2014-11-21 08:26:20 +00:00

182 lines
5.7 KiB

* jQuery Yii ListView plugin file.
* @author Qiang Xue <>
* @link
* @copyright 2008-2010 Yii Software LLC
* @license
;(function($) {
var yiiXHR = {};
* yiiListView set function.
* @param options map settings for the list view. Availablel options are as follows:
* - ajaxUpdate: array, IDs of the containers whose content may be updated by ajax response
* - ajaxVar: string, the name of the request variable indicating the ID of the element triggering the AJAX request
* - ajaxType: string, the type (GET or POST) of the AJAX request
* - pagerClass: string, the CSS class for the pager container
* - sorterClass: string, the CSS class for the sorter container
* - updateSelector: string, the selector for choosing which elements can trigger ajax requests
* - beforeAjaxUpdate: function, the function to be called before ajax request is sent
* - afterAjaxUpdate: function, the function to be called after ajax response is received
$.fn.yiiListView = function(options) {
return this.each(function(){
var settings = $.extend({}, $.fn.yiiListView.defaults, options || {}),
$this = $(this),
id = $this.attr('id');
if(settings.updateSelector == undefined) {
settings.updateSelector = '#'+id+' .'+settings.pagerClass.replace(/\s+/g,'.')+' a, #'+id+' .'+settings.sorterClass.replace(/\s+/g,'.')+' a';
$.fn.yiiListView.settings[id] = settings;
if(settings.ajaxUpdate.length > 0) {
$(document).on('click.yiiListView', settings.updateSelector,function(){
if(settings.enableHistory && window.History.enabled) {
var url = $(this).attr('href').split('?'),
params = $.deparam.querystring('?'+ (url[1] || ''));
delete params[settings.ajaxVar];
window.History.pushState(null, document.title, decodeURIComponent($.param.querystring(url[0], params)));
} else {
$.fn.yiiListView.update(id, {url: $(this).attr('href')});
return false;
if(settings.enableHistory && window.History.enabled) {
$(window).bind('statechange', function() { // Note: We are using statechange instead of popstate
var State = window.History.getState(); // Note: We are using History.getState() instead of event.state
$.fn.yiiListView.update(id, {url: State.url});
$.fn.yiiListView.defaults = {
ajaxUpdate: [],
ajaxVar: 'ajax',
ajaxType: 'GET',
pagerClass: 'pager',
loadingClass: 'loading',
sorterClass: 'sorter'
// updateSelector: '#id .pager a, '#id .sort a',
// beforeAjaxUpdate: function(id) {},
// afterAjaxUpdate: function(id, data) {},
// url: 'ajax request URL'
$.fn.yiiListView.settings = {};
* Returns the key value for the specified row
* @param id string the ID of the list view container
* @param index integer the zero-based index of the data item
* @return string the key value
$.fn.yiiListView.getKey = function(id, index) {
return $('#'+id+' > div.keys > span:eq('+index+')').text();
* Returns the URL that generates the list view content.
* @param id string the ID of the list view container
* @return string the URL that generates the list view content.
$.fn.yiiListView.getUrl = function(id) {
var settings = $.fn.yiiListView.settings[id];
return settings.url || $('#'+id+' > div.keys').attr('title');
* Performs an AJAX-based update of the list view contents.
* @param id string the ID of the list view container
* @param options map the AJAX request options (see jQuery.ajax API manual). By default,
* the URL to be requested is the one that generates the current content of the list view.
$.fn.yiiListView.update = function(id, options) {
var customError,
settings = $.fn.yiiListView.settings[id];
if (options && options.error !== undefined) {
customError = options.error;
delete options.error;
options = $.extend({
type: settings.ajaxType,
url: $.fn.yiiListView.getUrl(id),
success: function(data,status) {
$.each(settings.ajaxUpdate, function(i,v) {
var id='#'+v;
if(settings.afterAjaxUpdate != undefined)
settings.afterAjaxUpdate(id, data);
complete: function() {
yiiXHR[id] = null;
error: function(XHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
var ret, err;
if (XHR.readyState === 0 || XHR.status === 0) {
if (customError !== undefined) {
ret = customError(XHR);
if (ret !== undefined && !ret) {
switch (textStatus) {
case 'timeout':
err = 'The request timed out!';
case 'parsererror':
err = 'Parser error!';
case 'error':
if (XHR.status && !/^\s*$/.test(XHR.status)) {
err = 'Error ' + XHR.status;
} else {
err = 'Error';
if (XHR.responseText && !/^\s*$/.test(XHR.responseText)) {
err = err + ': ' + XHR.responseText;
if (settings.ajaxUpdateError !== undefined) {
settings.ajaxUpdateError(XHR, textStatus, errorThrown, err);
} else if (err) {
}, options || {});
if(!=undefined && options.type=='GET') {
options.url = $.param.querystring(options.url,; = {};
options.url = $.param.querystring(options.url, settings.ajaxVar+'='+id);
if(yiiXHR[id] != null) {
if(settings.beforeAjaxUpdate != undefined)
yiiXHR[id] = $.ajax(options);