/************************************************************************ * Copyright (c) 2005-2007 tok@openlinux.org.uk * * * * This software is provided as-is, without any express or implied * * warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any * * damages arising from the use of this software. * * * * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, * * including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute * * it freely, subject to the following restrictions: * * * * 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must * * not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this * * software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation * * would be appreciated but is not required. * * * * 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must * * not be misrepresented as being the original software. * * * * 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source * * distribution. * ************************************************************************/ #include #include "gl_spritecache.h" #include "dataholder.h" #include "spritemanager.h" #include "log.h" #include "timer.h" #include "id_sys.h" namespace OpenGTA { //SpriteManager::SpriteManager() : trainSystem(AbstractContainer::objs){ SpriteManager::SpriteManager() { drawMode = (1); registerAnimation(0, SpriteObject::Animation(0, 0)); // dummy registerAnimation(1, SpriteObject::Animation(98, 0)); // standing still registerAnimation(2, SpriteObject::Animation(0, 7, 0.001f)); // walking registerAnimation(3, SpriteObject::Animation(8, 7, 0.0015f)); // running // registerAnimation(3, SpriteObject::Animation(16, 0)); // sitting in car // registerAnimation(4, SpriteObject::Animation(17, 7)); // car-exit // registerAnimation(5, SpriteObject::Animation(25, 7)); // car-enter //registerAnimation(3, SpriteObject::Animation(107, 7, 0.002f)); //registerAnimation(4, SpriteObject::Animation(99, 7, 0.001f)); //registerAnimation(5, SpriteObject::Animation(28, 7)); // registerAnimation(6, SpriteObject::Animation(38, 2)); // falling //registerAnimation(7, SpriteObject::Animation(41, 0)); // sliding under //registerAnimation(9, SpriteObject::Animation(44, 0)); // death-back pose //registerAnimation(11, SpriteObject::Animation(47, 1)); // swimming //registerAnimation(12, SpriteObject::Animation(98, 0)); // standing still registerAnimation(4, SpriteObject::Animation(89, 0)); // standing, gun registerAnimation(5, SpriteObject::Animation(99, 7, 0.001f)); // walking, gun registerAnimation(6, SpriteObject::Animation(107, 7, 0.002f)); // running, gun registerAnimation(7, SpriteObject::Animation(134, 0)); //standing, flamethrower registerAnimation(8, SpriteObject::Animation(118, 7, 0.001f)); // walking, flamethrower registerAnimation(9, SpriteObject::Animation(126, 7, 0.002f)); // running, flamethrower registerAnimation(10, SpriteObject::Animation(152, 0)); //standing, uzi registerAnimation(11, SpriteObject::Animation(136, 7, 0.001f)); // walking, uzi registerAnimation(12, SpriteObject::Animation(144, 7, 0.002f)); // running, uzi registerAnimation(13, SpriteObject::Animation(170, 0)); //standing, rocket-launcher registerAnimation(14, SpriteObject::Animation(154, 7, 0.001f)); // walking, rocket-launcher registerAnimation(15, SpriteObject::Animation(162, 7, 0.002f)); // running, rocket-launcher registerAnimation(42, SpriteObject::Animation(42, 1)); // death pose; maybe just 1? registerAnimation(45, SpriteObject::Animation(45, 1)); // shot-in-front registerAnimation(46, SpriteObject::Animation(354, 12)); /* registerAnimation(12, SpriteObject::Animation( registerAnimation(13, SpriteObject::Animation( registerAnimation(14, SpriteObject::Animation( registerAnimation(15, SpriteObject::Animation( registerAnimation(16, SpriteObject::Animation( registerAnimation(17, SpriteObject::Animation( registerAnimation(18, SpriteObject::Animation( registerAnimation(19, SpriteObject::Animation( */ registerAnimation(99, SpriteObject::Animation(0, 12)); registerAnimation(100, SpriteObject::Animation(12, 12)); } SpriteManager::~SpriteManager() { clear(); animations.clear(); } void SpriteManager::update(Uint32 ticks) { /* for (PedListType::iterator i = activePeds.begin(); i != activePeds.end(); ++i) { for (ObjectListType::iterator j = activeObjects.begin(); j != activeObjects.end(); ++j) { Pedestrian & ped = *i; GameObject & obj = *j; Vector3D d(ped.GetCenterPoint() - obj.GetCenterPoint()); if (d.SquareMagnitude() < 25) { INFO << "obj: " << obj.pos.x << ", " << obj.pos.y << "[" << obj.m_Extent.y << "], " << obj.pos.z << std::endl; INFO << "ped: " << ped.pos.x << ", " << ped.pos.y <<", " << ped.pos.z << std::endl; INFO << "ped in obj: " << ped.IsBoxInBox(obj) << std::endl; INFO << "obj in ped: " << obj.IsBoxInBox(ped) << std::endl; } } } for (PedListType::iterator i = activePeds.begin(); i != activePeds.end(); ++i) { i->update(ticks); } for (ObjectListType::iterator i = activeObjects.begin(); i != activeObjects.end(); ++i) { i->update(ticks); }*/ size_t num_peds, num_cars, num_obj; num_peds = 0; for (AbstractContainer::Storage_T_Iterator i = AbstractContainer::objs.begin(); i != AbstractContainer::objs.end(); ++i) { Pedestrian & ped = (*i); ped.update(ticks); num_peds++; } num_cars = 0; for (AbstractContainer::Storage_T_Iterator i = AbstractContainer::objs.begin(); i != AbstractContainer::objs.end(); ++i) { Car & car = (*i); car.update(ticks); num_cars++; } for (AbstractContainer::Storage_T_Iterator i = AbstractContainer::objs.begin(); i != AbstractContainer::objs.end(); ++i) { SpriteObject & obj = (*i); obj.update(ticks); num_obj++; if (obj.isActive == false) AbstractContainer::toBeRemoved.push_back(i); } for (ProjectileListType::iterator i = activeProjectiles.begin(); i != activeProjectiles.end();) { Projectile & pr = (*i); pr.update(ticks); if (pr.lastUpdateAt >= pr.endsAtTick) { ProjectileListType::iterator j = i++; activeProjectiles.erase(j); //INFO << "deleting old projectile; now " << activeProjectiles.size() << std::endl; } else ++i; } removeDeadStuff(); if (num_peds < 10 && num_peds > 0) { //MapHelper::createPeds(5); Map & map = OpenGTA::MapHolder::Instance().get(); while (1) { Util::TupleOfUint8 tu8 = creationArea.getValidCoord(); int k = -1; for (int i = 0; i < map.getNumBlocksAtNew(tu8.first, tu8.second); ++i) { Map::BlockInfo * bi = map.getBlockAtNew(tu8.first, tu8.second, i); if (bi->blockType() == 3) { k = i; break; } } if (k == -1) continue; INFO << int(tu8.first) << " " << int(tu8.second) << " " << k << std::endl; Vector3D pos(tu8.first + 0.5f, k+1, tu8.second+0.5f); int id = OpenGTA::TypeIdBlackBox::requestId(); Sint16 remap = OpenGTA::StyleHolder::Instance().get().getRandomPedRemapNumber(); OpenGTA::Pedestrian p(Vector3D(0.3f, 0.5f, 0.3f), pos, id, remap); OpenGTA::SpriteManagerHolder::Instance().add(p); break; } } } void SpriteManager::drawInRect(SDL_Rect & r) { for (AbstractContainer::Storage_T_Iterator i = AbstractContainer::objs.begin(); i != AbstractContainer::objs.end(); ++i) { Pedestrian & ped = (*i); if ((ped.pos.x >= r.x) && (ped.pos.x <= r.x + r.w) && (ped.pos.z >= r.y) && (ped.pos.z <= r.y + r.h)) draw(ped); } for (AbstractContainer::Storage_T_Iterator i = AbstractContainer::objs.begin(); i != AbstractContainer::objs.end(); ++i) { SpriteObject & obj = (*i); if ((obj.pos.x >= r.x) && (obj.pos.x <= r.x + r.w) && (obj.pos.z >= r.y) && (obj.pos.z <= r.y + r.h)) draw(obj); } for (AbstractContainer::Storage_T_Iterator i = AbstractContainer::objs.begin(); i != AbstractContainer::objs.end(); ++i) { Car & car = (*i); if ((car.pos.x >= r.x) && (car.pos.x <= r.x + r.w) && (car.pos.z >= r.y) && (car.pos.z <= r.y + r.h)) draw(car); } glColor3f(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f); typedef ProjectileListType::iterator ProjectileIterator; for (ProjectileIterator i = activeProjectiles.begin(); i != activeProjectiles.end(); ++i) { Projectile & prj = (*i); if ((prj.pos.x >= r.x) && (prj.pos.x <= r.x + r.w) && (prj.pos.z >= r.y) && (prj.pos.z <= r.y + r.h)) draw(prj); } glColor3f(1, 1, 1); } void SpriteManager::clear() { #define TYPED_CLEANUP(T) { \ AbstractContainer::objs.clear(); \ AbstractContainer::toBeRemoved.clear(); \ } TYPED_CLEANUP(Pedestrian); TYPED_CLEANUP(Car); TYPED_CLEANUP(SpriteObject); //TYPED_CLEANUP(TrainSegment); activeProjectiles.clear(); #undef TYPED_CLEANUP } #define GL_OBJ_COMMON(o) GL_CHECKERROR; \ glPushMatrix(); \ glTranslatef(o.pos.x, o.pos.y, o.pos.z); \ glRotatef(o.rot, 0, 1, 0); \ //glGetFloatv(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, (GLfloat*)o.m_M.m) #define DRAW_TEX_QUADS_OBJ(t, w, h) glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, t.inPage); \ glBegin(GL_QUADS); \ glTexCoord2f(t.coords[0].u, t.coords[1].v); \ glVertex3f(-w/2, 0.0f, h/2); \ glTexCoord2f(t.coords[1].u, t.coords[1].v); \ glVertex3f(w/2, 0.0f, h/2); \ glTexCoord2f(t.coords[1].u, t.coords[0].v); \ glVertex3f(w/2, 0.0f, -h/2); \ glTexCoord2f(t.coords[0].u, t.coords[0].v); \ glVertex3f(-w/2, 0.0f, -h/2); \ glEnd() void SpriteManager::draw(Car & car) { GL_OBJ_COMMON(car); GraphicsBase & style = StyleHolder::Instance().get(); OpenGL::PagedTexture t; PHYSFS_uint16 sprNum = style.spriteNumbers.reIndex(car.sprNum + car.anim.firstFrameOffset + car.anim.currentFrame, car.sprType); GraphicsBase::SpriteInfo * info = style.getSprite(sprNum); assert(info); float w = float(info->w) / 64.0f; float h = float(info->h) / 64.0f; if (OpenGL::SpriteCacheHolder::Instance().has(sprNum, car.remap)) t = OpenGL::SpriteCacheHolder::Instance().get(sprNum, car.remap); else { t = OpenGL::SpriteCacheHolder::Instance().create(car.sprNum + car.anim.firstFrameOffset + car.anim.currentFrame, car.sprType, car.remap); } DRAW_TEX_QUADS_OBJ(t, w, h); if (getDrawBBox() || getDrawTexBorder()) glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); if (getDrawBBox()) drawBBoxOutline(car); if (getDrawTexBorder()) drawTextureOutline(w, h); if (getDrawBBox() || getDrawTexBorder()) glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glPopMatrix(); GL_CHECKERROR; } void SpriteManager::drawBBoxOutline(const OBox & box) { glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP); glVertex3f(-box.m_Extent.x, 0.0f, box.m_Extent.z); glVertex3f(box.m_Extent.x, 0.0f, box.m_Extent.z); glVertex3f(box.m_Extent.x, 0.0f, -box.m_Extent.z); glVertex3f(-box.m_Extent.x, 0.0f, -box.m_Extent.z); glVertex3f(-box.m_Extent.x, 0.0f, box.m_Extent.z); glEnd(); glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP); glVertex3f(-box.m_Extent.x, box.m_Extent.y, box.m_Extent.z); glVertex3f(box.m_Extent.x, box.m_Extent.y, box.m_Extent.z); glVertex3f(box.m_Extent.x, box.m_Extent.y, -box.m_Extent.z); glVertex3f(-box.m_Extent.x, box.m_Extent.y, -box.m_Extent.z); glVertex3f(-box.m_Extent.x, box.m_Extent.y, box.m_Extent.z); glEnd(); } void SpriteManager::drawTextureOutline(const float & w, const float & h) { glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP); glColor3f(float(202)/255.0f, float(31)/255.0f, float(123)/255.0f); glVertex3f(-w/2, 0.0f, h/2); glVertex3f(w/2, 0.0f, h/2); glVertex3f(w/2, 0.0f, -h/2); glVertex3f(-w/2, 0.0f, -h/2); glVertex3f(-w/2, 0.0f, h/2); glEnd(); glColor3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); } void SpriteManager::draw(SpriteObject & obj) { if (obj.sprType == GraphicsBase::SpriteNumbers::EX) { return drawExplosion(obj); } GL_OBJ_COMMON(obj); GraphicsBase & style = StyleHolder::Instance().get(); OpenGL::PagedTexture t; PHYSFS_uint16 sprNum = style.spriteNumbers.reIndex(obj.sprNum + obj.anim.firstFrameOffset + obj.anim.currentFrame, obj.sprType); GraphicsBase::SpriteInfo * info = style.getSprite(sprNum); assert(info); float w = float(info->w) / 64.0f; float h = float(info->h) / 64.0f; if (OpenGL::SpriteCacheHolder::Instance().has(sprNum, obj.remap)) t = OpenGL::SpriteCacheHolder::Instance().get(sprNum, obj.remap); else { t = OpenGL::SpriteCacheHolder::Instance().create(obj.sprNum + obj.anim.firstFrameOffset + obj.anim.currentFrame, obj.sprType, obj.remap); } DRAW_TEX_QUADS_OBJ(t, w, h); if (getDrawBBox() || getDrawTexBorder()) glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); if (getDrawBBox()) drawBBoxOutline(obj); if (getDrawTexBorder()) drawTextureOutline(w, h); if (getDrawBBox() || getDrawTexBorder()) glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glPopMatrix(); GL_CHECKERROR; } void SpriteManager::draw(Pedestrian & ped) { GL_OBJ_COMMON(ped); GraphicsBase & style = StyleHolder::Instance().get(); OpenGL::PagedTexture t; PHYSFS_uint16 sprNum = style.spriteNumbers.reIndex(ped.sprNum + ped.anim.firstFrameOffset + ped.anim.currentFrame, ped.sprType); GraphicsBase::SpriteInfo * info = style.getSprite(sprNum); assert(info); float w = float(info->w) / 64.0f; float h = float(info->h) / 64.0f; if (OpenGL::SpriteCacheHolder::Instance().has(sprNum, ped.remap)) t = OpenGL::SpriteCacheHolder::Instance().get(sprNum, ped.remap); else { t = OpenGL::SpriteCacheHolder::Instance().create(ped.sprNum + ped.anim.firstFrameOffset + ped.anim.currentFrame, ped.sprType, ped.remap); } DRAW_TEX_QUADS_OBJ(t, w, h); if (getDrawBBox() || getDrawTexBorder()) glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); if (getDrawBBox()) drawBBoxOutline(ped); if (getDrawTexBorder()) drawTextureOutline(w, h); if (getDrawBBox() || getDrawTexBorder()) glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glPopMatrix(); GL_CHECKERROR; } void SpriteManager::drawExplosion(SpriteObject & obj) { if (obj.anim.get() == Util::Animation::STOPPED) { obj.isActive = false; return; } glPushMatrix(); glTranslatef(obj.pos.x, obj.pos.y, obj.pos.z); //glRotatef(obj.rot, 0, 1, 0); glGetFloatv(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, *obj.m_M.m); GraphicsBase & style = StyleHolder::Instance().get(); PHYSFS_uint16 sprNum = style.spriteNumbers.reIndex(obj.sprNum + obj.anim.firstFrameOffset + obj.anim.currentFrame, obj.sprType); GraphicsBase::SpriteInfo * info = style.getSprite(sprNum); assert(info); float w = float(info->w) / 64.0f; float h = float(info->h) / 64.0f; OpenGL::PagedTexture t; if (OpenGL::SpriteCacheHolder::Instance().has(sprNum)) t = OpenGL::SpriteCacheHolder::Instance().get(sprNum); else t = OpenGL::SpriteCacheHolder::Instance().create(obj.sprNum + obj.anim.firstFrameOffset + obj.anim.currentFrame, obj.sprType, -1); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, t.inPage); glBegin(GL_QUADS); glTexCoord2f(t.coords[0].u, t.coords[1].v); glVertex3f(-w, 0.0f, 0.0f); glTexCoord2f(t.coords[1].u, t.coords[1].v); glVertex3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); glTexCoord2f(t.coords[1].u, t.coords[0].v); glVertex3f(0.0f, 0.0f, -h); glTexCoord2f(t.coords[0].u, t.coords[0].v); glVertex3f(-w, 0.0f, -h); glEnd(); sprNum = style.spriteNumbers.reIndex(obj.sprNum + obj.anim.firstFrameOffset + obj.anim.currentFrame + 12, obj.sprType); info = style.getSprite(sprNum); assert(info); w = float(info->w) / 64.0f; h = float(info->h) / 64.0f; if (OpenGL::SpriteCacheHolder::Instance().has(sprNum)) t = OpenGL::SpriteCacheHolder::Instance().get(sprNum); else t = OpenGL::SpriteCacheHolder::Instance().create(obj.sprNum + obj.anim.firstFrameOffset + obj.anim.currentFrame+12, obj.sprType, -1); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, t.inPage); glBegin(GL_QUADS); glTexCoord2f(t.coords[0].u, t.coords[1].v); glVertex3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); glTexCoord2f(t.coords[1].u, t.coords[1].v); glVertex3f(w, 0.0f, 0.0f); glTexCoord2f(t.coords[1].u, t.coords[0].v); glVertex3f(w, 0.0f, -h); glTexCoord2f(t.coords[0].u, t.coords[0].v); glVertex3f(0.0f, 0.0f, -h); glEnd(); sprNum = style.spriteNumbers.reIndex(obj.sprNum + obj.anim.firstFrameOffset + obj.anim.currentFrame + 24, obj.sprType); info = style.getSprite(sprNum); assert(info); w = float(info->w) / 64.0f; h = float(info->h) / 64.0f; if (OpenGL::SpriteCacheHolder::Instance().has(sprNum)) t = OpenGL::SpriteCacheHolder::Instance().get(sprNum); else t = OpenGL::SpriteCacheHolder::Instance().create(obj.sprNum + obj.anim.firstFrameOffset + obj.anim.currentFrame+24, obj.sprType, -1); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, t.inPage); glBegin(GL_QUADS); glTexCoord2f(t.coords[0].u, t.coords[1].v); glVertex3f(-w, 0.0f, 0.0f+h); glTexCoord2f(t.coords[1].u, t.coords[1].v); glVertex3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f+h); glTexCoord2f(t.coords[1].u, t.coords[0].v); glVertex3f(0.0f, 0.0f, -h+h); glTexCoord2f(t.coords[0].u, t.coords[0].v); glVertex3f(-w, 0.0f, -h+h); glEnd(); sprNum = style.spriteNumbers.reIndex(obj.sprNum + obj.anim.firstFrameOffset + obj.anim.currentFrame + 36, obj.sprType); info = style.getSprite(sprNum); assert(info); w = float(info->w) / 64.0f; h = float(info->h) / 64.0f; if (OpenGL::SpriteCacheHolder::Instance().has(sprNum)) t = OpenGL::SpriteCacheHolder::Instance().get(sprNum); else t = OpenGL::SpriteCacheHolder::Instance().create(obj.sprNum + obj.anim.firstFrameOffset + obj.anim.currentFrame+36, obj.sprType, -1); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, t.inPage); glBegin(GL_QUADS); glTexCoord2f(t.coords[0].u, t.coords[1].v); glVertex3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f+h); glTexCoord2f(t.coords[1].u, t.coords[1].v); glVertex3f(w, 0.0f, 0.0f+h); glTexCoord2f(t.coords[1].u, t.coords[0].v); glVertex3f(w, 0.0f, -h+h); glTexCoord2f(t.coords[0].u, t.coords[0].v); glVertex3f(0.0f, 0.0f, -h+h); glEnd(); glPopMatrix(); GL_CHECKERROR; } /* void SpriteManager::draw(TrainSegment & train) { GL_OBJ_COMMON(train); GraphicsBase & style = StyleHolder::Instance().get(); OpenGL::PagedTexture t; PHYSFS_uint16 sprNum = style.spriteNumbers.reIndex(train.sprNum, train.sprType); GraphicsBase::SpriteInfo * info = style.getSprite(sprNum); assert(info); float w = float(info->w) / 64.0f; float h = float(info->h) / 64.0f; if (OpenGL::SpriteCacheHolder::Instance().has(sprNum, train.remap)) t = OpenGL::SpriteCacheHolder::Instance().get(sprNum, train.remap); else { t = OpenGL::SpriteCacheHolder::Instance().create(train.sprNum, train.sprType, -1); } glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, t.inPage); glBegin(GL_QUADS); glTexCoord2f(t.coords[0].u, t.coords[1].v); glVertex3f(-w/2, 0.0f, h/2); glTexCoord2f(t.coords[1].u, t.coords[1].v); glVertex3f(w/2, 0.0f, h/2); glTexCoord2f(t.coords[1].u, t.coords[0].v); glVertex3f(w/2, 0.0f, -h/2); glTexCoord2f(t.coords[0].u, t.coords[0].v); glVertex3f(-w/2, 0.0f, -h/2); glEnd(); glPopMatrix(); GL_CHECKERROR; } */ void SpriteManager::draw(Projectile & proj) { //GL_OBJ_COMMON(proj); // can't use; not derived from OBox const float w = 0.05f; const float h = 0.05f; glPushMatrix(); \ glTranslatef(proj.pos.x, proj.pos.y, proj.pos.z); \ glRotatef(proj.rot, 0, 1, 0); glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glBegin(GL_QUADS); glVertex3f(-w/2, 0.0f, h/2); glVertex3f(w/2, 0.0f, h/2); glVertex3f(w/2, 0.0f, -h/2); glVertex3f(-w/2, 0.0f, -h/2); glEnd(); glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glPopMatrix(); GL_CHECKERROR; } /* void SpriteManager::addPed(Pedestrian & ped) { activePeds.push_back(ped); } Pedestrian & SpriteManager::getPedById(const Uint32 & id) { PedListType::iterator i = activePeds.begin(); while (i != activePeds.end()) { if (i->pedId == id) return *i; ++i; } assert(0); return *activePeds.begin(); } TrainSegment & SpriteManager::getTrainById(const Uint32 & id) { TrainListType::iterator i = activeTrains.begin(); while (i != activeTrains.end()) { if (i->trainId == id) return *i; ++i; } assert(0); return *activeTrains.begin(); } void SpriteManager::removePedById(const Uint32 & id) { PedListType::iterator i = activePeds.begin(); while (i != activePeds.end()) { if (i->pedId == id) { activePeds.erase(i); return; } ++i; } WARN << "didn't find ped id " << id << " -- cannot remove"<carId == id) { return *i; } ++i; } assert(0); return *activeCars.begin(); } void SpriteManager::addObject(GameObject & go) { activeObjects.push_back(go); } void SpriteManager::createExplosion(Vector3D center) { GameObject exp(center, 0, GraphicsBase::SpriteNumbers::EX); exp.anim = SpriteObject::Animation(getAnimationById(99)); exp.anim.set(Util::Animation::PLAY_FORWARD, Util::Animation::LOOP); INFO << exp.anim.currentFrame << " " << exp.anim.numFrames << " " << exp.anim.delay << std::endl; activeObjects.push_back(exp); } GameObject & SpriteManager::getObjectById(const Uint32 & id) { ObjectListType::iterator i = activeObjects.begin(); while (i != activeObjects.end()) { if (i->objId == id) { return *i; } ++i; } assert(0); return *activeObjects.begin(); } */ void SpriteManager::removeDeadStuff() { AbstractContainer::doRealRemove(); AbstractContainer::doRealRemove(); AbstractContainer::doRealRemove(); } SpriteObject::Animation & SpriteManager::getAnimationById(const Uint32 & id) { AnimLookupType::iterator i = animations.find(id); if (i == animations.end()) { ERROR << "Failed to find anim id: " << id << std::endl; return animations.begin()->second; } return i->second; } void SpriteManager::registerAnimation(const Uint32 & id, const SpriteObject::Animation & anim) { animations.insert(std::make_pair(id, anim)); } void SpriteManager::setDrawBBox(bool v) { if (v) drawMode = (drawMode | 4); else drawMode = (drawMode & 4 ? drawMode - 4 : drawMode); } void SpriteManager::setDrawTexBorder(bool v) { if (v) drawMode = (drawMode | 2); else drawMode = (drawMode & 2 ? drawMode - 2 : drawMode); } void SpriteManager::setDrawTexture(bool v) { } void SpriteManager::createProjectile(uint8_t typeId, float r, Vector3D p, Vector3D d, Uint32 & ticks, Uint32 & owner) { activeProjectiles.push_back(Projectile(typeId, r, p, d, ticks, owner)); } void SpriteManager::createExplosion(Vector3D center) { SpriteObject expl(center, 0, GraphicsBase::SpriteNumbers::EX); expl.anim = SpriteObject::Animation(getAnimationById(99)); expl.anim.set(Util::Animation::PLAY_FORWARD, Util::Animation::STOP); add(expl); } }