2018-05-25 16:51:26 +05:00

391 lines
13 KiB
Executable File

#include "galaxy_menu.h"
#include <algorithm>
bool GalaxyMenu::InitGalaxyMenu(std::string config_json, float scale) {
/*..Inner Init..*/
menuScale = scale;
/*...Read ptree from config...*/
std::string res_path = "../../../assets/";
boost::property_tree::ptree config_pt;
boost::property_tree::json_parser::read_json(res_path + config_json, config_pt);
/*..error ptree..*/
boost::property_tree::ptree error_pt;
error_pt.put("error", "something goes wrong at InitGalaxyMenu");
/*..Init Menu..*/
BOOST_FOREACH(auto menu_pt, config_pt.get_child("Space", error_pt)) {
Galaxy galax; = menu_pt.second.get<std::string>("name", "error");
galax.scale = menu_pt.second.get<float>("scale", 0.0f);
galax.texture = menu_pt.second.get<std::string>("texture", "error");
galax.position = Eigen::Vector2f(menu_pt.second.get<float>("position.x_coord", 0.0f), menu_pt.second.get<float>("position.y_coord", 0.0f));
//boost::property_tree::ptree stars = menu_pt.second.get<boost::property_tree::ptree>("Stars", error_pt);
BOOST_FOREACH(auto stars_pt, menu_pt.second.get_child("Stars", error_pt)) {
StarObject star; = stars_pt.second.get<std::string>("name", "error");
star.scale = stars_pt.second.get<float>("scale", 0.0f);
star.texture = stars_pt.second.get<std::string>("texture", "error");
star.position = Eigen::Vector2f(stars_pt.second.get<float>("position.x_coord", 0.0f), stars_pt.second.get<float>("position.y_coord", 0.0f));
/*..strings replace by objects..*/
BOOST_FOREACH(auto levels_pt, stars_pt.second.get_child("levels")) {
star.levels.push_back(levels_pt.second.get<std::string>("name", "empty"));
return true;
catch (boost::property_tree::ptree_error) {
return false;
void GalaxyMenu::UpdateGalaxyMenu(float s_width, float s_height) {
/*..Menu ancestor geometry..*/
float gameScreenWidth = s_width * anchorSize;
float gameScreenHeight = s_height * anchorSize;
Eigen::Vector2f gameScreenCenter = Eigen::Vector2f(gameScreenWidth/2,gameScreenHeight/2);
/*..Menu geometry..*/
xDimension = menuScale * gameScreenWidth;
yDimension = menuScale * gameScreenHeight;
Eigen::Vector2f currentMenuPos = Eigen::Vector2f(gameScreenCenter(0) + (gameScreenWidth/2/*relative to the screen x-dimension*/)*menuPosition(0), gameScreenCenter(1) + (gameScreenHeight/2/*relative to the screen y-dimension*/)*menuPosition(1));
/*..Galaxies geometry..*/
for (int i = 0; i < galaxies.size(); i++) {
*SE::Console << "galaxy_" + std::to_string(i);
Eigen::Vector2f tex_size = textureSizeNormalize(
((float)SE::ResourceManager->TexList.GetTextureWidth("galaxy_" + std::to_string(i))),
((float)SE::ResourceManager->TexList.GetTextureHeight("galaxy_" + std::to_string(i))))
); // normalized
currentMenuPos(0) + (xDimension / 2)*galaxies[i].position(0),
currentMenuPos(1) + (yDimension / 2)*galaxies[i].position(1)),
*SE::Console << "dimensions: " << std::to_string(((tex_size(0)*galaxies[i].scale)*menuScale)) << " " << std::to_string(((tex_size(1)*galaxies[i].scale)*menuScale));
/*..Stars geometry..*/
std::vector<std::pair<Eigen::Vector2f, Eigen::Vector2f>> star_params;
for (int j = 0; j < galaxies[i].Stars.size(); j++) {
*SE::Console << "star_" + std::to_string(i) + "_" + std::to_string(j);
tex_size = textureSizeNormalize(
((float)SE::ResourceManager->TexList.GetTextureWidth("star_" + std::to_string(i) + "_" + std::to_string(j))),
((float)SE::ResourceManager->TexList.GetTextureHeight("star_" + std::to_string(i) + "_" + std::to_string(j))))
); // normalized
galaxies_params[i].first(0) + (galaxies_params[i].second(0)/2)*galaxies[i].Stars[j].position(0),
galaxies_params[i].first(1) + (galaxies_params[i].second(1)/2)*galaxies[i].Stars[j].position(1)
/*..Level list geometry..*/
Eigen::Vector2f GalaxyMenu::textureSizeNormalize(Eigen::Vector2f texVec, int t_type) {
float tex_ratio = texVec(0)/texVec(1);
float x_dim, y_dim;
float Xmax; // Max normalized texture width
float Xmin;
float Ymax; // Max normalized texture height
float Ymin;
if (t_type == 0) {
Xmax = SE::Renderer->GetScreenWidth();
Xmin = Xmax;
Ymax = SE::Renderer->GetScreenHeight();
Ymin = Ymax;
else { // temp for star textures
Xmax = (((float)SE::Renderer->GetScreenWidth())/2);
Xmin = Xmax;
Ymax = (((float)SE::Renderer->GetScreenHeight())/2);
Ymin = Ymax;
if (texVec(0) > texVec(1)) {
x_dim = val_clamp(texVec(0), Xmin, Xmax);
y_dim = x_dim / tex_ratio;
else {
y_dim = val_clamp(texVec(1), Ymin, Ymax);
x_dim = y_dim * tex_ratio;
*SE::Console << "==============";
*SE::Console << std::to_string(texVec(0));
*SE::Console << std::to_string(texVec(1));
*SE::Console << "if value 0.0000 - must be textures not inited at main_code.cpp or texture-name is wrong";
*SE::Console << "--------------";
return Eigen::Vector2f(x_dim, y_dim);
float GalaxyMenu::val_clamp(float val, float min, float max) {
if (val < min)
return min;
else if (val > max)
return max;
return val;
void GalaxyMenu::DrawGalaxyMenu() {
for (int i = 0; i < galaxies_params.size(); i++) {
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, SE::ResourceManager->TexList["galaxy_" + std::to_string(i)]);
galaxies_params[i].first(0) - galaxies_params[i].second(0)/2,
galaxies_params[i].first(1) - galaxies_params[i].second(1)/2
galaxies_params[i].first(0) + galaxies_params[i].second(0)/2,
galaxies_params[i].first(1) + galaxies_params[i].second(1)/2
); // DrawRect
/*..Draw stars..*/
if (stars_params.size() >= i) {
for (int j = 0; j < stars_params[i].size(); j++) {
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, SE::ResourceManager->TexList["star_" + std::to_string(i) + "_" + std::to_string(j)]);
stars_params[i][j].first(0) - stars_params[i][j].second(0) / 2,
stars_params[i][j].first(1) - stars_params[i][j].second(1) / 2
stars_params[i][j].first(0) + stars_params[i][j].second(0) / 2,
stars_params[i][j].first(1) + stars_params[i][j].second(1) / 2
); // DrawRect
void GalaxyMenu::InteractWithGalaxy(size_t dt) {
if (timer_active) {
// ::::::::::::: timer active ::::::::::::::
if (menuState == 0) { // main view
//std::pair<Eigen::Vector2f, Eigen::Vector2f> spacePlane = std::make_pair(findCorner(0, 0), findCorner(1, 1));
if (menuState == 1) { // zoomed galaxy
if (menuState == 2) { // level select view
// \_/\_/\_/\_/ timer active \_/\_/\_/\_/
else {
// ::::::::::::: timer inactive ::::::::::::::
if (lastTapPos != Eigen::Vector2f(-9999.9f, -9999.9f)) {
if (menuState == 0) {// main view
//if ((currentTapShift(0) <= 0.01f && currentTapShift(0) >= -0.01f) && (currentTapShift(1) <= 0.01f && currentTapShift(1) >= -0.01f)) {
if (currentTapShift(0) == 0.f && currentTapShift(1) == 0.f){
// OnTapDown->OnTapUp
//int y = findGalaxyByPos(Eigen::Vector2f());
Eigen::Vector2f t = currentTapShift;
*SE::Console << "DU vec(" + std::to_string(t(0)) + ", " + std::to_string(t(1)) + ") ";
else {
// OnTapDown->OnMove->OnTapUp
Eigen::Vector2f t = currentTapShift;
*SE::Console << "DMU vec(" + std::to_string(t(0)) + ", " + std::to_string(t(1)) + ") ";
if (menuState == 1) { // zoomed galaxy
if ((currentTapShift(0) <= 0.01f && currentTapShift(0) >= -0.01f) && (currentTapShift(1) <= 0.01f && currentTapShift(1) >= -0.01f)) {
// OnTapDown->OnTapUp
else {
// OnTapDown->OnMove->OnTapUp
if (menuState == 2) { // level select view
if ((currentTapShift(0) <= 0.01f && currentTapShift(0) >= -0.01f) && (currentTapShift(1) <= 0.01f && currentTapShift(1) >= -0.01f)) {
// OnTapDown->OnTapUp
else {
// OnTapDown->OnMove->OnTapUp
lastTapPos = Eigen::Vector2f(-9999.9f, -9999.9f); // tap position reset
// \_/\_/\_/\_/ timer inactive \_/\_/\_/\_/
// timer reset
if (timer_active) {
interact_timer += (float)dt;
else if (interact_timer != 0.f) {
interact_timer = 0.f;
currentTapShift = Eigen::Vector2f(0.f, 0.f);
void GalaxyMenu::tapDown(Eigen::Vector2f pos) {
if (!timer_active) {
timer_active = true;
lastTapPos = pos;
void GalaxyMenu::tapUp(Eigen::Vector2f pos) {
if (timer_active) {
timer_active = false;
// lastTapPos = vec(0,0) useless for now
void GalaxyMenu::tapMove(Eigen::Vector2f shift) {
if (timer_active) {
currentTapShift = shift; // shift need to be fixed
Eigen::Vector2f GalaxyMenu::findCorner(int x_c, int y_c) {
float x_pos = 0.f;
float y_pos = 0.f;
float x_p, y_p;
if (x_c > 0) { // ===
if (y_c > 0) { // ---
for (int i = 0; i < galaxies_params.size(); i++) {
x_p = galaxies_params[i].first(0) + (galaxies_params[i].second(0) / 2);
y_p = galaxies_params[i].first(1) + (galaxies_params[i].second(1) / 2);
x_pos = graterV(x_pos, x_p);
y_pos = graterV(y_pos, y_p);
for (int j = 0; j < stars_params[i].size(); j++) {
x_p = stars_params[i][j].first(0) + (stars_params[i][j].second(0));
y_p = stars_params[i][j].first(1) + (stars_params[i][j].second(1));
x_pos = graterV(x_pos, x_p);
y_pos = graterV(y_pos, y_p);
else {// ---
for (int i = 0; i < galaxies_params.size(); i++) {
x_p = galaxies_params[i].first(0) + (galaxies_params[i].second(0) / 2);
y_p = galaxies_params[i].first(1) - (galaxies_params[i].second(1) / 2);
x_pos = graterV(x_pos, x_p);
y_pos = lowerV(y_pos, y_p);
for (int j = 0; j < stars_params[i].size(); j++) {
x_p = stars_params[i][j].first(0) + (stars_params[i][j].second(0));
y_p = stars_params[i][j].first(1) - (stars_params[i][j].second(1));
x_pos = graterV(x_pos, x_p);
y_pos = lowerV(y_pos, y_p);
}// ---
else { // ===
if (y_c > 0) { // ---
for (int i = 0; i < galaxies_params.size(); i++) {
x_p = galaxies_params[i].first(0) - (galaxies_params[i].second(0) / 2);
y_p = galaxies_params[i].first(1) + (galaxies_params[i].second(1) / 2);
x_pos = lowerV(x_pos, x_p);
y_pos = graterV(y_pos, y_p);
for (int j = 0; j < stars_params[i].size(); j++) {
x_p = stars_params[i][j].first(0) - (stars_params[i][j].second(0));
y_p = stars_params[i][j].first(1) + (stars_params[i][j].second(1));
x_pos = lowerV(x_pos, x_p);
y_pos = graterV(y_pos, y_p);
else { // ---
for (int i = 0; i < galaxies_params.size(); i++) {
x_p = galaxies_params[i].first(0) - (galaxies_params[i].second(0) / 2);
y_p = galaxies_params[i].first(1) - (galaxies_params[i].second(1) / 2);
x_pos = lowerV(x_pos, x_p);
y_pos = lowerV(y_pos, y_p);
for (int j = 0; j < stars_params[i].size(); j++) {
x_p = stars_params[i][j].first(0) - (stars_params[i][j].second(0));
y_p = stars_params[i][j].first(1) - (stars_params[i][j].second(1));
x_pos = lowerV(x_pos, x_p);
y_pos = lowerV(y_pos, y_p);
} // ---
} // ===
return Eigen::Vector2f(x_pos, y_pos);
float GalaxyMenu::graterV(float first_val, float second_val) {
if (first_val > second_val)
return first_val;
return second_val;
float GalaxyMenu::lowerV(float first_val, float second_val) {
if (first_val < second_val)
return first_val;
return second_val;
void GalaxyMenu::galaxyFocus(int index) {
int GalaxyMenu::findGalaxyByPos(Eigen::Vector2f pos) {
for (int i = 0; i < galaxies_params.size(); i++) {
if (pos(0) >= (galaxies_params[i].first(0) - galaxies_params[i].second(0)/2) && pos(0) <= (galaxies_params[i].first(0) + galaxies_params[i].second(0)/2)) {
if (pos(1) >= (galaxies_params[i].first(1) - galaxies_params[i].second(1) / 2) && pos(1) <= (galaxies_params[i].first(1) + galaxies_params[i].second(1)/2)) {
return i;
return -1;