Anonymous Maarten 78c27f03c8 2006-12-10
2015-12-03 01:37:02 +01:00

285 lines
9.7 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2005-2006 *
* *
* This file contains code derived from information copyrighted by *
* DMA Design. It may not be used in a commercial product. *
* *
* See license.txt for details. *
* *
* This notice may not be removed or altered. *
#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>
#include <sstream>
#include "opengta.h"
#include "navdata.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "m_exceptions.h"
/* see for fixed point floats:
* int_var = (long) fixed_var >> 8; // for 8 bits after point
namespace OpenGTA {
Map::Map(const std::string& filename) {
nav = 0;
fd = PHYSFS_openRead(filename.c_str());
if (fd == NULL) {
std::string f2(filename);
transform(f2.begin(), f2.end(), f2.begin(), tolower);
fd = PHYSFS_openRead(f2.c_str());
if (!fd) {
//throw std::string("FileNotFound: ") + filename;
std::ostringstream o;
o << filename << " with error: " << SDL_GetError();
throw E_FILENOTFOUND(o.str());
Map::~Map() {
if (column) delete [] column;
if (block) delete [] block;
if (objects) delete [] objects;
if (nav) delete nav;
LocationMap::iterator i = locations.begin();
while (i != locations.end()) {
delete i->second;
if (fd)
int Map::loadHeader() {
PHYSFS_uint32 vc;
PHYSFS_readULE32(fd, &vc);
//INFO << "Map version code: " << vc << std::endl;
PHYSFS_uint8 sn;
PHYSFS_read(fd, static_cast<void*>(&styleNumber), 1, 1);
//INFO << "Style number: " << int(styleNumber) << std::endl;
PHYSFS_read(fd, static_cast<void*>(&sn), 1, 1);
//INFO << "Sample number: " << int(sn) << std::endl;
PHYSFS_uint16 reserved;
PHYSFS_readULE16(fd, &reserved);
PHYSFS_readULE32(fd, &routeSize);
PHYSFS_readULE32(fd, &objectPosSize);
PHYSFS_readULE32(fd, &columnSize);
PHYSFS_readULE32(fd, &blockSize);
PHYSFS_readULE32(fd, &navDataSize);
INFO << "Route size: " << routeSize << std::endl;
INFO << "Object size: " << objectPosSize << std::endl;
INFO << "Column size: " << columnSize << std::endl;
INFO << "Block size: " << blockSize << " (" <<
blockSize / sizeof(BlockInfo) << " blocks " << blockSize % sizeof(BlockInfo)
<< " overcount)" << std::endl;
INFO << "Navdata size: " << navDataSize << std::endl;
column = new PHYSFS_uint16[columnSize/2];
block = new BlockInfo[blockSize / sizeof(BlockInfo) ];
objects = new ObjectPosition[objectPosSize / sizeof(ObjectPosition)];
return 0;
int Map::loadBase() {
PHYSFS_seek(fd, static_cast<PHYSFS_uint64>(_topHeaderSize));
for (int y = 0; y < GTA_MAP_MAXDIMENSION; y++) {
for(int x = 0; x < GTA_MAP_MAXDIMENSION; x++) {
PHYSFS_readULE32(fd, &base[x][y]);
//std::cout << x << "," << y << " : " << base[x][y] << std::endl;
return 0;
int Map::loadColumn() {
if (!PHYSFS_seek(fd, _baseSize + _topHeaderSize)) {
//throw std::string("IO Error while seeking in mapfile");
throw E_IOERROR(PHYSFS_getLastError());
//PHYSFS_uint16 v;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < columnSize/2; i++) {
PHYSFS_readULE16(fd, &column[i]);
//std::cout << i << ": " << v << std::endl;
return 0;
int Map::loadBlock() {
PHYSFS_seek(fd, _baseSize + columnSize + _topHeaderSize);
int i, max;
max = blockSize / sizeof(BlockInfo);
//uint8_t tmp;
for (i = 0; i < max; i++) {
PHYSFS_readULE16(fd, &block[i].typeMap);
PHYSFS_read(fd, static_cast<void*>(&block[i].typeMapExt), 1, 1);
PHYSFS_read(fd, static_cast<void*>(&block[i].left), 1, 1);
PHYSFS_read(fd, static_cast<void*>(&block[i].right), 1, 1);
PHYSFS_read(fd, static_cast<void*>(&block[i].top), 1, 1);
PHYSFS_read(fd, static_cast<void*>(&block[i].bottom), 1, 1);
PHYSFS_read(fd, static_cast<void*>(&block[i].lid), 1, 1);
//block[i].animMode = 0;
return 0;
void Map::loadObjects() {
PHYSFS_seek(fd, _baseSize + columnSize + _topHeaderSize + blockSize);
int c = objectPosSize / sizeof(ObjectPosition);
numObjects = c;
assert(objectPosSize % sizeof(ObjectPosition) == 0);
for (int i=0; i < c; i++) {
PHYSFS_readULE16(fd, &objects[i].x);
PHYSFS_readULE16(fd, &objects[i].y);
PHYSFS_readULE16(fd, &objects[i].z);
PHYSFS_read(fd, static_cast<void*>(&objects[i].type), 1, 1);
PHYSFS_read(fd, static_cast<void*>(&objects[i].remap), 1, 1);
PHYSFS_readULE16(fd, &objects[i].rotation);
PHYSFS_readULE16(fd, &objects[i].pitch);
PHYSFS_readULE16(fd, &objects[i].roll);
// shift every coord? or just if any > 255
objects[i].x = objects[i].x >> 6;
objects[i].y = objects[i].y >> 6;
objects[i].z = objects[i].z >> 6;*/
std::cout << objects[i].x << "," << objects[i].y << "," << objects[i].z << " " << int(objects[i].type)
<< " remap " << int(objects[i].remap)
<< " rot " << objects[i].rotation << " " << objects[i].pitch << " " << objects[i].roll << std::endl;
void Map::loadRoutes() {
//FIXME: missing
PHYSFS_uint32 _si = _baseSize + columnSize + _topHeaderSize +
objectPosSize + blockSize;
PHYSFS_seek(fd, _si);
PHYSFS_uint32 _counted = 0;
while (_counted < routeSize) {
PHYSFS_uint8 num_vertices = 0;
PHYSFS_uint8 route_type = 0;
PHYSFS_read(fd, static_cast<void*>(&num_vertices), 1, 1);
PHYSFS_read(fd, static_cast<void*>(&route_type), 1, 1);
//INFO << "route-t " << int(route_type) << " with " << int(num_vertices) << " vertices" << std::endl;
PHYSFS_uint8 x, y, z;
for (int i=0; i < num_vertices; i++) {
PHYSFS_read(fd, static_cast<void*>(&x), 1, 1);
PHYSFS_read(fd, static_cast<void*>(&y), 1, 1);
PHYSFS_read(fd, static_cast<void*>(&z), 1, 1);
//INFO << int(x) << "," << int(y) << "," << int(z) << std::endl;
_counted += 3;
_counted += 2;
Map::Location::Location() : x(0), y(0), z(0) {}
Map::Location::Location(const Map::Location & other) : x(other.x), y(other.y), z(other.z) {}
void Map::loadLocations() {
//FIXME: missing
PHYSFS_uint32 _si = _baseSize + columnSize + _topHeaderSize +
objectPosSize + routeSize + blockSize;
PHYSFS_seek(fd, _si);
// police
// hospital
// unused
// unused
// fire
// unused
Location loc;
PHYSFS_uint8 loc_type = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 36; ++i) {
PHYSFS_read(fd, static_cast<void*>(&loc.x), 1, 1);
PHYSFS_read(fd, static_cast<void*>(&loc.y), 1, 1);
PHYSFS_read(fd, static_cast<void*>(&loc.z), 1, 1);
if ((loc.x == 0) && (loc.y == 0) && (loc.z == 0))
if (i < 6)
loc_type = 0;
else if ((i >= 6) && (i < 12))
loc_type = 1;
else if ((i >= 24) && (i < 30))
loc_type = 2;
//std::cout << int(loc_type) <<": " << int(loc.x) << ", " << int(loc.y) << ", " << int(loc.z) << std::endl;
locations.insert(std::pair<PHYSFS_uint8, Location*>(loc_type, new Location(loc)));
void Map::loadNavData() {
PHYSFS_uint32 _si = _baseSize + columnSize + _topHeaderSize +
objectPosSize + routeSize + 3 * 6 * 6 + blockSize;
PHYSFS_seek(fd, _si);
nav = new NavData(navDataSize, fd);
PHYSFS_uint16 Map::getNumBlocksAt(PHYSFS_uint8 x, PHYSFS_uint8 y) {
return column[base[x][y] / 2];
PHYSFS_uint16 Map::getNumBlocksAtNew(PHYSFS_uint8 x, PHYSFS_uint8 y) {
return 6 - column[base[x][y] / 2];
Map::BlockInfo* Map::getBlockAt(PHYSFS_uint8 x, PHYSFS_uint8 y, PHYSFS_uint8 z) {
PHYSFS_uint16 v = column[base[x][y] / 2 + z];
return &block[v];
Map::BlockInfo* Map::getBlockAtNew(PHYSFS_uint8 x, PHYSFS_uint8 y, PHYSFS_uint8 z) {
PHYSFS_uint16 idx0 = 6 - column[base[x][y] / 2];
if (idx0 > z)
idx0 -= z;
assert(idx0 > z);
idx0 = column[base[x][y] / 2 + idx0];
return &block[idx0];
PHYSFS_uint16 Map::getInternalIdAt(PHYSFS_uint8 x, PHYSFS_uint8 y, PHYSFS_uint8 z) {
return column[base[x][y] / 2 + z];
Map::BlockInfo* Map::getBlockByInternalId(PHYSFS_uint16 id) {
return &block[id];
void Map::dump() {
for (int y = 0; y < GTA_MAP_MAXDIMENSION; y++) {
for(int x = 0; x < GTA_MAP_MAXDIMENSION; x++) {
std::cout << x << "," << y << ":" << column[base[x][y] / 2] << "||";
PHYSFS_uint16 ts = column[base[x][y] / 2];
std::cout << "(";
for(int t=1; t <= (6 - ts); t++) {
BlockInfo *info = &block[column[base[x][y] / 2 + t]];
std::cout << int(info->slopeType()) << ", ";
std::cout << ")" << std::endl;
#if 0
#include <stdlib.h>
void do_exit() {
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
std::cout << "Physfs-Base: " << PHYSFS_getBaseDir() << std::endl;
PHYSFS_addToSearchPath(PHYSFS_getBaseDir(), 1);
std::cout << "Has: " << argv[1] << " : " << PHYSFS_exists(argv[1]) << std::endl;
OpenGTA::Map a(argv[1]);
return 0;