connection.chunkInterval || 100); } } } }; function TextReceiver(connection) { var content = {}; function receive(data, userid, extra) { // uuid is used to uniquely identify sending instance var uuid = data.uuid; if (!content[uuid]) content[uuid] = []; content[uuid].push(data.message); if (data.last) { var message = content[uuid].join(''); if (data.isobject) message = JSON.parse(message); // latency detection var receivingTime = new Date().getTime(); var latency = receivingTime - data.sendingTime; var e = { data: message, userid: userid, extra: extra, latency: latency }; if (message.preRecordedMediaChunk) { if (!connection.preRecordedMedias[message.streamerid]) { connection.shareMediaFile(null, null, message.streamerid); } connection.preRecordedMedias[message.streamerid].onData(message.chunk); } else if (connection.autoTranslateText) { e.original = e.data; connection.Translator.TranslateText(e.data, function(translatedText) { e.data = translatedText; connection.onmessage(e); }); } else if (message.isPartOfScreen) { connection.onpartofscreen(message); } else connection.onmessage(e); delete content[uuid]; } } return { receive: receive }; } // Last time updated at Sep 25, 2015, 08:32:23 // Latest file can be found here: https://cdn.webrtc-experiment.com/DetectRTC.js // Muaz Khan - www.MuazKhan.com // MIT License - www.WebRTC-Experiment.com/licence // Documentation - github.com/muaz-khan/DetectRTC // ____________ // DetectRTC.js // DetectRTC.hasWebcam (has webcam device!) // DetectRTC.hasMicrophone (has microphone device!) // DetectRTC.hasSpeakers (has speakers!) (function() { 'use strict'; var navigator = window.navigator; if (navigator.mediaDevices && navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices) { // Firefox 38+ seems having support of enumerateDevices // Thanks @xdumaine/enumerateDevices navigator.enumerateDevices = function(callback) { navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices().then(callback); }; } if (typeof navigator !== 'undefined') { if (typeof navigator.webkitGetUserMedia !== 'undefined') { navigator.getUserMedia = navigator.webkitGetUserMedia; } if (typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia !== 'undefined') { navigator.getUserMedia = navigator.mozGetUserMedia; } } else { navigator = { getUserMedia: function() {} }; } var isMobileDevice = !!navigator.userAgent.match(/Android|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile/i); var isEdge = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Edge') !== -1 && (!!navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob || !!navigator.msSaveBlob); // this one can also be used: // https://www.websocket.org/js/stuff.js (DetectBrowser.js) function getBrowserInfo() { var nVer = navigator.appVersion; var nAgt = navigator.userAgent; var browserName = navigator.appName; var fullVersion = '' + parseFloat(navigator.appVersion); var majorVersion = parseInt(navigator.appVersion, 10); var nameOffset, verOffset, ix; // In Opera, the true version is after 'Opera' or after 'Version' if ((verOffset = nAgt.indexOf('Opera')) !== -1) { browserName = 'Opera'; fullVersion = nAgt.substring(verOffset + 6); if ((verOffset = nAgt.indexOf('Version')) !== -1) { fullVersion = nAgt.substring(verOffset + 8); } } // In MSIE, the true version is after 'MSIE' in userAgent else if ((verOffset = nAgt.indexOf('MSIE')) !== -1) { browserName = 'IE'; fullVersion = nAgt.substring(verOffset + 5); } // In Chrome, the true version is after 'Chrome' else if ((verOffset = nAgt.indexOf('Chrome')) !== -1) { browserName = 'Chrome'; fullVersion = nAgt.substring(verOffset + 7); } // In Safari, the true version is after 'Safari' or after 'Version' else if ((verOffset = nAgt.indexOf('Safari')) !== -1) { browserName = 'Safari'; fullVersion = nAgt.substring(verOffset + 7); if ((verOffset = nAgt.indexOf('Version')) !== -1) { fullVersion = nAgt.substring(verOffset + 8); } } // In Firefox, the true version is after 'Firefox' else if ((verOffset = nAgt.indexOf('Firefox')) !== -1) { browserName = 'Firefox'; fullVersion = nAgt.substring(verOffset + 8); } // In most other browsers, 'name/version' is at the end of userAgent else if ((nameOffset = nAgt.lastIndexOf(' ') + 1) < (verOffset = nAgt.lastIndexOf('/'))) { browserName = nAgt.substring(nameOffset, verOffset); fullVersion = nAgt.substring(verOffset + 1); if (browserName.toLowerCase() === browserName.toUpperCase()) { browserName = navigator.appName; } } if (isEdge) { browserName = 'Edge'; // fullVersion = navigator.userAgent.split('Edge/')[1]; fullVersion = parseInt(navigator.userAgent.match(/Edge\/(\d+).(\d+)$/)[2], 10); } // trim the fullVersion string at semicolon/space if present if ((ix = fullVersion.indexOf(';')) !== -1) { fullVersion = fullVersion.substring(0, ix); } if ((ix = fullVersion.indexOf(' ')) !== -1) { fullVersion = fullVersion.substring(0, ix); } majorVersion = parseInt('' + fullVersion, 10); if (isNaN(majorVersion)) { fullVersion = '' + parseFloat(navigator.appVersion); majorVersion = parseInt(navigator.appVersion, 10); } return { fullVersion: fullVersion, version: majorVersion, name: browserName }; } var isMobile = { Android: function() { return navigator.userAgent.match(/Android/i); }, BlackBerry: function() { return navigator.userAgent.match(/BlackBerry/i); }, iOS: function() { return navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone|iPad|iPod/i); }, Opera: function() { return navigator.userAgent.match(/Opera Mini/i); }, Windows: function() { return navigator.userAgent.match(/IEMobile/i); }, any: function() { return (isMobile.Android() || isMobile.BlackBerry() || isMobile.iOS() || isMobile.Opera() || isMobile.Windows()); }, getOsName: function() { var osName = 'Unknown OS'; if (isMobile.Android()) { osName = 'Android'; } if (isMobile.BlackBerry()) { osName = 'BlackBerry'; } if (isMobile.iOS()) { osName = 'iOS'; } if (isMobile.Opera()) { osName = 'Opera Mini'; } if (isMobile.Windows()) { osName = 'Windows'; } return osName; } }; var osName = 'Unknown OS'; if (isMobile.any()) { osName = isMobile.getOsName(); } else { if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf('Win') !== -1) { osName = 'Windows'; } if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf('Mac') !== -1) { osName = 'MacOS'; } if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf('X11') !== -1) { osName = 'UNIX'; } if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf('Linux') !== -1) { osName = 'Linux'; } } var isCanvasSupportsStreamCapturing = false; var isVideoSupportsStreamCapturing = false; ['captureStream', 'mozCaptureStream', 'webkitCaptureStream'].forEach(function(item) { // asdf if (item in document.createElement('canvas')) { isCanvasSupportsStreamCapturing = true; } if (item in document.createElement('video')) { isVideoSupportsStreamCapturing = true; } }); // via: https://github.com/diafygi/webrtc-ips function DetectLocalIPAddress(callback) { getIPs(function(ip) { //local IPs if (ip.match(/^(192\.168\.|169\.254\.|10\.|172\.(1[6-9]|2\d|3[01]))/)) { callback('Local: ' + ip); } //assume the rest are public IPs else { callback('Public: ' + ip); } }); } //get the IP addresses associated with an account function getIPs(callback) { var ipDuplicates = {}; //compatibility for firefox and chrome var RTCPeerConnection = window.RTCPeerConnection || window.mozRTCPeerConnection || window.webkitRTCPeerConnection; var useWebKit = !!window.webkitRTCPeerConnection; // bypass naive webrtc blocking using an iframe if (!RTCPeerConnection) { var iframe = document.getElementById('iframe'); if (!iframe) { // throw 'NOTE: you need to have an iframe in the page right above the script tag.'; } var win = iframe.contentWindow; RTCPeerConnection = win.RTCPeerConnection || win.mozRTCPeerConnection || win.webkitRTCPeerConnection; useWebKit = !!win.webkitRTCPeerConnection; } //minimal requirements for data connection var mediaConstraints = { optional: [{ RtpDataChannels: true }] }; //firefox already has a default stun server in about:config // media.peerconnection.default_iceservers = // [{"url": "stun:stun.services.mozilla.com"}] var servers; //add same stun server for chrome if (useWebKit) { servers = { iceServers: [{ urls: 'stun:stun.services.mozilla.com' }] }; if (typeof DetectRTC !== 'undefined' && DetectRTC.browser.isFirefox && DetectRTC.browser.version <= 38) { servers[0] = { url: servers[0].urls }; } } //construct a new RTCPeerConnection var pc = new RTCPeerConnection(servers, mediaConstraints); function handleCandidate(candidate) { //match just the IP address var ipRegex = /([0-9]{1,3}(\.[0-9]{1,3}){3})/; var ipAddress = ipRegex.exec(candidate)[1]; //remove duplicates if (ipDuplicates[ipAddress] === undefined) { callback(ipAddress); } ipDuplicates[ipAddress] = true; } //listen for candidate events pc.onicecandidate = function(ice) { //skip non-candidate events if (ice.candidate) { handleCandidate(ice.candidate.candidate); } }; //create a bogus data channel pc.createDataChannel(''); //create an offer sdp pc.createOffer(function(result) { //trigger the stun server request pc.setLocalDescription(result, function() {}, function() {}); }, function() {}); //wait for a while to let everything done setTimeout(function() { //read candidate info from local description var lines = pc.localDescription.sdp.split('\n'); lines.forEach(function(line) { if (line.indexOf('a=candidate:') === 0) { handleCandidate(line); } }); }, 1000); } var MediaDevices = []; // ---------- Media Devices detection var canEnumerate = false; /*global MediaStreamTrack:true */ if (typeof MediaStreamTrack !== 'undefined' && 'getSources' in MediaStreamTrack) { canEnumerate = true; } else if (navigator.mediaDevices && !!navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices) { canEnumerate = true; } var hasMicrophone = canEnumerate; var hasSpeakers = canEnumerate; var hasWebcam = canEnumerate; // http://dev.w3.org/2011/webrtc/editor/getusermedia.html#mediadevices // todo: switch to enumerateDevices when landed in canary. function checkDeviceSupport(callback) { // This method is useful only for Chrome! if (!navigator.enumerateDevices && window.MediaStreamTrack && window.MediaStreamTrack.getSources) { navigator.enumerateDevices = window.MediaStreamTrack.getSources.bind(window.MediaStreamTrack); } if (!navigator.enumerateDevices && navigator.enumerateDevices) { navigator.enumerateDevices = navigator.enumerateDevices.bind(navigator); } if (!navigator.enumerateDevices) { if (callback) { callback(); } return; } MediaDevices = []; navigator.enumerateDevices(function(devices) { devices.forEach(function(_device) { var device = {}; for (var d in _device) { device[d] = _device[d]; } var skip; MediaDevices.forEach(function(d) { if (d.id === device.id) { skip = true; } }); if (skip) { return; } // if it is MediaStreamTrack.getSources if (device.kind === 'audio') { device.kind = 'audioinput'; } if (device.kind === 'video') { device.kind = 'videoinput'; } if (!device.deviceId) { device.deviceId = device.id; } if (!device.id) { device.id = device.deviceId; } if (!device.label) { device.label = 'Please invoke getUserMedia once.'; if (!isHTTPs) { device.label = 'HTTPs is required to get label of this ' + device.kind + ' device.'; } } if (device.kind === 'audioinput' || device.kind === 'audio') { hasMicrophone = true; } if (device.kind === 'audiooutput') { hasSpeakers = true; } if (device.kind === 'videoinput' || device.kind === 'video') { hasWebcam = true; } // there is no 'videoouput' in the spec. MediaDevices.push(device); }); if (typeof DetectRTC !== 'undefined') { DetectRTC.MediaDevices = MediaDevices; DetectRTC.hasMicrophone = hasMicrophone; DetectRTC.hasSpeakers = hasSpeakers; DetectRTC.hasWebcam = hasWebcam; } if (callback) { callback(); } }); } // check for microphone/camera support! checkDeviceSupport(); var DetectRTC = {}; // ---------- // DetectRTC.browser.name || DetectRTC.browser.version || DetectRTC.browser.fullVersion DetectRTC.browser = getBrowserInfo(); // DetectRTC.isChrome || DetectRTC.isFirefox || DetectRTC.isEdge DetectRTC.browser['is' + DetectRTC.browser.name] = true; var isHTTPs = location.protocol === 'https:'; var isNodeWebkit = !!(window.process && (typeof window.process === 'object') && window.process.versions && window.process.versions['node-webkit']); // --------- Detect if system supports WebRTC 1.0 or WebRTC 1.1. var isWebRTCSupported = false; ['webkitRTCPeerConnection', 'mozRTCPeerConnection', 'RTCIceGatherer'].forEach(function(item) { if (item in window) { isWebRTCSupported = true; } }); DetectRTC.isWebRTCSupported = isWebRTCSupported; //------- DetectRTC.isORTCSupported = typeof RTCIceGatherer !== 'undefined'; // --------- Detect if system supports screen capturing API var isScreenCapturingSupported = false; if (DetectRTC.browser.isChrome && DetectRTC.browser.version >= 35) { isScreenCapturingSupported = true; } else if (DetectRTC.browser.isFirefox && DetectRTC.browser.version >= 34) { isScreenCapturingSupported = true; } if (!isHTTPs) { isScreenCapturingSupported = false; } DetectRTC.isScreenCapturingSupported = isScreenCapturingSupported; // --------- Detect if WebAudio API are supported var webAudio = {}; ['AudioContext', 'webkitAudioContext', 'mozAudioContext', 'msAudioContext'].forEach(function(item) { if (webAudio.isSupported && webAudio.isCreateMediaStreamSourceSupported) { return; } if (item in window) { webAudio.isSupported = true; if ('createMediaStreamSource' in window[item].prototype) { webAudio.isCreateMediaStreamSourceSupported = true; } } }); DetectRTC.isAudioContextSupported = webAudio.isSupported; DetectRTC.isCreateMediaStreamSourceSupported = webAudio.isCreateMediaStreamSourceSupported; // ---------- Detect if SCTP/RTP channels are supported. var isRtpDataChannelsSupported = false; if (DetectRTC.browser.isChrome && DetectRTC.browser.version > 31) { isRtpDataChannelsSupported = true; } DetectRTC.isRtpDataChannelsSupported = isRtpDataChannelsSupported; var isSCTPSupportd = false; if (DetectRTC.browser.isFirefox && DetectRTC.browser.version > 28) { isSCTPSupportd = true; } else if (DetectRTC.browser.isChrome && DetectRTC.browser.version > 25) { isSCTPSupportd = true; } else if (DetectRTC.browser.isOpera && DetectRTC.browser.version >= 11) { isSCTPSupportd = true; } DetectRTC.isSctpDataChannelsSupported = isSCTPSupportd; // --------- DetectRTC.isMobileDevice = isMobileDevice; // "isMobileDevice" boolean is defined in "getBrowserInfo.js" // ------ DetectRTC.isWebSocketsSupported = 'WebSocket' in window && 2 === window.WebSocket.CLOSING; DetectRTC.isWebSocketsBlocked = 'Checking'; if (DetectRTC.isWebSocketsSupported) { var websocket = new WebSocket('wss://echo.websocket.org:443/'); websocket.onopen = function() { DetectRTC.isWebSocketsBlocked = false; if (DetectRTC.loadCallback) { DetectRTC.loadCallback(); } }; websocket.onerror = function() { DetectRTC.isWebSocketsBlocked = true; if (DetectRTC.loadCallback) { DetectRTC.loadCallback(); } }; } // ------ var isGetUserMediaSupported = false; if (navigator.getUserMedia) { isGetUserMediaSupported = true; } else if (navigator.mediaDevices && navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia) { isGetUserMediaSupported = true; } if (DetectRTC.browser.isChrome && DetectRTC.browser.version >= 47 && !isHTTPs) { DetectRTC.isGetUserMediaSupported = 'Requires HTTPs'; } DetectRTC.isGetUserMediaSupported = isGetUserMediaSupported; // ----------- DetectRTC.osName = osName; // "osName" is defined in "detectOSName.js" // ---------- DetectRTC.isCanvasSupportsStreamCapturing = isCanvasSupportsStreamCapturing; DetectRTC.isVideoSupportsStreamCapturing = isVideoSupportsStreamCapturing; // ------ DetectRTC.DetectLocalIPAddress = DetectLocalIPAddress; // ------- DetectRTC.load = function(callback) { this.loadCallback = callback; checkDeviceSupport(callback); }; DetectRTC.MediaDevices = MediaDevices; DetectRTC.hasMicrophone = hasMicrophone; DetectRTC.hasSpeakers = hasSpeakers; DetectRTC.hasWebcam = hasWebcam; // ------ var isSetSinkIdSupported = false; if ('setSinkId' in document.createElement('video')) { isSetSinkIdSupported = true; } DetectRTC.isSetSinkIdSupported = isSetSinkIdSupported; // ----- var isRTPSenderReplaceTracksSupported = false; if (DetectRTC.browser.isFirefox /*&& DetectRTC.browser.version > 39*/ ) { /*global mozRTCPeerConnection:true */ if ('getSenders' in mozRTCPeerConnection.prototype) { isRTPSenderReplaceTracksSupported = true; } } else if (DetectRTC.browser.isChrome) { /*global webkitRTCPeerConnection:true */ if ('getSenders' in webkitRTCPeerConnection.prototype) { isRTPSenderReplaceTracksSupported = true; } } DetectRTC.isRTPSenderReplaceTracksSupported = isRTPSenderReplaceTracksSupported; //------ var isRemoteStreamProcessingSupported = false; if (DetectRTC.browser.isFirefox && DetectRTC.browser.version > 38) { isRemoteStreamProcessingSupported = true; } DetectRTC.isRemoteStreamProcessingSupported = isRemoteStreamProcessingSupported; //------- var isApplyConstraintsSupported = false; /*global MediaStreamTrack:true */ if (typeof MediaStreamTrack !== 'undefined' && 'applyConstraints' in MediaStreamTrack.prototype) { isApplyConstraintsSupported = true; } DetectRTC.isApplyConstraintsSupported = isApplyConstraintsSupported; //------- var isMultiMonitorScreenCapturingSupported = false; if (DetectRTC.browser.isFirefox && DetectRTC.browser.version >= 43) { // version 43 merely supports platforms for multi-monitors // version 44 will support exact multi-monitor selection i.e. you can select any monitor for screen capturing. isMultiMonitorScreenCapturingSupported = true; } DetectRTC.isMultiMonitorScreenCapturingSupported = isMultiMonitorScreenCapturingSupported; window.DetectRTC = DetectRTC; })(); // DetectRTC extender var screenCallback; DetectRTC.screen = { chromeMediaSource: 'screen', extensionid: ReservedExtensionID, getSourceId: function(callback) { if (!callback) throw '"callback" parameter is mandatory.'; // make sure that chrome extension is installed. if (!!DetectRTC.screen.status) { onstatus(DetectRTC.screen.status); } else DetectRTC.screen.getChromeExtensionStatus(onstatus); function onstatus(status) { if (status == 'installed-enabled') { screenCallback = callback; window.postMessage('get-sourceId', '*'); return; } DetectRTC.screen.chromeMediaSource = 'screen'; callback('No-Response'); // chrome extension isn't available } }, onMessageCallback: function(data) { if (!(isString(data) || !!data.sourceId)) return; log('chrome message', data); // "cancel" button is clicked if (data == 'PermissionDeniedError') { DetectRTC.screen.chromeMediaSource = 'PermissionDeniedError'; if (screenCallback) return screenCallback('PermissionDeniedError'); else throw new Error('PermissionDeniedError'); } // extension notified his presence if (data == 'rtcmulticonnection-extension-loaded') { DetectRTC.screen.chromeMediaSource = 'desktop'; if (DetectRTC.screen.onScreenCapturingExtensionAvailable) { DetectRTC.screen.onScreenCapturingExtensionAvailable(); // make sure that this event isn't fired multiple times DetectRTC.screen.onScreenCapturingExtensionAvailable = null; } } // extension shared temp sourceId if (data.sourceId) { DetectRTC.screen.sourceId = data.sourceId; if (screenCallback) screenCallback(DetectRTC.screen.sourceId); } }, getChromeExtensionStatus: function(extensionid, callback) { function _callback(status) { DetectRTC.screen.status = status; callback(status); } if (isFirefox) return _callback('not-chrome'); if (arguments.length != 2) { callback = extensionid; extensionid = this.extensionid; } var image = document.createElement('img'); image.src = 'chrome-extension://' + extensionid + '/icon.png'; image.onload = function() { DetectRTC.screen.chromeMediaSource = 'screen'; window.postMessage('are-you-there', '*'); setTimeout(function() { if (DetectRTC.screen.chromeMediaSource == 'screen') { _callback( DetectRTC.screen.chromeMediaSource == 'desktop' ? 'installed-enabled' : 'installed-disabled' /* if chrome extension isn't permitted for current domain, then it will be installed-disabled all the time even if extension is enabled. */ ); } else _callback('installed-enabled'); }, 2000); }; image.onerror = function() { _callback('not-installed'); }; } }; // if IE if (!window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener = function(el, eventName, eventHandler) { if (!el.attachEvent) return; el.attachEvent('on' + eventName, eventHandler); }; } function listenEventHandler(eventName, eventHandler) { window.removeEventListener(eventName, eventHandler); window.addEventListener(eventName, eventHandler, false); } window.addEventListener('message', function(event) { if (event.origin != window.location.origin) { return; } DetectRTC.screen.onMessageCallback(event.data); }); function setDefaults(connection) { // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/userid/ connection.userid = getRandomString(); // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/session/ connection.session = { audio: true, video: true }; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/maxParticipantsAllowed/ connection.maxParticipantsAllowed = 256; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/direction/ // 'many-to-many' / 'one-to-many' / 'one-to-one' / 'one-way' connection.direction = 'many-to-many'; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/mediaConstraints/ connection.mediaConstraints = { mandatory: {}, // kept for backward compatibility optional: [], // kept for backward compatibility audio: { mandatory: {}, optional: [] }, video: { mandatory: {}, optional: [] } }; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/candidates/ connection.candidates = { host: true, stun: true, turn: true }; connection.sdpConstraints = {}; // as @serhanters proposed in #225 // it will auto fix "all" renegotiation scenarios connection.sdpConstraints.mandatory = { OfferToReceiveAudio: true, OfferToReceiveVideo: true }; connection.privileges = { canStopRemoteStream: false, // user can stop remote streams canMuteRemoteStream: false // user can mute remote streams }; connection.iceProtocols = { tcp: true, udp: true }; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/preferSCTP/ connection.preferSCTP = isFirefox || chromeVersion >= 32 ? true : false; connection.chunkInterval = isFirefox || chromeVersion >= 32 ? 100 : 500; // 500ms for RTP and 100ms for SCTP connection.chunkSize = isFirefox || chromeVersion >= 32 ? 13 * 1000 : 1000; // 1000 chars for RTP and 13000 chars for SCTP // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/fakeDataChannels/ connection.fakeDataChannels = false; connection.waitUntilRemoteStreamStartsFlowing = null; // NULL == true // auto leave on page unload connection.leaveOnPageUnload = true; // get ICE-servers from XirSys connection.getExternalIceServers = isChrome; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/UA/ connection.UA = { isFirefox: isFirefox, isChrome: isChrome, isMobileDevice: isMobileDevice, version: isChrome ? chromeVersion : firefoxVersion, isNodeWebkit: isNodeWebkit, isSafari: isSafari, isIE: isIE, isOpera: isOpera }; // file queue: to store previous file objects in memory; // and stream over newly connected peers // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/fileQueue/ connection.fileQueue = {}; // this array is aimed to store all renegotiated streams' session-types connection.renegotiatedSessions = {}; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/channels/ connection.channels = {}; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/extra/ connection.extra = {}; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/bandwidth/ connection.bandwidth = { screen: 300 // 300kbps (dirty workaround) }; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/caniuse/ connection.caniuse = { RTCPeerConnection: DetectRTC.isWebRTCSupported, getUserMedia: !!navigator.webkitGetUserMedia || !!navigator.mozGetUserMedia, AudioContext: DetectRTC.isAudioContextSupported, // there is no way to check whether "getUserMedia" flag is enabled or not! ScreenSharing: DetectRTC.isScreenCapturingSupported, RtpDataChannels: DetectRTC.isRtpDataChannelsSupported, SctpDataChannels: DetectRTC.isSctpDataChannelsSupported }; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/snapshots/ connection.snapshots = {}; // www.WebRTC-Experiment.com/demos/MediaStreamTrack.getSources.html connection._mediaSources = {}; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/devices/ connection.devices = {}; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/language/ (to see list of all supported languages) connection.language = 'en'; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/autoTranslateText/ connection.autoTranslateText = false; // please use your own Google Translate API key // Google Translate is a paid service. connection.googKey = 'AIzaSyCgB5hmFY74WYB-EoWkhr9cAGr6TiTHrEE'; connection.localStreamids = []; connection.localStreams = {}; // this object stores pre-recorded media streaming uids // multiple pre-recorded media files can be streamed concurrently. connection.preRecordedMedias = {}; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/attachStreams/ connection.attachStreams = []; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/detachStreams/ connection.detachStreams = []; connection.optionalArgument = { optional: [{ DtlsSrtpKeyAgreement: true }, { googImprovedWifiBwe: true }, { googScreencastMinBitrate: 300 }], mandatory: {} }; connection.dataChannelDict = {}; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/dontAttachStream/ connection.dontAttachStream = false; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/dontCaptureUserMedia/ connection.dontCaptureUserMedia = false; // this feature added to keep users privacy and // make sure HTTPs pages NEVER auto capture users media // isChrome && location.protocol == 'https:' connection.preventSSLAutoAllowed = false; connection.autoReDialOnFailure = true; connection.isInitiator = false; // access DetectRTC.js features directly! connection.DetectRTC = DetectRTC; // you can falsify it to merge all ICE in SDP and share only SDP! // such mechanism is useful for SIP/XMPP and XMLHttpRequest signaling // bug: renegotiation fails if "trickleIce" is false connection.trickleIce = true; // this object stores list of all sessions in current channel connection.sessionDescriptions = {}; // this object stores current user's session-description // it is set only for initiator // it is set as soon as "open" method is invoked. connection.sessionDescription = null; // resources used in RTCMultiConnection connection.resources = { RecordRTC: 'https://cdn.webrtc-experiment.com/RecordRTC.js', PreRecordedMediaStreamer: 'https://cdn.webrtc-experiment.com/PreRecordedMediaStreamer.js', customGetUserMediaBar: 'https://cdn.webrtc-experiment.com/navigator.customGetUserMediaBar.js', html2canvas: 'https://cdn.webrtc-experiment.com/screenshot.js', hark: 'https://cdn.webrtc-experiment.com/hark.js', firebase: 'https://cdn.webrtc-experiment.com/firebase.js', firebaseio: 'https://webrtc.firebaseIO.com/', muted: 'https://cdn.webrtc-experiment.com/images/muted.png', getConnectionStats: 'https://cdn.webrtc-experiment.com/getConnectionStats.js', FileBufferReader: 'https://cdn.webrtc-experiment.com/FileBufferReader.js' }; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/body/ connection.body = document.body || document.documentElement; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/peers/ connection.peers = {}; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/firebase/ connection.firebase = 'chat'; connection.numberOfSessions = 0; connection.numberOfConnectedUsers = 0; // by default, data-connections will always be getting // FileBufferReader.js if absent. connection.enableFileSharing = true; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/autoSaveToDisk/ // to make sure file-saver dialog is not invoked. connection.autoSaveToDisk = false; connection.processSdp = function(sdp) { // process sdp here return sdp; }; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/onmessage/ connection.onmessage = function(e) { log('onmessage', toStr(e)); }; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/onopen/ connection.onopen = function(e) { log('Data connection is opened between you and', e.userid); }; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/onerror/ connection.onerror = function(e) { error(onerror, toStr(e)); }; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/onclose/ connection.onclose = function(e) { warn('onclose', toStr(e)); // todo: should we use "stop" or "remove"? // BTW, it is remote user! connection.streams.remove({ userid: e.userid }); }; var progressHelper = {}; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/onFileStart/ connection.onFileStart = function(file) { var div = document.createElement('div'); div.title = file.name; div.innerHTML = ' '; connection.body.insertBefore(div, connection.body.firstChild); progressHelper[file.uuid] = { div: div, progress: div.querySelector('progress'), label: div.querySelector('label') }; progressHelper[file.uuid].progress.max = file.maxChunks; }; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/onFileProgress/ connection.onFileProgress = function(chunk) { var helper = progressHelper[chunk.uuid]; if (!helper) return; helper.progress.value = chunk.currentPosition || chunk.maxChunks || helper.progress.max; updateLabel(helper.progress, helper.label); }; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/onFileEnd/ connection.onFileEnd = function(file) { if (progressHelper[file.uuid]) progressHelper[file.uuid].div.innerHTML = '' + file.name + ''; // for backward compatibility if (connection.onFileSent || connection.onFileReceived) { if (connection.onFileSent) connection.onFileSent(file, file.uuid); if (connection.onFileReceived) connection.onFileReceived(file.name, file); } }; function updateLabel(progress, label) { if (progress.position == -1) return; var position = +progress.position.toFixed(2).split('.')[1] || 100; label.innerHTML = position + '%'; } // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/onstream/ connection.onstream = function(e) { connection.body.insertBefore(e.mediaElement, connection.body.firstChild); }; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/onStreamEndedHandler/ connection.onstreamended = function(e) { log('onStreamEndedHandler:', e); if (!e.mediaElement) { return warn('Event.mediaElement is undefined', e); } if (!e.mediaElement.parentNode) { e.mediaElement = document.getElementById(e.streamid); if (!e.mediaElement) { return warn('Event.mediaElement is undefined', e); } if (!e.mediaElement.parentNode) { return warn('Event.mediElement.parentNode is null.', e); } } e.mediaElement.parentNode.removeChild(e.mediaElement); }; // todo: need to write documentation link connection.onSessionClosed = function(session) { if (session.isEjected) { warn(session.userid, 'ejected you.'); } else warn('Session has been closed.', session); }; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/onmute/ connection.onmute = function(e) { if (e.isVideo && e.mediaElement) { e.mediaElement.pause(); e.mediaElement.setAttribute('poster', e.snapshot || connection.resources.muted); } if (e.isAudio && e.mediaElement) { e.mediaElement.muted = true; } }; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/onunmute/ connection.onunmute = function(e) { if (e.isVideo && e.mediaElement) { e.mediaElement.play(); e.mediaElement.removeAttribute('poster'); } if (e.isAudio && e.mediaElement) { e.mediaElement.muted = false; } }; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/onleave/ connection.onleave = function(e) { log('onleave', toStr(e)); }; connection.token = getRandomString; connection.peers[connection.userid] = { drop: function() { connection.drop(); }, renegotiate: function() {}, addStream: function() {}, hold: function() {}, unhold: function() {}, changeBandwidth: function() {}, sharePartOfScreen: function() {} }; connection._skip = ['stop', 'mute', 'unmute', '_private', '_selectStreams', 'selectFirst', 'selectAll', 'remove']; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/streams/ connection.streams = { mute: function(session) { this._private(session, true); }, unmute: function(session) { this._private(session, false); }, _private: function(session, enabled) { if (session && !isString(session)) { for (var stream in this) { if (connection._skip.indexOf(stream) == -1) { _muteOrUnMute(this[stream], session, enabled); } } function _muteOrUnMute(stream, session, isMute) { if (session.local && stream.type != 'local') return; if (session.remote && stream.type != 'remote') return; if (session.isScreen && !stream.isScreen) return; if (session.isAudio && !stream.isAudio) return; if (session.isVideo && !stream.isVideo) return; if (isMute) stream.mute(session); else stream.unmute(session); } return; } // implementation from #68 for (var stream in this) { if (connection._skip.indexOf(stream) == -1) { this[stream]._private(session, enabled); } } }, stop: function(type) { var _stream; for (var stream in this) { if (connection._skip.indexOf(stream) == -1) { _stream = this[stream]; if (!type) _stream.stop(); else if (isString(type)) { // connection.streams.stop('screen'); var config = {}; config[type] = true; _stopStream(_stream, config); } else _stopStream(_stream, type); } } function _stopStream(_stream, config) { // connection.streams.stop({ remote: true, userid: 'remote-userid' }); if (config.userid && _stream.userid != config.userid) return; if (config.local && _stream.type != 'local') return; if (config.remote && _stream.type != 'remote') return; if (config.screen && !!_stream.isScreen) { _stream.stop(); } if (config.audio && !!_stream.isAudio) { _stream.stop(); } if (config.video && !!_stream.isVideo) { _stream.stop(); } // connection.streams.stop('local'); if (!config.audio && !config.video && !config.screen) { _stream.stop(); } } }, remove: function(type) { var _stream; for (var stream in this) { if (connection._skip.indexOf(stream) == -1) { _stream = this[stream]; if (!type) _stopAndRemoveStream(_stream, { local: true, remote: true }); else if (isString(type)) { // connection.streams.stop('screen'); var config = {}; config[type] = true; _stopAndRemoveStream(_stream, config); } else _stopAndRemoveStream(_stream, type); } } function _stopAndRemoveStream(_stream, config) { // connection.streams.remove({ remote: true, userid: 'remote-userid' }); if (config.userid && _stream.userid != config.userid) return; if (config.local && _stream.type != 'local') return; if (config.remote && _stream.type != 'remote') return; if (config.screen && !!_stream.isScreen) { endStream(_stream); } if (config.audio && !!_stream.isAudio) { endStream(_stream); } if (config.video && !!_stream.isVideo) { endStream(_stream); } // connection.streams.remove('local'); if (!config.audio && !config.video && !config.screen) { endStream(_stream); } } function endStream(_stream) { onStreamEndedHandler(_stream, connection); delete connection.streams[_stream.streamid]; } }, selectFirst: function(args) { return this._selectStreams(args, false); }, selectAll: function(args) { return this._selectStreams(args, true); }, _selectStreams: function(args, all) { if (!args || isString(args) || isEmpty(args)) throw 'Invalid arguments.'; // if userid is used then both local/remote shouldn't be auto-set if (isNull(args.local) && isNull(args.remote) && isNull(args.userid)) { args.local = args.remote = true; } if (!args.isAudio && !args.isVideo && !args.isScreen) { args.isAudio = args.isVideo = args.isScreen = true; } var selectedStreams = []; for (var stream in this) { if (connection._skip.indexOf(stream) == -1 && (stream = this[stream]) && ((args.local && stream.type == 'local') || (args.remote && stream.type == 'remote') || (args.userid && stream.userid == args.userid))) { if (args.isVideo && stream.isVideo) { selectedStreams.push(stream); } if (args.isAudio && stream.isAudio) { selectedStreams.push(stream); } if (args.isScreen && stream.isScreen) { selectedStreams.push(stream); } } } return !!all ? selectedStreams : selectedStreams[0]; } }; connection.iceServers = IceServersHandler.getIceServers(); connection.rtcConfiguration = { iceServers: null, iceTransports: 'all', // none || relay || all - ref: http://goo.gl/40I39K peerIdentity: false }; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/media/ connection.media = { min: function(width, height) { if (!connection.mediaConstraints.video) return; if (!connection.mediaConstraints.video.mandatory) { connection.mediaConstraints.video.mandatory = {}; } connection.mediaConstraints.video.mandatory.minWidth = width; connection.mediaConstraints.video.mandatory.minHeight = height; }, max: function(width, height) { if (!connection.mediaConstraints.video) return; if (!connection.mediaConstraints.video.mandatory) { connection.mediaConstraints.video.mandatory = {}; } connection.mediaConstraints.video.mandatory.maxWidth = width; connection.mediaConstraints.video.mandatory.maxHeight = height; } }; connection._getStream = function(event) { var resultingObject = merge({ sockets: event.socket ? [event.socket] : [] }, event); resultingObject.stop = function() { var self = this; self.sockets.forEach(function(socket) { if (self.type == 'local') { socket.send({ streamid: self.streamid, stopped: true }); } if (self.type == 'remote') { socket.send({ promptStreamStop: true, streamid: self.streamid }); } }); if (self.type == 'remote') return; var stream = self.stream; if (stream) self.rtcMultiConnection.stopMediaStream(stream); }; resultingObject.mute = function(session) { this.muted = true; this._private(session, true); }; resultingObject.unmute = function(session) { this.muted = false; this._private(session, false); }; function muteOrUnmuteLocally(session, isPause, mediaElement) { if (!mediaElement) return; var lastPauseState = mediaElement.onpause; var lastPlayState = mediaElement.onplay; mediaElement.onpause = mediaElement.onplay = function() {}; if (isPause) mediaElement.pause(); else mediaElement.play(); mediaElement.onpause = lastPauseState; mediaElement.onplay = lastPlayState; } resultingObject._private = function(session, enabled) { if (session && !isNull(session.sync) && session.sync == false) { muteOrUnmuteLocally(session, enabled, this.mediaElement); return; } muteOrUnmute({ root: this, session: session, enabled: enabled, stream: this.stream }); }; resultingObject.startRecording = function(session) { var self = this; if (!session) { session = { audio: true, video: true }; } if (isString(session)) { session = { audio: session == 'audio', video: session == 'video' }; } if (!window.RecordRTC) { return loadScript(self.rtcMultiConnection.resources.RecordRTC, function() { self.startRecording(session); }); } log('started recording session', session); self.videoRecorder = self.audioRecorder = null; if (isFirefox) { // firefox supports both audio/video recording in single webm file if (self.stream.getAudioTracks().length && self.stream.getVideoTracks().length) { self.videoRecorder = RecordRTC(self.stream, { type: 'video' }); } else if (session.video) { self.videoRecorder = RecordRTC(self.stream, { type: 'video' }); } else if (session.audio) { self.audioRecorder = RecordRTC(self.stream, { type: 'audio' }); } } else if (isChrome) { // chrome >= 48 supports MediaRecorder API // MediaRecorder API can record remote audio+video streams as well! if (isMediaRecorderCompatible() && connection.DetectRTC.browser.version >= 50 && self.stream.getAudioTracks().length && self.stream.getVideoTracks().length) { self.videoRecorder = RecordRTC(self.stream, { type: 'video' }); } else if (isMediaRecorderCompatible() && connection.DetectRTC.browser.version >= 50) { if (session.video) { self.videoRecorder = RecordRTC(self.stream, { type: 'video' }); } else if (session.audio) { self.audioRecorder = RecordRTC(self.stream, { type: 'audio' }); } } else { // chrome supports recording in two separate files: WAV and WebM if (session.video) { self.videoRecorder = RecordRTC(self.stream, { type: 'video' }); } if (session.audio) { self.audioRecorder = RecordRTC(self.stream, { type: 'audio' }); } } } if (self.audioRecorder) { self.audioRecorder.startRecording(); } if (self.videoRecorder) self.videoRecorder.startRecording(); }; resultingObject.stopRecording = function(callback, session) { if (!session) { session = { audio: true, video: true }; } if (isString(session)) { session = { audio: session == 'audio', video: session == 'video' }; } log('stopped recording session', session); var self = this; if (session.audio && self.audioRecorder) { self.audioRecorder.stopRecording(function() { if (session.video && self.videoRecorder) { self.videoRecorder.stopRecording(function() { callback({ audio: self.audioRecorder.getBlob(), video: self.videoRecorder.getBlob() }); }); } else callback({ audio: self.audioRecorder.getBlob() }); }); } else if (session.video && self.videoRecorder) { self.videoRecorder.stopRecording(function() { callback({ video: self.videoRecorder.getBlob() }); }); } }; resultingObject.takeSnapshot = function(callback) { takeSnapshot({ mediaElement: this.mediaElement, userid: this.userid, connection: connection, callback: callback }); }; // redundant: kept only for backward compatibility resultingObject.streamObject = resultingObject; return resultingObject; }; // new RTCMultiConnection().set({properties}).connect() connection.set = function(properties) { for (var property in properties) { this[property] = properties[property]; } return this; }; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/onMediaError/ connection.onMediaError = function(event) { error('name', event.name); error('constraintName', toStr(event.constraintName)); error('message', event.message); error('original session', event.session); }; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/takeSnapshot/ connection.takeSnapshot = function(userid, callback) { takeSnapshot({ userid: userid, connection: connection, callback: callback }); }; connection.saveToDisk = function(blob, fileName) { if (blob.size && blob.type) FileSaver.SaveToDisk(URL.createObjectURL(blob), fileName || blob.name || blob.type.replace('/', '-') + blob.type.split('/')[1]); else FileSaver.SaveToDisk(blob, fileName); }; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/selectDevices/ connection.selectDevices = function(device1, device2) { if (device1) select(this.devices[device1]); if (device2) select(this.devices[device2]); function select(device) { if (!device) return; connection._mediaSources[device.kind] = device.id; } }; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/getDevices/ connection.getDevices = function(callback) { // if, not yet fetched. if (!DetectRTC.MediaDevices.length) { return setTimeout(function() { connection.getDevices(callback); }, 1000); } // loop over all audio/video input/output devices DetectRTC.MediaDevices.forEach(function(device) { connection.devices[device.deviceId] = device; }); if (callback) callback(connection.devices); }; connection.getMediaDevices = connection.enumerateDevices = function(callback) { if (!callback) throw 'callback is mandatory.'; connection.getDevices(function() { callback(connection.DetectRTC.MediaDevices); }); }; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/onCustomMessage/ connection.onCustomMessage = function(message) { log('Custom message', message); }; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/ondrop/ connection.ondrop = function(droppedBy) { log('Media connection is dropped by ' + droppedBy); }; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/drop/ connection.drop = function(config) { config = config || {}; connection.attachStreams = []; // "drop" should detach all local streams for (var stream in connection.streams) { if (connection._skip.indexOf(stream) == -1) { stream = connection.streams[stream]; if (stream.type == 'local') { connection.detachStreams.push(stream.streamid); onStreamEndedHandler(stream, connection); } else onStreamEndedHandler(stream, connection); } } // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/sendCustomMessage/ connection.sendCustomMessage({ drop: true, dontRenegotiate: isNull(config.renegotiate) ? true : config.renegotiate }); }; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/Translator/ connection.Translator = { TranslateText: function(text, callback) { // if(location.protocol === 'https:') return callback(text); var newScript = document.createElement('script'); newScript.type = 'text/javascript'; var sourceText = encodeURIComponent(text); // escape var randomNumber = 'method' + connection.token(); window[randomNumber] = function(response) { if (response.data && response.data.translations[0] && callback) { callback(response.data.translations[0].translatedText); } if (response.error && response.error.message == 'Daily Limit Exceeded') { warn('Text translation failed. Error message: "Daily Limit Exceeded."'); // returning original text callback(text); } }; var source = 'https://www.googleapis.com/language/translate/v2?key=' + connection.googKey + '&target=' + (connection.language || 'en-US') + '&callback=window.' + randomNumber + '&q=' + sourceText; newScript.src = source; document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(newScript); } }; // you can easily override it by setting it NULL! connection.setDefaultEventsForMediaElement = function(mediaElement, streamid) { mediaElement.onpause = function() { if (connection.streams[streamid] && !connection.streams[streamid].muted) { connection.streams[streamid].mute(); } }; // todo: need to make sure that "onplay" EVENT doesn't play self-voice! mediaElement.onplay = function() { if (connection.streams[streamid] && connection.streams[streamid].muted) { connection.streams[streamid].unmute(); } }; var volumeChangeEventFired = false; mediaElement.onvolumechange = function() { if (!volumeChangeEventFired) { volumeChangeEventFired = true; connection.streams[streamid] && setTimeout(function() { var root = connection.streams[streamid]; connection.streams[streamid].sockets.forEach(function(socket) { socket.send({ streamid: root.streamid, isVolumeChanged: true, volume: mediaElement.volume }); }); volumeChangeEventFired = false; }, 2000); } }; }; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/onMediaFile/ connection.onMediaFile = function(e) { log('onMediaFile', e); connection.body.appendChild(e.mediaElement); }; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/shareMediaFile/ // this method handles pre-recorded media streaming connection.shareMediaFile = function(file, video, streamerid) { streamerid = streamerid || connection.token(); if (!PreRecordedMediaStreamer) { loadScript(connection.resources.PreRecordedMediaStreamer, function() { connection.shareMediaFile(file, video, streamerid); }); return streamerid; } return PreRecordedMediaStreamer.shareMediaFile({ file: file, video: video, streamerid: streamerid, connection: connection }); }; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/onpartofscreen/ connection.onpartofscreen = function(e) { var image = document.createElement('img'); image.src = e.screenshot; connection.body.appendChild(image); }; connection.skipLogs = function() { log = error = warn = function() {}; }; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/hold/ connection.hold = function(mLine) { for (var peer in connection.peers) { connection.peers[peer].hold(mLine); } }; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/onhold/ connection.onhold = function(track) { log('onhold', track); if (track.kind != 'audio') { track.mediaElement.pause(); track.mediaElement.setAttribute('poster', track.screenshot || connection.resources.muted); } if (track.kind == 'audio') { track.mediaElement.muted = true; } }; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/unhold/ connection.unhold = function(mLine) { for (var peer in connection.peers) { connection.peers[peer].unhold(mLine); } }; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/onunhold/ connection.onunhold = function(track) { log('onunhold', track); if (track.kind != 'audio') { track.mediaElement.play(); track.mediaElement.removeAttribute('poster'); } if (track.kind != 'audio') { track.mediaElement.muted = false; } }; connection.sharePartOfScreen = function(args) { var lastScreenshot = ''; function partOfScreenCapturer() { // if stopped if (connection.partOfScreen && !connection.partOfScreen.sharing) { return; } capturePartOfScreen({ element: args.element, connection: connection, callback: function(screenshot) { // don't share repeated content if (screenshot != lastScreenshot) { lastScreenshot = screenshot; for (var channel in connection.channels) { connection.channels[channel].send({ screenshot: screenshot, isPartOfScreen: true }); } } // "once" can be used to share single screenshot !args.once && setTimeout(partOfScreenCapturer, args.interval || 200); } }); } partOfScreenCapturer(); connection.partOfScreen = merge({ sharing: true }, args); }; connection.pausePartOfScreenSharing = function() { for (var peer in connection.peers) { connection.peers[peer].pausePartOfScreenSharing = true; } if (connection.partOfScreen) { connection.partOfScreen.sharing = false; } }; connection.resumePartOfScreenSharing = function() { for (var peer in connection.peers) { connection.peers[peer].pausePartOfScreenSharing = false; } if (connection.partOfScreen) { connection.partOfScreen.sharing = true; } }; connection.stopPartOfScreenSharing = function() { for (var peer in connection.peers) { connection.peers[peer].stopPartOfScreenSharing = true; } if (connection.partOfScreen) { connection.partOfScreen.sharing = false; } }; connection.takeScreenshot = function(element, callback) { if (!element || !callback) throw 'Invalid number of arguments.'; if (!window.html2canvas) { return loadScript(connection.resources.html2canvas, function() { connection.takeScreenshot(element); }); } if (isString(element)) { element = document.querySelector(element); if (!element) element = document.getElementById(element); } if (!element) throw 'HTML Element is inaccessible!'; // html2canvas.js is used to take screenshots html2canvas(element, { onrendered: function(canvas) { callback(canvas.toDataURL()); } }); }; // this event is fired when RTCMultiConnection detects that chrome extension // for screen capturing is installed and available connection.onScreenCapturingExtensionAvailable = function() { log('It seems that screen capturing extension is installed and available on your system!'); }; if (!isPluginRTC && DetectRTC.screen.onScreenCapturingExtensionAvailable) { DetectRTC.screen.onScreenCapturingExtensionAvailable = function() { connection.onScreenCapturingExtensionAvailable(); }; } connection.changeBandwidth = function(bandwidth) { for (var peer in connection.peers) { connection.peers[peer].changeBandwidth(bandwidth); } }; connection.convertToAudioStream = function(mediaStream) { convertToAudioStream(mediaStream); }; connection.onstatechange = function(state) { log('on:state:change (' + state.userid + '):', state.name + ':', state.reason || ''); }; connection.onfailed = function(event) { if (!event.peer.numOfRetries) event.peer.numOfRetries = 0; event.peer.numOfRetries++; error('ICE connectivity check is failed. Renegotiating peer connection.'); event.peer.numOfRetries < 2 && event.peer.renegotiate(); if (event.peer.numOfRetries >= 2) event.peer.numOfRetries = 0; }; connection.onconnected = function(event) { // event.peer.addStream || event.peer.getConnectionStats log('Peer connection has been established between you and', event.userid); }; connection.ondisconnected = function(event) { error('Peer connection seems has been disconnected between you and', event.userid); if (isEmpty(connection.channels)) return; if (!connection.channels[event.userid]) return; // use WebRTC data channels to detect user's presence connection.channels[event.userid].send({ checkingPresence: true }); // wait 5 seconds, if target peer didn't response, simply disconnect setTimeout(function() { // iceConnectionState == 'disconnected' occurred out of low-bandwidth // or internet connectivity issues if (connection.peers[event.userid].connected) { delete connection.peers[event.userid].connected; return; } // to make sure this user's all remote streams are removed. connection.streams.remove({ remote: true, userid: event.userid }); connection.remove(event.userid); }, 3000); }; connection.onstreamid = function(event) { // event.isScreen || event.isVideo || event.isAudio log('got remote streamid', event.streamid, 'from', event.userid); }; connection.stopMediaStream = function(mediaStream) { if (!mediaStream) throw 'MediaStream argument is mandatory.'; if (connection.keepStreamsOpened) { if (mediaStream.onended) mediaStream.onended(); return; } // remove stream from "localStreams" object // when native-stop method invoked. if (connection.localStreams[mediaStream.streamid]) { delete connection.localStreams[mediaStream.streamid]; } if (isFirefox) { // Firefox don't yet support onended for any stream (remote/local) if (mediaStream.onended) mediaStream.onended(); } // Latest firefox does support mediaStream.getAudioTrack but doesn't support stop on MediaStreamTrack var checkForMediaStreamTrackStop = Boolean( (mediaStream.getAudioTracks || mediaStream.getVideoTracks) && ( (mediaStream.getAudioTracks()[0] && !mediaStream.getAudioTracks()[0].stop) || (mediaStream.getVideoTracks()[0] && !mediaStream.getVideoTracks()[0].stop) ) ); if (!mediaStream.getAudioTracks || checkForMediaStreamTrackStop) { if (mediaStream.stop) { mediaStream.stop(); } return; } if (mediaStream.getAudioTracks().length && mediaStream.getAudioTracks()[0].stop) { mediaStream.getAudioTracks().forEach(function(track) { track.stop(); }); } if (mediaStream.getVideoTracks().length && mediaStream.getVideoTracks()[0].stop) { mediaStream.getVideoTracks().forEach(function(track) { track.stop(); }); } }; connection.changeBandwidth = function(bandwidth) { if (!bandwidth || isString(bandwidth) || isEmpty(bandwidth)) { throw 'Invalid "bandwidth" arguments.'; } forEach(connection.peers, function(peer) { peer.peer.bandwidth = bandwidth; }); connection.renegotiate(); }; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/openSignalingChannel/ // http://goo.gl/uvoIcZ connection.openSignalingChannel = function(config) { // make sure firebase.js is loaded if (!window.Firebase) { return loadScript(connection.resources.firebase, function() { connection.openSignalingChannel(config); }); } var channel = config.channel || connection.channel; if (connection.firebase) { // for custom firebase instances connection.resources.firebaseio = connection.resources.firebaseio.replace('//chat.', '//' + connection.firebase + '.'); } var firebase = new Firebase(connection.resources.firebaseio + channel); firebase.channel = channel; firebase.on('child_added', function(data) { config.onmessage(data.val()); }); firebase.send = function(data) { // a quick dirty workaround to make sure firebase // shouldn't fail for NULL values. for (var prop in data) { if (isNull(data[prop]) || typeof data[prop] == 'function') { data[prop] = false; } } this.push(data); }; if (!connection.socket) connection.socket = firebase; firebase.onDisconnect().remove(); setTimeout(function() { config.callback(firebase); }, 1); }; connection.Plugin = Plugin; } })();