Compare commits


62 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
64faf81a0d fixed reflector size & android game starting 2018-12-01 19:45:38 +05:00
3d0bbe7ca8 interface fixes 2018-12-01 16:05:43 +05:00
cee9693119 removed debug code 2018-11-30 13:19:55 +05:00
3248d72416 merged gl-reinit, try to fix crash on reiniting 2018-11-29 08:37:06 +05:00
21c4c2a685 save 2018-11-19 00:02:23 +05:00
d2431e9f1c fixes 2018-10-18 20:22:47 +05:00
99cd961d44 master 2018-10-18 13:24:17 +05:00
a9f6a9be2b working with screen resizing 2018-10-17 08:59:08 +05:00
55b042a979 working on opengl resources reinitialization 2018-10-15 17:29:14 +05:00
ce905daa85 minor fix 2018-10-05 02:34:44 +05:00
Emil Kabirov
695f4f7a6d minor fix 2018-10-05 02:24:55 +05:00
ba9cba22eb fixed bugs, added progress saving, setted MIN API to 19 2018-10-05 02:16:10 +05:00
3e3daf6c0c added kotlin plugin for successfull compilation 2018-10-05 00:08:07 +05:00
7a2f0154fb fixed some GUI issues 2018-10-04 06:55:37 +05:00
c7290d0d0f merged 2018-10-03 01:05:22 +05:00
8b2950f9fb added star highlighting, progress saving 2018-10-03 01:03:29 +05:00
650ef4f460 added new stars 2018-10-02 22:45:26 +05:00
216d85cfd7 fix 2018-08-14 18:51:34 +05:00
63049c7d27 added missing header 2018-08-14 17:01:21 +05:00
47c632946d add cpp code for sound calls 2018-08-14 16:53:02 +05:00
584b48c3ab added sound players from obj-c 2018-08-13 21:29:26 +05:00
4ff8b0b88a minor fix 2018-08-12 19:18:46 +05:00
e7fc943114 added cpp functions for sounds 2018-08-12 19:16:12 +05:00
218ac42d6e add exaple sounds for native calls 2018-08-09 20:01:49 +05:00
db6b60d304 removed unneeded data from CMakeList 2018-08-07 23:25:37 +05:00
9ea4ad4b93 minor fix 2018-08-07 23:13:18 +05:00
128c330f48 added example sounds for JNI calls 2018-08-07 23:01:35 +05:00
69cb2f7cd3 workaround to fix broken boost variant, changed minSdkVersion 2018-08-06 21:51:51 +05:00
b4b42561eb fixed debug background images names 2018-08-03 23:55:41 +05:00
ea6e4ff654 Major changes 2018-07-23 01:56:46 +05:00
d605cf62f6 Merge branch 'master' of 2018-07-22 16:36:35 +05:00
b054872af9 Ading menu 2018-07-22 16:36:06 +05:00
5af1984671 add abi filtres 2018-07-19 16:48:37 +05:00
4e35c0e218 Remove console output 2018-07-14 16:53:59 +05:00
7d411110a6 Prepare for Android 2018-07-14 15:49:31 +05:00
2c8440db52 Adjust for Android 2018-07-14 14:10:13 +05:00
ae352e0590 minor changes 2018-06-10 00:51:32 +05:00
74e947b6f3 added levels snapshoting, quick debug loading, some level name refactoring 2018-06-10 00:29:55 +05:00
e25f4e3237 need fix at galaxy_menu.cpp 2018-06-01 16:45:16 +05:00
1abfa608b2 textures fix 2018-05-31 16:47:18 +05:00
c8d69040b3 start menu is now working 2018-05-30 16:21:50 +05:00
82812eecb0 level selection dev 2018-05-29 16:44:55 +05:00
457541edf5 level selection dev 2018-05-28 16:31:01 +05:00
c97c95baa6 menu interact 2018-05-25 16:51:26 +05:00
c30a2115dc menu proc 2018-05-24 16:44:58 +05:00
95bf02bd36 some menu position math 2018-05-23 16:46:02 +05:00
6e610664b0 menu dev 2018-05-22 17:00:30 +05:00
0d9d77769c galaxy obj 2018-05-21 16:19:56 +05:00
16a89a6ae2 assets changes 2018-05-21 12:31:19 +05:00
d8518bd7b9 background texture scaling 2018-05-17 12:56:46 +05:00
bdb032c970 UI button setup 2018-04-05 09:35:49 +05:00
3fa7602880 some new textures + UI test 2018-04-04 16:44:30 +05:00
c97c179199 end of level particle effect 2018-04-03 14:47:08 +05:00
6bd38df453 particle hit effect 2018-04-02 13:46:31 +05:00
2b875dfc2d some fixes for working with engine master branch 2018-03-30 16:16:49 +05:00
4673422314 Screen Resolution Scaling 2018-03-26 16:42:25 +05:00
fe76aec2b2 Level screen scaling 2018-03-23 17:22:07 +05:00
242622f0e6 Texture scaling 2018-03-22 17:50:52 +05:00
f246d1a710 Level screen scaling 2018-03-21 17:55:54 +05:00
0717486119 Screen Scaling 2018-03-20 15:54:53 +05:00
53f576ae3e New walls skins 2018-03-19 17:06:07 +05:00
Vladislav Khorev Dev
7f5aea5047 Fixed building 2017-12-11 18:00:43 +05:00
484 changed files with 24268 additions and 2344 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
## Build generated ## Build generated
build/ build/
DerivedData/ DerivedData/
## Various settings ## Various settings
*.pbxuser *.pbxuser
@ -75,3 +76,5 @@ iOSInjectionProject/
/windows/DoubleHitBalls-win/DoubleHitBalls-win/resources /windows/DoubleHitBalls-win/DoubleHitBalls-win/resources
*.db *.db
*.opendb *.opendb

.idea/codeStyles/Project.xml Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
<component name="ProjectCodeStyleConfiguration">
<code_scheme name="Project" version="173">
<option name="com.jetbrains.cidr.lang.util.OCDeclarationKind" value="Import" />
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<option name="com.jetbrains.cidr.lang.util.OCDeclarationKind" value="Constant" />
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<option name="com.jetbrains.cidr.lang.util.OCDeclarationKind" value="Struct" />
<option name="com.jetbrains.cidr.lang.util.OCDeclarationKind" value="FunctionPredecl" />
<option name="com.jetbrains.cidr.lang.util.OCDeclarationKind" value="Function" />
<option name="com.jetbrains.cidr.lang.util.OCDeclarationKind" value="Property" />
<option name="com.jetbrains.cidr.lang.util.OCDeclarationKind" value="Synthesize" />
<option name="com.jetbrains.cidr.lang.util.OCDeclarationKind" value="InitMethod" />
<option name="com.jetbrains.cidr.lang.util.OCDeclarationKind" value="StaticMethod" />
<option name="com.jetbrains.cidr.lang.util.OCDeclarationKind" value="InstanceMethod" />
<option name="com.jetbrains.cidr.lang.util.OCDeclarationKind" value="DeallocMethod" />
<pair source="cpp" header="h" fileNamingConvention="NONE" />
<pair source="c" header="h" fileNamingConvention="NONE" />

.idea/double-hit-balls.iml Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<module type="JAVA_MODULE" version="4">
<component name="FacetManager">
<facet type="android" name="Android">
<option name="GEN_FOLDER_RELATIVE_PATH_APT" value="/../../double-hit-balls/gen" />
<option name="GEN_FOLDER_RELATIVE_PATH_AIDL" value="/../../double-hit-balls/gen" />
<option name="MANIFEST_FILE_RELATIVE_PATH" value="/../../double-hit-balls/AndroidManifest.xml" />
<option name="RES_FOLDER_RELATIVE_PATH" value="/../../double-hit-balls/res" />
<option name="ASSETS_FOLDER_RELATIVE_PATH" value="/../../double-hit-balls/assets" />
<option name="LIBS_FOLDER_RELATIVE_PATH" value="/../../double-hit-balls/libs" />
<option name="PROGUARD_LOGS_FOLDER_RELATIVE_PATH" value="/../../double-hit-balls/proguard_logs" />
<component name="NewModuleRootManager" inherit-compiler-output="true">
<exclude-output />
<content url="file://$MODULE_DIR$">
<sourceFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/gen" isTestSource="false" generated="true" />
<orderEntry type="jdk" jdkName="Android API 27 Platform" jdkType="Android SDK" />
<orderEntry type="sourceFolder" forTests="false" />

.idea/modules.xml Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project version="4">
<component name="ProjectModuleManager">
<module fileurl="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/.idea/double-hit-balls.iml" filepath="$PROJECT_DIR$/.idea/double-hit-balls.iml" />

.idea/vcs.xml Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project version="4">
<component name="VcsDirectoryMappings">
<mapping directory="" vcs="Git" />

Binary file not shown.


(image error) Size: 35 KiB

Binary file not shown.


(image error) Size: 76 KiB

Binary file not shown.


(image error) Size: 62 KiB

Binary file not shown.


(image error) Size: 696 KiB

Binary file not shown.


(image error) Size: 2.5 MiB

View File

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
precision mediump float;
uniform sampler2D Texture;
uniform vec2 samplesOffset[4];
varying vec2 texCoord;
void main()
vec3 color = vec3(0, 0, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
color += texture2D(Texture, texCoord + samplesOffset[i]).rgb;
color /= 4;
//gl_FragColor = vec4(texture2D(Texture, texCoord ), 1.0);
gl_FragColor = vec4(color, 1.0);

assets/arial32.png Executable file

Binary file not shown.


(image error) Size: 21 KiB

assets/arial32.txt Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
32 0.00488281 0.00976562 0 0.0625 0 0 0.00878906
49 0.00976562 0.00976562 0.00292969 0.0175781 0.00878906 0.0449219 0.0175781
50 0.0234375 0.00976562 0 0.0175781 0.015625 0.0449219 0.0175781
51 0.0439453 0.00976562 0.000976562 0.0175781 0.015625 0.0449219 0.0175781
52 0.0644531 0.00976562 0.000976562 0.0175781 0.015625 0.0449219 0.0175781
53 0.0849609 0.00976562 0.000976562 0.0175781 0.015625 0.0449219 0.0175781
54 0.105469 0.00976562 0.000976562 0.0175781 0.015625 0.0449219 0.0175781
55 0.125977 0.00976562 0.00195312 0.0175781 0.0146484 0.0449219 0.0175781
56 0.145508 0.00976562 0.000976562 0.0175781 0.015625 0.0449219 0.0175781
57 0.166016 0.00976562 0.000976562 0.0175781 0.015625 0.0449219 0.0175781
48 0.186523 0.00976562 0.000976562 0.0175781 0.015625 0.0449219 0.0175781
97 0.207031 0.00976562 0.000976562 0.0292969 0.0146484 0.0332031 0.0166016
98 0.226562 0.00976562 0.00195312 0.0175781 0.0136719 0.0449219 0.0166016
99 0.245117 0.00976562 0.000976562 0.0292969 0.0136719 0.0332031 0.015625
100 0.263672 0.00976562 0.000976562 0.0175781 0.0136719 0.0449219 0.0166016
101 0.282227 0.00976562 0.000976562 0.0292969 0.0146484 0.0332031 0.0166016
102 0.301758 0.00976562 0.000976562 0.0175781 0.00976562 0.0449219 0.00976562
103 0.316406 0.00976562 0 0.0292969 0.0146484 0.0449219 0.0166016
104 0.335938 0.00976562 0.00195312 0.0175781 0.0136719 0.0449219 0.0175781
105 0.354492 0.00976562 0.00195312 0.0175781 0.00292969 0.0449219 0.00683594
106 0.362305 0.00976562 -0.00195312 0.0175781 0.00683594 0.0566406 0.00683594
107 0.374023 0.00976562 0.00195312 0.0175781 0.0136719 0.0449219 0.015625
108 0.392578 0.00976562 0.00195312 0.0175781 0.00292969 0.0449219 0.00683594
109 0.400391 0.00976562 0.00195312 0.0292969 0.0224609 0.0332031 0.0263672
110 0.427734 0.00976562 0.00195312 0.0292969 0.0136719 0.0332031 0.0175781
111 0.446289 0.00976562 0.000976562 0.0292969 0.0146484 0.0332031 0.0166016
112 0.46582 0.00976562 0.00195312 0.0292969 0.0136719 0.0449219 0.0166016
113 0.484375 0.00976562 0.000976562 0.0273438 0.0136719 0.046875 0.0166016
114 0.50293 0.00976562 0.00195312 0.0292969 0.00878906 0.0332031 0.0107422
115 0.516602 0.00976562 0.000976562 0.0292969 0.0136719 0.0332031 0.015625
116 0.535156 0.00976562 0 0.0175781 0.0078125 0.0449219 0.00878906
117 0.547852 0.00976562 0.00195312 0.0292969 0.0136719 0.0332031 0.0175781
118 0.566406 0.00976562 0 0.0292969 0.0146484 0.0332031 0.0146484
119 0.585938 0.00976562 -0.000976562 0.0292969 0.0244141 0.0332031 0.0224609
120 0.615234 0.00976562 0 0.0292969 0.0146484 0.0332031 0.0136719
121 0.634766 0.00976562 0 0.0292969 0.015625 0.0449219 0.0146484
122 0.655273 0.00976562 0 0.0292969 0.0136719 0.0332031 0.0146484
65 0.673828 0.00976562 -0.000976562 0.0175781 0.0224609 0.0449219 0.0205078
66 0.701172 0.00976562 0.00292969 0.0175781 0.0166016 0.0449219 0.0205078
67 0.722656 0.00976562 0.000976562 0.0175781 0.0205078 0.0449219 0.0224609
68 0.748047 0.00976562 0.00292969 0.0175781 0.0185547 0.0449219 0.0224609
69 0.771484 0.00976562 0.00292969 0.0175781 0.015625 0.0449219 0.0205078
70 0.791992 0.00976562 0.00292969 0.0175781 0.015625 0.0449219 0.0195312
71 0.8125 0.00976562 0.000976562 0.0175781 0.0214844 0.0449219 0.0244141
72 0.838867 0.00976562 0.00292969 0.0175781 0.0166016 0.0449219 0.0224609
73 0.860352 0.00976562 0.00292969 0.0175781 0.00292969 0.0449219 0.00878906
74 0.868164 0.00976562 0 0.0175781 0.0126953 0.0449219 0.015625
75 0.885742 0.00976562 0.00292969 0.0175781 0.0185547 0.0449219 0.0205078
76 0.90918 0.00976562 0.00292969 0.0175781 0.0136719 0.0449219 0.0175781
77 0.927734 0.00976562 0.00292969 0.0175781 0.0205078 0.0449219 0.0263672
78 0.953125 0.00976562 0.00292969 0.0175781 0.0166016 0.0449219 0.0224609
79 0.00488281 0.0820312 0.000976562 0.0175781 0.0224609 0.0449219 0.0244141
80 0.0322266 0.0820312 0.00292969 0.0175781 0.0166016 0.0449219 0.0205078
81 0.0537109 0.0820312 0.000976562 0.0175781 0.0224609 0.0488281 0.0244141
82 0.0810547 0.0820312 0.00292969 0.0175781 0.0185547 0.0449219 0.0224609
83 0.104492 0.0820312 0.000976562 0.0175781 0.0175781 0.0449219 0.0205078
84 0.126953 0.0820312 0 0.0175781 0.0185547 0.0449219 0.0185547
85 0.150391 0.0820312 0.00292969 0.0175781 0.0166016 0.0449219 0.0224609
86 0.171875 0.0820312 -0.000976562 0.0175781 0.0224609 0.0449219 0.0205078
87 0.199219 0.0820312 0 0.0175781 0.0302734 0.0449219 0.03125
88 0.234375 0.0820312 0 0.0175781 0.0205078 0.0449219 0.0205078
89 0.259766 0.0820312 0 0.0175781 0.0205078 0.0449219 0.0205078
90 0.285156 0.0820312 0 0.0175781 0.0185547 0.0449219 0.0195312
46 0.308594 0.0820312 0.00292969 0.0566406 0.00292969 0.00585938 0.00878906
44 0.316406 0.0820312 0.00292969 0.0566406 0.00292969 0.015625 0.00878906
58 0.324219 0.0820312 0.00292969 0.0292969 0.00292969 0.0332031 0.00878906
59 0.332031 0.0820312 0.00292969 0.0292969 0.00292969 0.0429688 0.00878906
64 0.339844 0.0820312 0.00195312 0.0175781 0.0292969 0.0585938 0.03125
35 0.374023 0.0820312 0 0.0175781 0.0166016 0.0449219 0.0175781
36 0.395508 0.0820312 0.000976562 0.015625 0.015625 0.0527344 0.0175781
37 0.416016 0.0820312 0.00195312 0.0175781 0.0234375 0.0449219 0.0273438
94 0.444336 0.0820312 0.000976562 0.0175781 0.0117188 0.0234375 0.0136719
38 0.460938 0.0820312 0.000976562 0.0175781 0.0185547 0.0449219 0.0205078
42 0.484375 0.0820312 0.000976562 0.0175781 0.00976562 0.0195312 0.0117188
33 0.499023 0.0820312 0.00390625 0.0175781 0.00292969 0.0449219 0.0107422
63 0.506836 0.0820312 0.000976562 0.0175781 0.015625 0.0449219 0.0175781
40 0.527344 0.0820312 0.00195312 0.0175781 0.0078125 0.0566406 0.0107422
41 0.540039 0.0820312 0.000976562 0.0175781 0.0078125 0.0566406 0.0107422
91 0.552734 0.0820312 0.00195312 0.0175781 0.00585938 0.0566406 0.00878906
93 0.563477 0.0820312 0.000976562 0.0175781 0.00585938 0.0566406 0.00878906
123 0.574219 0.0820312 0.000976562 0.0175781 0.00878906 0.0566406 0.0107422
125 0.587891 0.0820312 0.000976562 0.0175781 0.00878906 0.0566406 0.0107422
60 0.601562 0.0820312 0.00195312 0.0253906 0.0146484 0.0292969 0.0185547
62 0.621094 0.0820312 0.00195312 0.0253906 0.0146484 0.0292969 0.0185547
95 0.640625 0.0820312 -0.000976562 0.0683594 0.0185547 0.00585938 0.0175781
45 0.664062 0.0820312 0.000976562 0.0429688 0.00878906 0.00585938 0.0107422
43 0.677734 0.0820312 0.00195312 0.0253906 0.0146484 0.0292969 0.0185547
61 0.697266 0.0820312 0.00195312 0.0292969 0.0146484 0.0195312 0.0185547
124 0.716797 0.0820312 0.00292969 0.0175781 0.00195312 0.0585938 0.0078125
92 0.723633 0.0820312 0 0.0175781 0.00976562 0.0449219 0.00878906
47 0.738281 0.0820312 0 0.0175781 0.00976562 0.0449219 0.00878906
126 0.75293 0.0820312 0.000976562 0.0351562 0.015625 0.0117188 0.0185547
96 0.773438 0.0820312 0.000976562 0.0175781 0.00585938 0.0078125 0.0107422
34 0.78418 0.0820312 0.000976562 0.0175781 0.00878906 0.015625 0.0107422
39 0.797852 0.0820312 0.000976562 0.0175781 0.00292969 0.015625 0.00585938

Binary file not shown.


(image error) Size: 180 KiB

assets/ball.png Executable file

Binary file not shown.


(image error) Size: 962 B

assets/ball_glow.png Executable file

Binary file not shown.


(image error) Size: 3.3 KiB

assets/ball_mod1.png Executable file

Binary file not shown.


(image error) Size: 1.5 KiB

assets/bg_textures_config.json Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
"useDebugBackgrounds": "true",
"bg_1": "022259762-alien-world",
"bg_2": "029655296-mountains-landscape",
"bg_3": "065090581-exoplanet-exploration",
"bg_4": "037162994-sunset-illeo",
"bg_5": "038904975-dying-world",
"bg_6": "039839543-fantastic-landscape",
"bg_7": "040712579-fantastic-landscape",
"bg_8": "040712589-fantastic-landscape",
"bg_9": "040892807-fantastic-landscape",
"bg_10": "040892815-fantastic-landscape",
"bg_11": "041515701-fantastic-landscape",
"bg_12": "047196154-venus-landscape",
"bg_13": "053070150-moon-landscape",
"bg_14": "053070150-moon-landscape",
"bg_15": "058104293-red-planet-saturn-moon",
"bg_16": "060594794-sunset-alien-planet-and-20km-g",
"bg_17": "065090581-exoplanet-exploration",
"bg_18": "065743048-exoplanet-exploration-3d-rende",
"bg_19": "068717925-lava-landscape-3d-illustration",
"bg_20": "081085895-flying-over-mountains-sunny-da",
"bg_21": "088515499-mars-red-planet-landscape-moun",
"bg_22": "black_background_image"

assets/black_square.png Executable file

Binary file not shown.


(image error) Size: 923 B

assets/block1.png Executable file

Binary file not shown.


(image error) Size: 1.3 KiB

assets/block1_mod1.png Executable file

Binary file not shown.


(image error) Size: 3.4 KiB

assets/block2.png Executable file

Binary file not shown.


(image error) Size: 1.7 KiB

assets/block2_mod1.png Executable file

Binary file not shown.


(image error) Size: 3.3 KiB

assets/block3.png Executable file

Binary file not shown.


(image error) Size: 1.7 KiB

assets/block3_mod1.png Executable file

Binary file not shown.


(image error) Size: 3.3 KiB

assets/bonus_floor.png Executable file

Binary file not shown.


(image error) Size: 759 B

assets/bonus_floor_mod1.png Executable file

Binary file not shown.


(image error) Size: 5.9 KiB

assets/bonus_gothrough.png Executable file

Binary file not shown.


(image error) Size: 1022 B

assets/bonus_gothrough_mod1.png Executable file

Binary file not shown.


(image error) Size: 10 KiB

assets/bonus_multiplier.png Executable file

Binary file not shown.


(image error) Size: 564 B

assets/bonus_multiplier_mod1.png Executable file

Binary file not shown.


(image error) Size: 6.1 KiB

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
precision mediump float;
varying vec4 color;
void main()
gl_FragColor = color;

assets/config.json Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"lefteffect": "effects/ball-hit-spark-l.json",
"righteffect": "effects/ball-hit-spark-r.json",
"topeffect": "effects/ball-hit-spark-t.json",
"boteffect": "effects/ball-hit-spark-b.json",
"lvlFinish": "effects/magic-stars-firework.json"

assets/credits.png Executable file

Binary file not shown.


(image error) Size: 13 KiB

Binary file not shown.


(image error) Size: 12 KiB

assets/effects/O-func.json Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
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assets/effects/S-func.json Executable file
View File

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assets/effects/chaotic.json Executable file
View File

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assets/effects/confetti.json Executable file
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assets/effects/magic-stars.json Executable file
View File

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assets/effects/sine-comets.json Executable file
View File

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assets/effects/sine-sparks.json Executable file
View File

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Binary file not shown.


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Binary file not shown.


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Binary file not shown.


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(image error) Size: 604 KiB

Binary file not shown.


(image error) Size: 2.1 MiB

Binary file not shown.


(image error) Size: 5.4 MiB

Binary file not shown.


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Binary file not shown.


(image error) Size: 1.1 MiB

Binary file not shown.


(image error) Size: 1.2 MiB

Binary file not shown.


(image error) Size: 2.1 MiB

Binary file not shown.


(image error) Size: 5.4 MiB

Binary file not shown.


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Binary file not shown.


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Binary file not shown.


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Binary file not shown.


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