'主页', 'About journal' => '关于日报', 'Add post' => '添加动态', 'Login' => '登录', 'Register' => '注册', 'Logout' => '退出', 'All rights reserved.' => '版权所有.', 'New posts' => '新动态', 'Fields with {*} are required.' => '请注意正确填写 {*} 部分', 'Please, fix following errors:' => '请修正下述错误:', 'Please fill out the following form with your login credentials:' => '请正确输入您的注册身份信息', 'Field should not be blank' => '不得输入空格', 'Line is too long' => '字数符号过长', 'Login or password is incorrect' => '登录名或密码错误', 'Username:' => '用户名:', 'Password:' => '密码:', 'Remember me' => '记住我', 'Please fill out the registation form' => '请填写注册信息表格', 'Email address is not correct' => '电子邮件格式错误', 'Confirmation code is not correct' => '验证码错误', 'User {attribute} is already registered in system' => '用户名 {属性} 已被注册', 'Email:' => '电子邮件:', 'Confirmation code:' => '验证码:', 'Image must be jpg, gif or png, and its size should not exceed 8 megabytes' => '图片必须是jpg,gif或png格式,且图片大小不得超过8MB', 'Title:' => '标题:', 'Text:' => '文本:', 'Image:' => '图片:', 'Send' => '发送', 'Posted by: ' => '作者: ', 'Published at: ' => '发表于: ', 'Hello China!' => '你好,中国!', ); ?>