# Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # LPATH := $(call my-dir) ENGINE_PATH = $(SalmonEnginePathCygwin) BOOST_PATH = $(LibsPathCygwin)/boost_1_47_0 OGG_PATH = $(LibsPathCygwin)/libogg-1.3.0 VORBIS_PATH = $(LibsPathCygwin)/libvorbis-1.3.2 SQUIRREL_PATH = $(LibsPathCygwin)/sqplus LIBPNG_PATH = $(LibsPathCygwin)/libpng_1.4.1_android ZIP_PATH = $(LibsPathCygwin)/julienr-libzip-android/jni #ENGINE_PATH = $(SalmonEnginePath) #BOOST_PATH = $(LibsPath)/boost_1_47_0 #OGG_PATH = $(LibsPath)/libogg-1.3.0 #VORBIS_PATH = $(LibsPath)/libvorbis-1.3.2 #SQUIRREL_PATH = $(LibsPath)/sqplus #LIBPNG_PATH = $(LibsPath)/libpng_1.4.1_android #ZIP_PATH = $(LibsPath)/julienr-libzip-android/jni #====== ENGINE AND LIBS ===================== include $(ENGINE_PATH)/Android_Engine.mk #================= THE GAME ======================= LOCAL_PATH:= $(LPATH) include $(CLEAR_VARS) #LOCAL_CFLAGS := -DTARGET_ANDROID -DTARGET_HALIBUT -g -ggdb -O0 LOCAL_CFLAGS := -DTARGET_ANDROID -DTARGET_HALIBUT LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES := boost LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES += squirrel LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES += png_lib LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES += zip LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := HalibutEngine LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES += gnustl_shared LOCAL_C_INCLUDES := $(ENGINE_PATH) LOCAL_C_INCLUDES += $(BOOST_PATH) LOCAL_C_INCLUDES += $(VORBIS_PATH)/include LOCAL_C_INCLUDES += $(VORBIS_PATH)/include/vorbis LOCAL_C_INCLUDES += $(VORBIS_PATH)/lib LOCAL_C_INCLUDES += $(VORBIS_PATH)/lib/books LOCAL_C_INCLUDES += $(VORBIS_PATH)/lib/modes LOCAL_C_INCLUDES += $(OGG_PATH)/include LOCAL_C_INCLUDES += $(OGG_PATH)/include/ogg LOCAL_C_INCLUDES += $(SQUIRREL_PATH)/include LOCAL_C_INCLUDES += $(SQUIRREL_PATH)/sqplus LOCAL_C_INCLUDES += $(SQUIRREL_PATH)/squirrel LOCAL_C_INCLUDES += $(SQUIRREL_PATH)/sqstdlib LOCAL_C_INCLUDES += $(LIBPNG_PATH) LOCAL_C_INCLUDES += $(ZIP_PATH) LOCAL_MODULE := CrystalOfRhylilLib LOCAL_SRC_FILES := main_code.cpp LOCAL_SRC_FILES += android_api.cpp LOCAL_SRC_FILES += match3/match3field.cpp LOCAL_LDLIBS := -lGLESv2 #LOCAL_LDLIBS += -llog -Wl -g -ggdb -lz LOCAL_LDLIBS += -llog -Wl -lz include $(BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY)