libogg documentation

libogg release 1.3.0 - 20110804

Bitpacking Functions

Libogg contains a basic bitpacking library that is useful for manipulating data within a buffer.

All the libogg specific functions are declared in "ogg/ogg.h".

function purpose
oggpack_writeinit Initializes a buffer for writing using this bitpacking library.
oggpack_writecheck Asynchronously checks error status of bitpacker write buffer.
oggpack_reset Clears and resets the buffer to the initial position.
oggpack_writeclear Frees the memory used by the buffer.
oggpack_readinit Initializes a buffer for reading using this bitpacking library.
oggpack_write Writes bytes to the specified location within the buffer.
oggpack_look Look at a specified number of bits, <=32, without advancing the location pointer.
oggpack_look1 Looks at one bit without advancing the location pointer.
oggpack_adv Advances the location pointer by a specified number of bits.
oggpack_adv1 Advances the location pointer by one bit.
oggpack_read Reads a specified number of bits from the buffer.
oggpack_read1 Reads one bit from the buffer.
oggpack_bytes Returns the total number of bytes contained within the buffer.
oggpack_bits Returns the total number of bits contained within the buffer.
oggpack_get_buffer Returns a pointer to the buffer encapsulated within the oggpack_buffer struct.

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Ogg Container Format

libogg documentation

libogg release 1.3.0 - 20110804