402 lines
12 KiB
Executable File
402 lines
12 KiB
Executable File
/* cocos2d for iPhone
* http://www.cocos2d-iphone.org
* Copyright (C) 2009 by Florin Dumitrescu.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the 'cocos2d for iPhone' license.
* You will find a copy of this license within the cocos2d for iPhone
* distribution inside the "LICENSE" file.
* Part of the source code in this class has been provided by Apple.
* For full distribution terms, see the top of MyOpenALSupport.h header file.
#import "PASoundSource.h"
#import "PASoundMgr.h"
#import "PASoundListener.h"
#import "ivorbiscodec.h"
#import "ivorbisfile.h"
#define kBuffSize (4096)
#define kSoundReferenceDistance 20.0f
void* MyGetOpenALAudioData(CFURLRef inFileURL, ALsizei *outDataSize, ALenum *outDataFormat, ALsizei *outSampleRate);
void* MyGetOpenALAudioData(CFURLRef inFileURL, ALsizei *outDataSize, ALenum *outDataFormat, ALsizei *outSampleRate)
OSStatus err = noErr;
UInt64 fileDataSize = 0;
AudioStreamBasicDescription theFileFormat;
UInt32 thePropertySize = sizeof(theFileFormat);
AudioFileID afid = 0;
void* theData = NULL;
// Open a file with ExtAudioFileOpen()
err = AudioFileOpenURL(inFileURL, kAudioFileReadPermission, 0, &afid);
if(err) {
NSLog(@"MyGetOpenALAudioData: AudioFileOpenURL FAILED, Error = %ld", err);
goto Exit;
// Get the audio data format
err = AudioFileGetProperty(afid, kAudioFilePropertyDataFormat, &thePropertySize, &theFileFormat);
if(err) {
NSLog(@"PASoundEngine#MyGetOpenALAudioData: AudioFileGetProperty(kAudioFileProperty_DataFormat) FAILED, Error = %ld", err);
goto Exit;
if (theFileFormat.mChannelsPerFrame > 2) {
NSLog(@"PASoundEngine#MyGetOpenALAudioData - Unsupported Format, channel count is greater than stereo");
goto Exit;
if ((theFileFormat.mFormatID != kAudioFormatLinearPCM) || (!TestAudioFormatNativeEndian(theFileFormat))) {
NSLog(@"PASoundEngine#MyGetOpenALAudioData - Unsupported Format, must be little-endian PCM");
goto Exit;
if ((theFileFormat.mBitsPerChannel != 8) && (theFileFormat.mBitsPerChannel != 16)) {
NSLog(@"MyGetOpenALAudioData - Unsupported Format, must be 8 or 16 bit PCM\n");
goto Exit;
thePropertySize = sizeof(fileDataSize);
err = AudioFileGetProperty(afid, kAudioFilePropertyAudioDataByteCount, &thePropertySize, &fileDataSize);
if(err) {
NSLog(@"PASoundEngine#MyGetOpenALAudioData: AudioFileGetProperty(kAudioFilePropertyAudioDataByteCount) FAILED, Error = %ld", err);
goto Exit;
// Read all the data into memory
UInt32 dataSize = (UInt32) fileDataSize;
theData = malloc(dataSize);
if (theData)
AudioFileReadBytes(afid, false, 0, &dataSize, theData);
if(err == noErr)
// success
*outDataSize = (ALsizei)dataSize;
*outDataFormat = (theFileFormat.mChannelsPerFrame > 1) ? AL_FORMAT_STEREO16 : AL_FORMAT_MONO16;
*outSampleRate = (ALsizei)theFileFormat.mSampleRate;
// failure
free (theData);
theData = NULL; // make sure to return NULL
NSLog(@"PASoundEngine#MyGetOpenALAudioData: ExtAudioFileRead FAILED, Error = %ld", err);
goto Exit;
// Dispose the ExtAudioFileRef, it is no longer needed
if (afid) AudioFileClose(afid);
return theData;
@implementation PASoundSource
@synthesize file, extension, looped, isPlaying;
- (id)init {
return nil;
// initializers with position
- (id)initWithPosition:(CGPoint)pos file:(NSString *)f extension:(NSString *)e looped:(BOOL)yn {
if ((self = [super init])) {
self.file = f;
self.extension = e;
self.looped = yn;
self.isPlaying = NO;
[self initBuffer];
[self initSource];
self.position = pos;
self.orientation = 0.0f;
gain = 1.0f;
return self;
- (id)initWithPosition:(CGPoint)pos file:(NSString *)f looped:(BOOL)yn{
return [self initWithPosition:pos file:f extension:@"wav" looped:yn];
- (id)initWithPosition:(CGPoint)pos file:(NSString *)f {
return [self initWithPosition:pos file:f extension:@"wav" looped:NO];
// initializers without position (will have to be spcified at play time) -- defaulting to CGPointZero
- (id)initWithFile:(NSString *)f extension:(NSString *)e looped:(BOOL)yn {
return [self initWithPosition:CGPointZero file:f extension:e looped:yn];
- (id)initWithFile:(NSString *)f looped:(BOOL)yn {
return [self initWithPosition:CGPointZero file:f extension:@"wav" looped:yn];
- (id)initWithFile:(NSString *)f {
return [self initWithPosition:CGPointZero file:f extension:@"wav" looped:NO];
- (void)initBuffer {
ALenum error = AL_NO_ERROR;
ALenum format = AL_FORMAT_STEREO16;
ALvoid* data = NULL;
ALsizei size = 0;
ALsizei freq = 0;
NSBundle* bundle = [NSBundle mainBundle];
// get some audio data from a wave file
CFURLRef fileURL = (CFURLRef)[[NSURL fileURLWithPath:[bundle pathForResource:self.file ofType:self.extension]] retain];
if (fileURL) {
// load buffer data based on the file format guessed from the extension
if ([self.extension isEqualToString:@"wav"]) {
// WAV
data = MyGetOpenALAudioData(fileURL, &size, &format, &freq);
} else if ([self.extension isEqualToString:@"ogg"]) {
// XXX
// XXX Big files will have a lot of performance problems
// XXX
// XXX is ov_open_callbacks more efficient ?
// XXX
// OGG
NSString *fsPath = [(NSURL *)fileURL path];
FILE *fh;
if ((fh = fopen([fsPath UTF8String], "r")) != NULL) {
// open ogg file
OggVorbis_File vf;
int eof = 0;
int current_section;
if(ov_open(fh, &vf, NULL, 0) < 0) {
NSLog(@"PASoundEngine: Input does not appear to be an Ogg bitstream");
[NSException raise:@"PASoundEngine:InvalidOggFormat" format:@"InvalidOggFormat"];
// get meta info (sample rate & mono/stereo format)
vorbis_info *vi = ov_info(&vf,-1);
freq = (ALsizei)vi->rate;
format = (vi->channels == 1) ? AL_FORMAT_MONO16 : AL_FORMAT_STEREO16;
// decode data
size = 0;
char tmpBuff[kBuffSize];
char *newData;
while(!eof) {
int ret = ov_read(&vf, &tmpBuff[0], kBuffSize, ¤t_section);
if (ret == 0) {
eof = 1;
} else if (ret < 0) {
/* error in the stream. Not a problem, just reporting it in
case we (the app) cares. In this case, we don't. */
NSLog(@"PASoundEngine:Error reading buffer");
[NSException raise:@"PASoundEngine:Error reading file" format:@"Error reading file"];
} else {
size += ret;
// 1st malloc
if( !data )
newData = malloc(ret);
newData = realloc( data, size);
if( ! newData ) {
NSLog(@"PASoundEngine: Not enough memory");
[NSException raise:@"PASoundEngine:NotEnoughMemory" format:@"NotEnoughMemory"];
data = newData;
//long long dst = (long long)data + (size-ret);
memcpy( (char*)(((char*)data) + (size-ret)), &tmpBuff[0], ret);
// close ogg file
} else {
NSLog(@"PASoundEngine: Could not open file");
[NSException raise:@"PASoundEngine:InvalidOggFormat" format:@"InvalidOggFormat"];
if((error = alGetError()) != AL_NO_ERROR) {
NSLog(@"PASoundEngine: Error loading sound: %x", error);
[NSException raise:@"PASoundEngine:ErrorLoadingSound" format:@"ErrorLoadingSound"];
alGenBuffers(1, &buffer);
alBufferData(buffer, format, data, size, freq);
if((error = alGetError()) != AL_NO_ERROR) {
NSLog(@"PASoundEngine: Error attaching audio to buffer: %x", error);
else {
NSLog(@"Could not find file");
[NSException raise:@"PASoundEngine:CouldNotFindfile" format:@"CouldNotFindFile"];
- (void)initSource {
ALenum error = AL_NO_ERROR;
alGetError(); // Clear the error
alGenSources(1, &source);
// Turn Looping ON?
if (self.looped) {
alSourcei(source, AL_LOOPING, AL_TRUE);
// Set Source Reference Distance
alSourcef(source, AL_REFERENCE_DISTANCE, kSoundReferenceDistance);
// attach OpenAL Buffer to OpenAL Source
alSourcei(source, AL_BUFFER, buffer);
if((error = alGetError()) != AL_NO_ERROR) {
NSLog(@"PASoundEngine: Error attaching buffer to source: %x", error);
[NSException raise:@"PASoundEngine:AttachingToBuffer" format:@"AttachingToBuffer"];
- (void)setGain:(float)g {
gain = g;
alSourcef(source, AL_GAIN, g * [[PASoundMgr sharedSoundManager] soundsMasterGain]);
- (void)setRolloff:(float)factor{
alSourcef(source, AL_ROLLOFF_FACTOR, factor);
- (void)setPitch:(float)factor {
alSourcef(source, AL_PITCH, factor);
// play messages
- (void)playAtPosition:(CGPoint)p restart:(BOOL)r {
CGPoint currentPos = [self position];
ALint state;
if ((p.x != currentPos.x) || (p.y != currentPos.y)) {
[self setPosition:p];
alGetSourcei(source, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &state);
if ((state == AL_PLAYING) && r) {
// stop it before replaying
[self stop];
// get current state
alGetSourcei(source, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &state);
if (state != AL_PLAYING) {
ALenum error;
[self setGain:gain];
if((error = alGetError()) != AL_NO_ERROR) {
NSLog(@"PASoundEngine: Error starting source: %x", error);
} else {
// Mark our state as playing (the view looks at this)
self.isPlaying = YES;
- (void)playAtPosition:(CGPoint)p {
return [self playAtPosition:p restart:NO];
- (void)playWithRestart:(BOOL)r {
return [self playAtPosition:self.position restart:r];
- (void)play {
return [self playAtPosition:self.position restart:NO];
- (void)playAtListenerPositionWithRestart:(BOOL)r {
return [self playAtPosition:[[[PASoundMgr sharedSoundManager] listener] position] restart:r];
- (void)playAtListenerPosition {
return [self playAtListenerPositionWithRestart:NO];
- (void)stop {
ALenum error;
if((error = alGetError()) != AL_NO_ERROR) {
NSLog(@"PASoundEngine: Error stopping source: %x", error);
} else {
// Mark our state as not playing (the view looks at this)
self.isPlaying = NO;
- (CGPoint)position {
return position;
- (void)setPosition:(CGPoint)pos {
/* needed for Cocos2d demo 'SoundEngineTest'
float x,y;
position = pos;
switch ( [[CCDirector sharedDirector] deviceOrientation] ) {
case CCDeviceOrientationLandscapeLeft:
x = pos.x - 240.0f;
y = 160.0f - pos.y;
case CCDeviceOrientationLandscapeRight:
// XXX: set correct orientation
x = pos.x - 240.0f;
y = 160.0f - pos.y;
case CCDeviceOrientationPortrait:
x = pos.x;
y = pos.y;
case CCDeviceOrientationPortraitUpsideDown:
// XXX: set correct orientation
x = pos.x;
y = pos.y;
float sourcePosAL[] = {pos.x, pos.y, 0.0f};
alSourcefv(source, AL_POSITION, sourcePosAL);
- (float)orientation {
return orientation;
- (void)setOrientation:(float)o {
orientation = o;
- (void)dealloc {
[self stop];
ALenum error;
alSourcei(source, AL_BUFFER, 0); // dissasociate buffer
alDeleteBuffers(1, &buffer);
if((error = alGetError()) != AL_NO_ERROR) {
printf("error deleting buffer: %x\n", error);
alDeleteSources(1, &source);
[super dealloc];