#include "obox.h" // -------------------------- // // Oriented Bounding Box Class // // -------------------------- // // Check if a point is in this bounding box // bool OBox::IsPointInBox(const Vector3D &InP) const { // Rotate the point into the box's coordinates Vector3D P = Transform(InP, m_M.Inverse()); // Now just use an axis-aligned check if ( fabs(P.x) < m_Extent.x && fabs(P.y) < m_Extent.y && fabs(P.z) < m_Extent.z ) return true; return false; } // // Check if a sphere overlaps any part of this bounding box // bool OBox::IsSphereInBox( const Vector3D &InP, float fRadius) const { float fDist; float fDistSq = 0; Vector3D P = Transform(InP, m_M.Inverse()); // Add distance squared from sphere centerpoint to box for each axis for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { if ( fabs(P[i]) > m_Extent[i] ) { fDist = fabs(P[i]) - m_Extent[i]; fDistSq += fDist*fDist; } } return ( fDistSq <= fRadius*fRadius ); } // // Check if the bounding box is completely behind a plane( defined by a normal and a point ) // bool OBox::BoxOutsidePlane( const Vector3D &InNorm, const Vector3D &InP ) const { // Plane Normal in Box Space Vector3D Norm = rotateVector(InNorm, m_M.Inverse() ); Norm = Vector3D( fabs( Norm.x ), fabs( Norm.y ), fabs( Norm.z ) ); float Extent = Norm * m_Extent; //Norm.Dot( m_Extent ); // Box Extent along the plane normal //float Distance = InNorm.Dot( GetCenterPoint() - InP ); // Distance from Box Center to the Plane float Distance = InNorm * (GetCenterPoint() - InP); // If Box Centerpoint is behind the plane further than its extent, the Box is outside the plane if ( Distance < -Extent ) return true; return false; } // // Does the Line (L1, L2) intersect the Box? // bool OBox::IsLineInBox( const Vector3D& L1, const Vector3D& L2 ) const { // Put line in box space Matrix3D MInv = m_M.Inverse(); Vector3D LB1 = Transform(L1, MInv); Vector3D LB2 = Transform(L2, MInv); // Get line midpoint and extent Vector3D LMid = (LB1 + LB2) * 0.5f; Vector3D L = (LB1 - LMid); Vector3D LExt = Vector3D( fabs(L.x), fabs(L.y), fabs(L.z) ); // Use Separating Axis Test // Separation vector from box center to line center is LMid, since the line is in box space if ( fabs( LMid.x ) > m_Extent.x + LExt.x ) return false; if ( fabs( LMid.y ) > m_Extent.y + LExt.y ) return false; if ( fabs( LMid.z ) > m_Extent.z + LExt.z ) return false; // Crossproducts of line and each axis if ( fabs( LMid.y * L.z - LMid.z * L.y) > (m_Extent.y * LExt.z + m_Extent.z * LExt.y) ) return false; if ( fabs( LMid.x * L.z - LMid.z * L.x) > (m_Extent.x * LExt.z + m_Extent.z * LExt.x) ) return false; if ( fabs( LMid.x * L.y - LMid.y * L.x) > (m_Extent.x * LExt.y + m_Extent.y * LExt.x) ) return false; // No separating axis, the line intersects return true; } // // Returns a 3x3 rotation matrix as vectors // inline void OBox::GetInvRot( Vector3D *pvRot ) const { pvRot[0] = Vector3D( m_M.m[0][0], m_M.m[0][1], m_M.m[0][2] ); pvRot[1] = Vector3D( m_M.m[1][0], m_M.m[1][1], m_M.m[1][2] ); pvRot[2] = Vector3D( m_M.m[2][0], m_M.m[2][1], m_M.m[2][2] ); } // // Check if any part of a box is inside any part of another box // Uses the separating axis test. // bool OBox::IsBoxInBox( OBox &BBox ) const { Vector3D SizeA = m_Extent; Vector3D SizeB = BBox.m_Extent; Vector3D RotA[3], RotB[3]; GetInvRot( RotA ); BBox.GetInvRot( RotB ); float R[3][3]; // Rotation from B to A float AR[3][3]; // absolute values of R matrix, to use with box extents float ExtentA, ExtentB, Separation; int i, k; // Calculate B to A rotation matrix for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) for( k = 0; k < 3; k++ ) { R[i][k] = RotA[i] * RotB[k]; AR[i][k] = fabs(R[i][k]); } // Vector separating the centers of Box B and of Box A Vector3D vSepWS = BBox.GetCenterPoint() - GetCenterPoint(); // Rotated into Box A's coordinates Vector3D vSepA( vSepWS * RotA[0], vSepWS * RotA[1], vSepWS * RotA[2] ); // Test if any of A's basis vectors separate the box for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { ExtentA = SizeA[i]; ExtentB = SizeB * Vector3D( AR[i][0], AR[i][1], AR[i][2] ); Separation = fabs( vSepA[i] ); if( Separation > ExtentA + ExtentB ) return false; } // Test if any of B's basis vectors separate the box for( k = 0; k < 3; k++ ) { ExtentA = SizeA * Vector3D( AR[0][k], AR[1][k], AR[2][k] ); ExtentB = SizeB[k]; Separation = fabs( vSepA * Vector3D(R[0][k],R[1][k],R[2][k]) ); if( Separation > ExtentA + ExtentB ) return false; } // Now test Cross Products of each basis vector combination ( A[i], B[k] ) for( i=0 ; i<3 ; i++ ) for( k=0 ; k<3 ; k++ ) { int i1 = (i+1)%3, i2 = (i+2)%3; int k1 = (k+1)%3, k2 = (k+2)%3; ExtentA = SizeA[i1] * AR[i2][k] + SizeA[i2] * AR[i1][k]; ExtentB = SizeB[k1] * AR[i][k2] + SizeB[k2] * AR[i][k1]; Separation = fabs( vSepA[i2] * R[i1][k] - vSepA[i1] * R[i2][k] ); if( Separation > ExtentA + ExtentB ) return false; } // No separating axis found, the boxes overlap return true; }