#ifndef JNI_API_H_INCLUDED #define JNI_API_H_INCLUDED #include <jni.h> #include <string> #include "include/Utils/DataTypes/DataTypes.h" #include "include/Utils/ErrorTypes/ErrorTypes.h" #include "boost/shared_array.hpp" #include "zip.h" #include "zipint.h" #include <zlib.h> #include <zconf.h> namespace SE { /* This code mostly hard to explain You may treat this like a factory-class But you cannot put JNI functions inside a class, that's why it is not a real class The only thing you need from here - functions JniCreateDataFromFile and JniCreateDataFromAlignedFile for FileUtils.h/cpp See doc for details */ extern const std::string CONST_JAVA_FILESYSTEM_CLASS_NAME; //All 3 deprecated extern cardinal* FileArr; extern int FileSize; extern std::string ApkFilePath; extern "C" { JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_fishrungames_engine_FileWrapper_SetupEnviroment(JNIEnv* env, jobject thiz); JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_fishrungames_engine_FileWrapper_SetupApkFilePath(JNIEnv* env, jobject thiz, jstring s); JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_fishrungames_engine_FileWrapper_ConsoleOut(JNIEnv* env, jobject thiz, jstring s); //All 2 deprecated JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_fishrungames_engine_FileWrapper_CreateFile(JNIEnv* env, jobject thiz, int fileSize); JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_fishrungames_engine_FileWrapper_WriteToFile(JNIEnv* env, jobject thiz, jbyteArray buffer, int bufferSize); }; //Deprecated void JniCallOpenFile(const std::string& fileName); //Deprecated template<typename TYPENAME> boost::shared_array<TYPENAME> JniCreateMemFromFileOld(const std::string& fileName, cardinal& blockCount) { //if size is too large - need to do some work cardinal SIZEOF_TYPENAME = sizeof(TYPENAME); if (SIZEOF_TYPENAME > 4) { throw ErrorToLog("ERROR! Size of type too large - file is not properly aligned. Need work!"); } if (FileArr != NULL) throw ErrorToLog("ERROR: Trying to reach two files at same time!!!!"); JniCallOpenFile(fileName); // ... //Wait until Java pass all file data to FileArr through WriteToFile() // ... //Give pointer away boost::shared_array<TYPENAME> r(reinterpret_cast<TYPENAME*>(FileArr)); blockCount = FileSize % SIZEOF_TYPENAME == 0 ? FileSize / SIZEOF_TYPENAME: FileSize / SIZEOF_TYPENAME + 1; FileArr = NULL; FileSize = 0; return r; } std::string JniGetApplicationDir(); void JniLoadSound(const std::string& fileName); void JniPlaySound(const std::string& soundName); void JniPlayMusic(const std::string& fileName); void JniPlayMusicLooped(const std::string& fileName); void JniStopMusic(); void JniReleaseAllSoundsAndMusic(); void JniPauseAllSoundsAndMusic();//NIU right now void JniResumeAllSoundsAndMusic(); //NIU right now void LoadApk(const std::string& fileName, std::vector<char>& returnData); void PrintApkContent(); template<typename TYPENAME> boost::shared_array<TYPENAME> JniCreateMemFromFile(const std::string& fileName, cardinal& blockCount) { try { //if size is too large - need to do some work cardinal SIZEOF_TYPENAME = sizeof(TYPENAME); if (SIZEOF_TYPENAME > 4) { throw ErrorToLog("ERROR! Size of type too large - file is not properly aligned. Need work!"); } std::vector<char> fileData; LoadApk(fileName, fileData); cardinal fileSize = fileData.size(); blockCount = fileSize % SIZEOF_TYPENAME == 0 ? fileSize / SIZEOF_TYPENAME: fileSize / SIZEOF_TYPENAME + 1; boost::shared_array<TYPENAME> result(new TYPENAME[blockCount]); memcpy(&result[0], &fileData[0], fileSize); return result; } catch(ErrorCommon e) { throw; } } } //namespace SE #endif